35,478 research outputs found

    Methods in Molecular Biology

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    Primary neuronal cell culture preparations are widely used to investigate synaptic functions. This chapter describes a detailed protocol for the preparation of a neuronal cell culture in which giant calyx-type synaptic terminals are formed. This chapter also presents detailed protocols for utilizing the main technical advantages provided by such a preparation, namely, labeling and imaging of synaptic organelles and electrophysiological recordings directly from presynaptic terminals

    Methods in Molecular Biology

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    The history of auxin and cytokinin biology including the initial discoveries by father–son duo Charles Darwin and Francis Darwin (1880), and Gottlieb Haberlandt (1919) is a beautiful demonstration of unceasing continuity of research. Novel findings are integrated into existing hypotheses and models and deepen our understanding of biological principles. At the same time new questions are triggered and hand to hand with this new methodologies are developed to address these new challenges

    Methods in Molecular Biology

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    Developmental processes are inherently dynamic and understanding them requires quantitative measurements of gene and protein expression levels in space and time. While live imaging is a powerful approach for obtaining such data, it is still a challenge to apply it over long periods of time to large tissues, such as the embryonic spinal cord in mouse and chick. Nevertheless, dynamics of gene expression and signaling activity patterns in this organ can be studied by collecting tissue sections at different developmental stages. In combination with immunohistochemistry, this allows for measuring the levels of multiple developmental regulators in a quantitative manner with high spatiotemporal resolution. The mean protein expression levels over time, as well as embryo-to-embryo variability can be analyzed. A key aspect of the approach is the ability to compare protein levels across different samples. This requires a number of considerations in sample preparation, imaging and data analysis. Here we present a protocol for obtaining time course data of dorsoventral expression patterns from mouse and chick neural tube in the first 3 days of neural tube development. The described workflow starts from embryo dissection and ends with a processed dataset. Software scripts for data analysis are included. The protocol is adaptable and instructions that allow the user to modify different steps are provided. Thus, the procedure can be altered for analysis of time-lapse images and applied to systems other than the neural tube

    09091 Abstracts Collection -- Formal Methods in Molecular Biology

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    From 23. February to 27. February 2009, the Dagstuhl Seminar 09091 ``Formal Methods in Molecular Biology \u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available


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    Sejarah telah mencatat andil penelitian dalam menciptakan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Salah satunya penemuan antibiotik pada 1940an yang diawali dari pengamatan Alexander Fleming pada 1928 terhadap fenomena kematian bakteri Staphylococcus dalam cawan petri yang juga ditumbuhi jamur. Sebelum ditemukan antibiotik, tidak ada obat untuk pneumonia, gonorrhea atau demam rematik sehingga rumah sakit dipenuhi pasien sedangkan tidak banyak yang dapat dilakukan dokter untuk menolong. Tidak mengherankan jika kemudian Alexander Fleming bersama Howard Florey, Ernst Chain yang merupakan tim penemu antibiotik penicillin, dianugerahi Nobel Prize untuk Fisiologi dan Kedokteran pada 1945

    NMR-Based Prostate Cancer Metabolomics

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Springer in Methods in Molecular Biology on 22 May 2018.Available online: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7845-8_14acceptedVersio