6 research outputs found

    Deterministic and stochastic methods for gaze tracking in real-time

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    Psychological evidence demonstrates how eye gaze analysis is requested for human computer interaction endowed with emotion recognition capabilities. The existing proposals analyse eyelid and iris motion by using colour information and edge detectors, but eye movements are quite fast and difficult for precise and robust tracking. Instead, we propose to reduce the dimensionality of the image-data by using multi-Gaussian modelling and transition estimations by applying partial differences. The tracking system can handle illumination changes, low-image resolution and occlusions while estimating eyelid and iris movements as continuous variables. Therefore, this is an accurate and robust tracking system for eyelids and irises in 3D for standard image quality.Peer Reviewe

    EYEDIAP Database: Data Description and Gaze Tracking Evaluation Benchmarks

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    The lack of a common benchmark for the evaluation of the gaze estimation task from RGB and RGB-D data is a serious limitation for distinguishing the advantages and disadvantages of the many proposed algorithms found in the literature. The EYEDIAP database intends to overcome this limitation by providing a common framework for the training and evaluation of gaze estimation approaches. In particular, this database has been designed to enable the evaluation of the robustness of algorithms with respect to the main challenges associated to this task: i) Head pose variations; ii) Person variation; iii) Changes in ambient and sensing conditions and iv) Types of target: screen or 3D object. This technical report contains an extended description of the database, we include the processing methodology for the elements provided along with the raw data, the database organization and additional benchmarks we consider relevant to evaluate diverse properties of a given gaze estimator

    Geometric Generative Gaze Estimation (G3E) for Remote RGB-D Cameras

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    We propose a head pose invariant gaze estimation model for distant RGB-D cameras. It relies on a geometric understanding of the 3D gaze action and generation of eye images. By introducing a semantic segmentation of the eye region within a generative process, the model (i) avoids the critical feature tracking of geometrical approaches requiring high resolution images; (ii) decouples the person dependent geometry from the ambient conditions, allowing adaptation to different conditions without retraining. Priors in the generative framework are adequate for training from few samples. In addition, the model is capable of gaze extrapolation allowing for less restrictive training schemes. Comparisons with state of the art methods validate these properties which make our method highly valuable for addressing many diverse tasks in sociology, HRI and HCI

    Meticulously Detailed Eye Model and its Application to Analysis of Facial Image

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    Abstract – We propose a system that is capable of detailed analysis of eye region images including position of the iris, degree of eyelid opening, and shape and texture of the eyelid. The system is based on a generative eye model that defines fine structures and motions of eye. The structure parameters represent structural individuality of the eye, including size and color of the iris, width and boldness of the double-fold eyelid, width of the bulge below the eye and width of the illumination reflection on the bulge. The motion parameters represent movements of the eye, including up-down position of the upper and lower eyelids and 2D position of the iris. The system first registers the eye model to the input in a particular frame and individualizes the model by adjusting the structure parameters. Then, it tracks motion of the eye by estimating the motion parameters across the entire image sequence. Combined with image stabilization to compensate the head motion, the registration and motion recovery of the eye are guaranteed to be robust

    3D Gaze Estimation from Remote RGB-D Sensors

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    The development of systems able to retrieve and characterise the state of humans is important for many applications and fields of study. In particular, as a display of attention and interest, gaze is a fundamental cue in understanding people activities, behaviors, intentions, state of mind and personality. Moreover, gaze plays a major role in the communication process, like for showing attention to the speaker, indicating who is addressed or averting gaze to keep the floor. Therefore, many applications within the fields of human-human, human-robot and human-computer interaction could benefit from gaze sensing. However, despite significant advances during more than three decades of research, current gaze estimation technologies can not address the conditions often required within these fields, such as remote sensing, unconstrained user movements and minimum user calibration. Furthermore, to reduce cost, it is preferable to rely on consumer sensors, but this usually leads to low resolution and low contrast images that current techniques can hardly cope with. In this thesis we investigate the problem of automatic gaze estimation under head pose variations, low resolution sensing and different levels of user calibration, including the uncalibrated case. We propose to build a non-intrusive gaze estimation system based on remote consumer RGB-D sensors. In this context, we propose algorithmic solutions which overcome many of the limitations of previous systems. We thus address the main aspects of this problem: 3D head pose tracking, 3D gaze estimation, and gaze based application modeling. First, we develop an accurate model-based 3D head pose tracking system which adapts to the participant without requiring explicit actions. Second, to achieve a head pose invariant gaze estimation, we propose a method to correct the eye image appearance variations due to head pose. We then investigate on two different methodologies to infer the 3D gaze direction. The first one builds upon machine learning regression techniques. In this context, we propose strategies to improve their generalization, in particular, to handle different people. The second methodology is a new paradigm we propose and call geometric generative gaze estimation. This novel approach combines the benefits of geometric eye modeling (normally restricted to high resolution images due to the difficulty of feature extraction) with a stochastic segmentation process (adapted to low-resolution) within a Bayesian model allowing the decoupling of user specific geometry and session specific appearance parameters, along with the introduction of priors, which are appropriate for adaptation relying on small amounts of data. The aforementioned gaze estimation methods are validated through extensive experiments in a comprehensive database which we collected and made publicly available. Finally, we study the problem of automatic gaze coding in natural dyadic and group human interactions. The system builds upon the thesis contributions to handle unconstrained head movements and the lack of user calibration. It further exploits the 3D tracking of participants and their gaze to conduct a 3D geometric analysis within a multi-camera setup. Experiments on real and natural interactions demonstrate the system is highly accuracy. Overall, the methods developed in this dissertation are suitable for many applications, involving large diversity in terms of setup configuration, user calibration and mobility