173 research outputs found

    Reinforcement, Dopamine and Rodent Models in Drug Development for ADHD

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) presents special challenges for drug development. Current treatment with psychostimulants and nonstimulants is effective, but their mechanism of action beyond the cellular level is incompletely understood. We review evidence suggesting that altered reinforcement mechanisms are a fundamental characteristic of ADHD. We show that a deficit in the transfer of dopamine signals from established positive reinforcers to cues that predict such reinforcers may underlie these altered reinforcement mechanisms, and in turn explain key symptoms of ADHD. We argue that the neural substrates controlling the excitation and inhibition of dopamine neurons during the transfer process are a promising target for future drug development. There is a need to develop animal models and behavioral paradigms that can be used to experimentally investigate these mechanisms and their effects on sensitivity to reinforcement. More specific and selective targeting of drug development may be possible through this approach

    Disentangling Brain Networks in Adult ADHD: Studies with fMRI and TMS

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    Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is not only limited to young patients. It is increasingly diagnosed in adults. Although the estimated prevalence in Europe ranges between 2 and 3% (48), the knowledge about adult ADHD pathophysiology and its neurobiological basis developed only in the past two decades, primarily stimulated by the rapid developments in modern genetic and imaging techniques. ADHD in adulthood leads to an array of major psychosocial problems such as social maladaptation, academic underachieving, antisocial and aggressive behaviour, relation problems, high risk sexual behaviour and car accidents (11,12;55;67;66). These factors in total lead to a negative impact on social and economic well-being of the individual


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    Effects of pharmacotherapies for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on cocaine abuse liability in ADHD are not understood. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR), an ADHD model, exhibited greater cocaine self-administration than control Wistar-Kyoto and Wistar rats. Methylphenidate, but not atomoxetine during adolescence enhanced cocaine self-administration in adult SHRs compared to controls. The mesocortical dopaminergic system, including medial prefrontal (mPFC) and orbitofrontal (OFC) cortices, is important for ADHD and cocaine addiction. Dopamine and norepinephrine transporter (DAT and NET) are molecular targets for methylphenidate, atomoxetine and cocaine action. In the current studies, SHR, Wistar-Kyoto and Wistar were administered methylphenidate (1.5 mg/kg/day, p.o.), atomoxetine (0.3 mg/kg/day, i.p.) or vehicle during adolescence (postnatal day 28-55). During adulthood (\u3e77 days), DAT and NET functions in mPFC and OFC were determined as neurochemical mechanisms and locomotor sensitization to cocaine, and impulsivity under differential reinforcement of low rates 30-second (DRL30) schedule were evaluated as behavioral mechanisms associated with greater cocaine self-administration in methylphenidate-treated SHRs. Maximal velocity of [3H]dopamine uptake (Vmax) by DAT and DAT cellular distribution in mPFC and OFC did not differ between vehicle-control, adult SHR, Wistar-Kyoto and Wistar. Methylphenidate increased DAT Vmax, but not cell-surface expression, in SHR mPFC. In contrast, atomoxetine decreased Vmax and cell-surface expression in SHR OFC. Compared to control strains, norepinephrine uptake by NET in the OFC was increased in vehicle-administered SHR; methylphenidate during adolescence normalized NET function in SHR OFC. Locomotor sensitization was greater in SHR compared to control, and was not altered by methylphenidate. Under DRL30, methylphenidate increased burst responses in adult SHR compared to vehicle control as well as methylphenidate-treated Wistar-Kyoto and Wistar, indicating increased impulsivity. Increased OFC NET function, increased impulsivity and cocaine sensitivity may be the neurobehavioral mechanisms associated with the increased cocaine self-administration in SHR. Increased mPFC DAT function may underlie the enhanced impulsivity and cocaine self-administration in SHR administered methylphenidate during adolescence. Decreased OFC DAT function from atomoxetine-treated SHR may explain the reduced cocaine self-administration relative to methylphenidate. Thus, methylphenidate during adolescence in ADHD may increase risk for cocaine abuse, while atomoxetine may represent a therapeutic alternative for at-risk adolescents with ADHD

    Abnormal Striatal BOLD Responses to Reward Anticipation and Reward Delivery in ADHD

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    Altered reward processing has been proposed to contribute to the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The neurobiological mechanism underlying this alteration remains unclear. We hypothesize that the transfer of dopamine release from reward to reward-predicting cues, as normally observed in animal studies, may be deficient in ADHD. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to investigate striatal responses to reward-predicting cues and reward delivery in a classical conditioning paradigm. Data from 14 high-functioning and stimulant-naïve young adults with elevated lifetime symptoms of ADHD (8 males, 6 females) and 15 well-matched controls (8 males, 7 females) were included in the analyses. During reward anticipation, increased blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) responses in the right ventral and left dorsal striatum were observed in controls, but not in the ADHD group. The opposite pattern was observed in response to reward delivery; the ADHD group demonstrated significantly greater BOLD responses in the ventral striatum bilaterally and the left dorsal striatum relative to controls. In the ADHD group, the number of current hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms was inversely related to ventral striatal responses during reward anticipation and positively associated with responses to reward. The BOLD response patterns observed in the striatum are consistent with impaired predictive dopamine signaling in ADHD, which may explain altered reward-contingent behaviors and symptoms of ADHD

    Age-related grey matter volume correlates of response inhibition and shifting in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Background Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have difficulties with executive function and impulse control which may improve with age. Aims To map the brain correlates of executive function in ADHD and determine age-related changes in reaction times and brain volumes. Method Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and control groups were compared on the change task measures of response inhibition (stop signal reaction time, SSRT) and shifting (change response reaction time, CRRT). voxel-wise magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) correlations of reaction times and grey matter volume were determined, along with bivariate correlations of reaction times, brain volumes and age.Results Individuals in the ADHD group had longer SSRTs and CRRTs. Anterior cingulate, striatal and medial temporal volumes highly correlated with SSRT. Striatal and cerebellar volumes strongly correlated with CRRT. Older children had faster reaction times and larger regional brain volumes. In controls, orbitofrontal, medial temporal and cerebellar volumes correlated with CRRT but not SSRT. Neither reaction times nor regional brain volumes were strongly age- dependent. Conclusions Our evidence supports delayed brain maturation in ADHD and implies that some features of ADHD improve with age.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Reinforcement, Dopamine and Rodent Models in Drug Development for ADHD

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    This dissertation work investigated the effect of acute and repeated in vivo administration of lobeline on dopamine transporter (DAT) and vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT2) function. The effects of lobeline were then compared to the effects of acute and repeated in vivo administration of methylphenidate and amphetamine to determine if lobeline produced similar effects compared to these Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) medications. These medications are considered the first line of pharmacotherapy for ADHD, although there is a growing concern associated with their potential for abuse and other side effects. This merits the need for novel ADHD treatments that have a safer side effect profile. If lobeline alters DAT and VMAT2 function in the same way as methylphenidate or amphetamine, further investigation may be necessary to evaluate lobeline as a potential treatment for ADHD. Kinetic analysis of [3H]dopamine (DA) was utilized to determine the effect on DAT and VMAT2 function in rat striatum. Results from the DAT experiments, revealed that lobeline as well as amphetamine had no effect on DAT function. However, methylphenidate increased DAT function after acute and 7-day treatment. None of the drug treatment regimens altered Km. To determine if the methylphenidateinduced increase in DAT function was due to DAT trafficking, biotinylation and Western blot analyses were performed. Acute administration of methylphenidate did not alter surface DAT, however repeated administration of methylphenidate for 7 days decreased intracellular DAT, suggesting that methylphenidate redistributes DAT in a time-dependent manner. Similar results were found in the VMAT2 experiments. Lobeline and amphetamine had no effect on VMAT2 function after acute or repeated administration. Amphetamine decreased the Km after repeated administration for 7 days. Methylphenidate increased VMAT2 function after acute and repeated administration for 7 days. The overall results of these experiments suggest that methylphenidate interacts with DAT and VMAT2 in a different manner than amphetamine and lobeline. In addition, since lobeline and amphetamine had no effect on DAT and VMAT2 function, further investigation is warranted to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of the therapeutic actions of these agents. This additional information will aid in the development of novel treatments for ADHD

    The electroretinogram b-wave amplitude: a differential physiological measure for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Background: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent childhood neurodevelopmental disorder. It shares some genetic risk with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and the conditions often occur together. Both are potentially associated with abnormal glutamate and GABA neurotransmission, which can be modelled by measuring the synaptic activity in the retina with an electroretinogram (ERG). Reduction of retinal responses in ASD has been reported, but little is known about retinal activity in ADHD. In this study, we compared the light-adapted ERGs of individuals with ADHD, ASD and controls to investigate whether retinal responses differ between these neurodevelopmental conditions. / Methods: Full field light-adapted ERGs were recorded from 15 ADHD, 57 ASD (without ADHD) and 59 control participants, aged from 5.4 to 27.3 years old. A Troland protocol was used with a random series of nine flash strengths from −0.367 to 1.204 log photopic cd.s.m−2. The time-to-peak and amplitude of the a- and b-waves and the parameters of the Photopic Negative Response (PhNR) were compared amongst the three groups of participants, using generalised estimating equations. / Results: Statistically significant elevations of the ERG b-wave amplitudes, PhNR responses and faster timings of the b-wave time-to-peak were found in those with ADHD compared with both the control and ASD groups. The greatest elevation in the b-wave amplitudes associated with ADHD were observed at 1.204 log phot cd.s.m−2 flash strength (p <.0001), at which the b-wave amplitude in ASD was significantly lower than that in the controls. Using this measure, ADHD could be distinguished from ASD with an area under the curve of 0.88. / Conclusions: The ERG b-wave amplitude appears to be a distinctive differential feature for both ADHD and ASD, which produced a reversed pattern of b-wave responses. These findings imply imbalances between glutamate and GABA neurotransmission which primarily regulate the b-wave formation. Abnormalities in the b-wave amplitude could provisionally serve as a biomarker for both neurodevelopmental conditions

    The impact of psychostimulant administration during development on adult brain functions controlling motivation, impulsivity and cognition.

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    ADHD pharmacotherapy uses methylphenidate (MPH), D-amphetamine (D- amph), two psychostimulants targeting dopamine transporters, or atomoxetine (ATX), specifically targeting norepinephrine transporters. We have assessed the pharmacological mechanisms of these three drugs on the in vitro efflux of neurotransmitters in rat prefrontal cortex (PFC) and striatal slices as well as on the in vivo electrical activities of PFC pyramidal neurons, striatal medium spiny neurons, ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons or dorsal raphe nucleus serotonin neurons, using single cell extracellular electrophysiological recording techniques. We have also tested whether chronic methylphenidate treatment, during either adolescence or adulthood, could have long-lasting consequences on body growth, depression and neuronal functions. Release experiments showed that all ADHD drugs induce dose-dependent dopamine efflux in both the PFC and striatum, with different efficacies, while only D- amph induced cortical norepinephrine efflux. Atomoxetine induced an unexpected massive dopamine outflow in striatal regions, by mechanisms that depend on physiological parameters. Our electrophysiological studies indicate that all three drugs equally stimulate the excitability of PFC pyramidal neurons, in basal and NMDA-evoked conditions, when administered acutely (3 mg/kg). While the electrophysiological effects elicited by psychostimulants may be dependent on D1 receptor activation, those induced by atomoxetine relied on different mechanisms. In the ventral tegmental area (VTA), methylphenidate (2 mg/kg), but not atomoxetine, induced firing and burst activity reductions, through dopamine D2 autoreceptor activation. Reversal of such effects (eticlopride 0.2 mg/kg) revealed an excitatory effect of methylphenidate on midbrain dopamine neurons that appear to be dependent on glutamate pathways and the combination of D1 and alpha-1 receptors. Finally, acute intraperitoneal psychostimulant injections increased vertical locomotor activity as well as NMDA2B protein expression in the striatum. Some animals chronically treated with intraperitoneal administrations (methylphenidate 4 mg/kg/day or saline 1.2 ml/kg/day) showed decreased body weight gain. Voluntary oral methylphenidate intake induces desensitisation to subsequent intravenous methylphenidate challenges, without altering dopamine D2 receptor plasticity. Significant decreases in striatal NMDA2B protein expression were observed in animals chronically treated. After adolescent MPH treatment, midbrain dopaminergic neurons do not display either desensitisation or sensitisation to intravenous methylphenidate re-challenges. However, partial dopamine D2 receptor desensitisation was observed in midbrain dopamine neurons. Using behavioural experiments, cross-sensitisation between adolescent methylphenidate exposure and later-life D-amphetamine challenge was observed. Significant decreases in striatal NMDA2B protein expression were observed in animals chronically treated, while striatal medium spiny neurons showed decreased sensitivities to locally applied NMDA and dopamine. While caffeine is devoid of action on baseline spike generation and burst activity of dopamine neurons, nicotine induces either firing rate enhancement, firing rate reduction, or has no consequences. Adolescent methylphenidate treatment leads to decreased neuronal sensitivities to the combination of nicotine, MPH and eticlopride, compared to controls. Finally, nicotine partially prevented D-amphetamine-induced increase of rearing activities. Our results show that increases in the excitability of PFC neurons in basal conditions and via NMDA receptor activation may be involved in the therapeutic response to ADHD drugs. Long-term consequences were observed after psychostimulant exposure. Such novel findings strengthen the mixed hypothesis in ADHD, whereby both dopamine and glutamate neurotransmissions are dysregulated. Therefore, ADHD therapy may now focus on adequate balancing between glutamate and dopamine