324,483 research outputs found

    Adaptive imputation of missing values for incomplete pattern classification

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    In classification of incomplete pattern, the missing values can either play a crucial role in the class determination, or have only little influence (or eventually none) on the classification results according to the context. We propose a credal classification method for incomplete pattern with adaptive imputation of missing values based on belief function theory. At first, we try to classify the object (incomplete pattern) based only on the available attribute values. As underlying principle, we assume that the missing information is not crucial for the classification if a specific class for the object can be found using only the available information. In this case, the object is committed to this particular class. However, if the object cannot be classified without ambiguity, it means that the missing values play a main role for achieving an accurate classification. In this case, the missing values will be imputed based on the K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) and self-organizing map (SOM) techniques, and the edited pattern with the imputation is then classified. The (original or edited) pattern is respectively classified according to each training class, and the classification results represented by basic belief assignments are fused with proper combination rules for making the credal classification. The object is allowed to belong with different masses of belief to the specific classes and meta-classes (which are particular disjunctions of several single classes). The credal classification captures well the uncertainty and imprecision of classification, and reduces effectively the rate of misclassifications thanks to the introduction of meta-classes. The effectiveness of the proposed method with respect to other classical methods is demonstrated based on several experiments using artificial and real data sets

    Deep Affordance-grounded Sensorimotor Object Recognition

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    It is well-established by cognitive neuroscience that human perception of objects constitutes a complex process, where object appearance information is combined with evidence about the so-called object "affordances", namely the types of actions that humans typically perform when interacting with them. This fact has recently motivated the "sensorimotor" approach to the challenging task of automatic object recognition, where both information sources are fused to improve robustness. In this work, the aforementioned paradigm is adopted, surpassing current limitations of sensorimotor object recognition research. Specifically, the deep learning paradigm is introduced to the problem for the first time, developing a number of novel neuro-biologically and neuro-physiologically inspired architectures that utilize state-of-the-art neural networks for fusing the available information sources in multiple ways. The proposed methods are evaluated using a large RGB-D corpus, which is specifically collected for the task of sensorimotor object recognition and is made publicly available. Experimental results demonstrate the utility of affordance information to object recognition, achieving an up to 29% relative error reduction by its inclusion.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, dataset link included, accepted to CVPR 201

    Going Deeper with Semantics: Video Activity Interpretation using Semantic Contextualization

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    A deeper understanding of video activities extends beyond recognition of underlying concepts such as actions and objects: constructing deep semantic representations requires reasoning about the semantic relationships among these concepts, often beyond what is directly observed in the data. To this end, we propose an energy minimization framework that leverages large-scale commonsense knowledge bases, such as ConceptNet, to provide contextual cues to establish semantic relationships among entities directly hypothesized from video signal. We mathematically express this using the language of Grenander's canonical pattern generator theory. We show that the use of prior encoded commonsense knowledge alleviate the need for large annotated training datasets and help tackle imbalance in training through prior knowledge. Using three different publicly available datasets - Charades, Microsoft Visual Description Corpus and Breakfast Actions datasets, we show that the proposed model can generate video interpretations whose quality is better than those reported by state-of-the-art approaches, which have substantial training needs. Through extensive experiments, we show that the use of commonsense knowledge from ConceptNet allows the proposed approach to handle various challenges such as training data imbalance, weak features, and complex semantic relationships and visual scenes.Comment: Accepted to WACV 201

    Learning to Select Pre-Trained Deep Representations with Bayesian Evidence Framework

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    We propose a Bayesian evidence framework to facilitate transfer learning from pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Our framework is formulated on top of a least squares SVM (LS-SVM) classifier, which is simple and fast in both training and testing, and achieves competitive performance in practice. The regularization parameters in LS-SVM is estimated automatically without grid search and cross-validation by maximizing evidence, which is a useful measure to select the best performing CNN out of multiple candidates for transfer learning; the evidence is optimized efficiently by employing Aitken's delta-squared process, which accelerates convergence of fixed point update. The proposed Bayesian evidence framework also provides a good solution to identify the best ensemble of heterogeneous CNNs through a greedy algorithm. Our Bayesian evidence framework for transfer learning is tested on 12 visual recognition datasets and illustrates the state-of-the-art performance consistently in terms of prediction accuracy and modeling efficiency.Comment: Appearing in CVPR-2016 (oral presentation