247 research outputs found

    About [q]-regularity properties of collections of sets

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    We examine three primal space local Hoelder type regularity properties of finite collections of sets, namely, [q]-semiregularity, [q]-subregularity, and uniform [q]-regularity as well as their quantitative characterizations. Equivalent metric characterizations of the three mentioned regularity properties as well as a sufficient condition of [q]-subregularity in terms of Frechet normals are established. The relationships between [q]-regularity properties of collections of sets and the corresponding regularity properties of set-valued mappings are discussed.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1309.700

    Quantitative Stability and Optimality Conditions in Convex Semi-Infinite and Infinite Programming

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    This paper concerns parameterized convex infinite (or semi-infinite) inequality systems whose decision variables run over general infinite-dimensional Banach (resp. finite-dimensional) spaces and that are indexed by an arbitrary fixed set T . Parameter perturbations on the right-hand side of the inequalities are measurable and bounded, and thus the natural parameter space is l(T)l_{\infty}(T). Based on advanced variational analysis, we derive a precise formula for computing the exact Lipschitzian bound of the feasible solution map, which involves only the system data, and then show that this exact bound agrees with the coderivative norm of the aforementioned mapping. On one hand, in this way we extend to the convex setting the results of [4] developed in the linear framework under the boundedness assumption on the system coefficients. On the other hand, in the case when the decision space is reflexive, we succeed to remove this boundedness assumption in the general convex case, establishing therefore results new even for linear infinite and semi-infinite systems. The last part of the paper provides verifiable necessary optimality conditions for infinite and semi-infinite programs with convex inequality constraints and general nonsmooth and nonconvex objectives. In this way we extend the corresponding results of [5] obtained for programs with linear infinite inequality constraints

    Constraint Qualifications and Optimality Conditions for Nonconvex Semi-Infinite and Infinite Programs

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    The paper concerns the study of new classes of nonlinear and nonconvex optimization problems of the so-called infinite programming that are generally defined on infinite-dimensional spaces of decision variables and contain infinitely many of equality and inequality constraints with arbitrary (may not be compact) index sets. These problems reduce to semi-infinite programs in the case of finite-dimensional spaces of decision variables. We extend the classical Mangasarian-Fromovitz and Farkas-Minkowski constraint qualifications to such infinite and semi-infinite programs. The new qualification conditions are used for efficient computing the appropriate normal cones to sets of feasible solutions for these programs by employing advanced tools of variational analysis and generalized differentiation. In the further development we derive first-order necessary optimality conditions for infinite and semi-infinite programs, which are new in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional settings.Comment: 28 page

    An induction theorem and nonlinear regularity models

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    A general nonlinear regularity model for a set-valued mapping F:X×R+YF:X\times R_+\rightrightarrows Y, where XX and YY are metric spaces, is considered using special iteration procedures, going back to Banach, Schauder, Lusternik and Graves. Namely, we revise the induction theorem from Khanh, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 118 (1986) and employ it to obtain basic estimates for studying regularity/openness properties. We also show that it can serve as a substitution of the Ekeland variational principle when establishing other regularity criteria. Then, we apply the induction theorem and the mentioned estimates to establish criteria for both global and local versions of regularity/openness properties for our model and demonstrate how the definitions and criteria translate into the conventional setting of a set-valued mapping F:XYF:X\rightrightarrows Y.Comment: 28 page