123,546 research outputs found

    Textual Stylistic Variation: Choices, Genres and Individuals

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    This chapter argues for more informed target metrics for the statistical processing of stylistic variation in text collections. Much as operationalized relevance proved a useful goal to strive for in information retrieval, research in textual stylistics, whether application oriented or philologically inclined, needs goals formulated in terms of pertinence, relevance, and utility — notions that agree with reader ex- perience of text. Differences readers are aware of are mostly based on utility — not on textual characteristics per se. Mostly, readers report stylistic differences in terms of genres. Genres, while vague and undefined, are well-established and talked about: very early on, readers learn to distinguish genres. This chapter discusses variation given by genre, and contrasts it to variation occasioned by individual choice

    Off-line vs. On-line Evaluation of Recommender Systems in Small E-commerce

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    In this paper, we present our work towards comparing on-line and off-line evaluation metrics in the context of small e-commerce recommender systems. Recommending on small e-commerce enterprises is rather challenging due to the lower volume of interactions and low user loyalty, rarely extending beyond a single session. On the other hand, we usually have to deal with lower volumes of objects, which are easier to discover by users through various browsing/searching GUIs. The main goal of this paper is to determine applicability of off-line evaluation metrics in learning true usability of recommender systems (evaluated on-line in A/B testing). In total 800 variants of recommending algorithms were evaluated off-line w.r.t. 18 metrics covering rating-based, ranking-based, novelty and diversity evaluation. The off-line results were afterwards compared with on-line evaluation of 12 selected recommender variants and based on the results, we tried to learn and utilize an off-line to on-line results prediction model. Off-line results shown a great variance in performance w.r.t. different metrics with the Pareto front covering 68\% of the approaches. Furthermore, we observed that on-line results are considerably affected by the novelty of users. On-line metrics correlates positively with ranking-based metrics (AUC, MRR, nDCG) for novice users, while too high values of diversity and novelty had a negative impact on the on-line results for them. For users with more visited items, however, the diversity became more important, while ranking-based metrics relevance gradually decrease.Comment: Submitted to ACM Hypertext 2020 Conferenc

    Watch and Learn: Semi-Supervised Learning of Object Detectors from Videos

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    We present a semi-supervised approach that localizes multiple unknown object instances in long videos. We start with a handful of labeled boxes and iteratively learn and label hundreds of thousands of object instances. We propose criteria for reliable object detection and tracking for constraining the semi-supervised learning process and minimizing semantic drift. Our approach does not assume exhaustive labeling of each object instance in any single frame, or any explicit annotation of negative data. Working in such a generic setting allow us to tackle multiple object instances in video, many of which are static. In contrast, existing approaches either do not consider multiple object instances per video, or rely heavily on the motion of the objects present. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by evaluating the automatically labeled data on a variety of metrics like quality, coverage (recall), diversity, and relevance to training an object detector.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201

    Unsupervised Neural Stylistic Text Generation using Transfer learning and Adapters

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    Research has shown that personality is a key driver to improve engagement and user experience in conversational systems. Conversational agents should also maintain a consistent persona to have an engaging conversation with a user. However, text generation datasets are often crowd sourced and thereby have an averaging effect where the style of the generation model is an average style of all the crowd workers that have contributed to the dataset. While one can collect persona-specific datasets for each task, it would be an expensive and time consuming annotation effort. In this work, we propose a novel transfer learning framework which updates only 0.3%0.3\% of model parameters to learn style specific attributes for response generation. For the purpose of this study, we tackle the problem of stylistic story ending generation using the ROC stories Corpus. We learn style specific attributes from the PERSONALITY-CAPTIONS dataset. Through extensive experiments and evaluation metrics we show that our novel training procedure can improve the style generation by 200 over Encoder-Decoder baselines while maintaining on-par content relevance metrics wit

    DiffuCOMET: Contextual Commonsense Knowledge Diffusion

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    Inferring contextually-relevant and diverse commonsense to understand narratives remains challenging for knowledge models. In this work, we develop a series of knowledge models, DiffuCOMET, that leverage diffusion to learn to reconstruct the implicit semantic connections between narrative contexts and relevant commonsense knowledge. Across multiple diffusion steps, our method progressively refines a representation of commonsense facts that is anchored to a narrative, producing contextually-relevant and diverse commonsense inferences for an input context. To evaluate DiffuCOMET, we introduce new metrics for commonsense inference that more closely measure knowledge diversity and contextual relevance. Our results on two different benchmarks, ComFact and WebNLG+, show that knowledge generated by DiffuCOMET achieves a better trade-off between commonsense diversity, contextual relevance and alignment to known gold references, compared to baseline knowledge models

    Relevance-based Word Embedding

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    Learning a high-dimensional dense representation for vocabulary terms, also known as a word embedding, has recently attracted much attention in natural language processing and information retrieval tasks. The embedding vectors are typically learned based on term proximity in a large corpus. This means that the objective in well-known word embedding algorithms, e.g., word2vec, is to accurately predict adjacent word(s) for a given word or context. However, this objective is not necessarily equivalent to the goal of many information retrieval (IR) tasks. The primary objective in various IR tasks is to capture relevance instead of term proximity, syntactic, or even semantic similarity. This is the motivation for developing unsupervised relevance-based word embedding models that learn word representations based on query-document relevance information. In this paper, we propose two learning models with different objective functions; one learns a relevance distribution over the vocabulary set for each query, and the other classifies each term as belonging to the relevant or non-relevant class for each query. To train our models, we used over six million unique queries and the top ranked documents retrieved in response to each query, which are assumed to be relevant to the query. We extrinsically evaluate our learned word representation models using two IR tasks: query expansion and query classification. Both query expansion experiments on four TREC collections and query classification experiments on the KDD Cup 2005 dataset suggest that the relevance-based word embedding models significantly outperform state-of-the-art proximity-based embedding models, such as word2vec and GloVe.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of The 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '17
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