1,549 research outputs found

    Joint Learning of Answer Selection and Answer Summary Generation in Community Question Answering

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    Community question answering (CQA) gains increasing popularity in both academy and industry recently. However, the redundancy and lengthiness issues of crowdsourced answers limit the performance of answer selection and lead to reading difficulties and misunderstandings for community users. To solve these problems, we tackle the tasks of answer selection and answer summary generation in CQA with a novel joint learning model. Specifically, we design a question-driven pointer-generator network, which exploits the correlation information between question-answer pairs to aid in attending the essential information when generating answer summaries. Meanwhile, we leverage the answer summaries to alleviate noise in original lengthy answers when ranking the relevancy degrees of question-answer pairs. In addition, we construct a new large-scale CQA corpus, WikiHowQA, which contains long answers for answer selection as well as reference summaries for answer summarization. The experimental results show that the joint learning method can effectively address the answer redundancy issue in CQA and achieves state-of-the-art results on both answer selection and text summarization tasks. Furthermore, the proposed model is shown to be of great transferring ability and applicability for resource-poor CQA tasks, which lack of reference answer summaries.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 2020 (oral

    Access to recorded interviews: A research agenda

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    Recorded interviews form a rich basis for scholarly inquiry. Examples include oral histories, community memory projects, and interviews conducted for broadcast media. Emerging technologies offer the potential to radically transform the way in which recorded interviews are made accessible, but this vision will demand substantial investments from a broad range of research communities. This article reviews the present state of practice for making recorded interviews available and the state-of-the-art for key component technologies. A large number of important research issues are identified, and from that set of issues, a coherent research agenda is proposed

    Answering clinical questions with knowledge-based and statistical techniques

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    The combination of recent developments in question-answering research and the availability of unparalleled resources developed specifically for automatic semantic processing of text in the medical domain provides a unique opportunity to explore complex question answering in the domain of clinical medicine. This article presents a system designed to satisfy the information needs of physicians practicing evidence-based medicine. We have developed a series of knowledge extractors, which employ a combination of knowledge-based and statistical techniques, for automatically identifying clinically relevant aspects of MEDLINE abstracts. These extracted elements serve as the input to an algorithm that scores the relevance of citations with respect to structured representations of information needs, in accordance with the principles of evidencebased medicine. Starting with an initial list of citations retrieved by PubMed, our system can bring relevant abstracts into higher ranking positions, and from these abstracts generate responses that directly answer physicians ’ questions. We describe three separate evaluations: one focused on the accuracy of the knowledge extractors, one conceptualized as a document reranking task, and finally, an evaluation of answers by two physicians. Experiments on a collection of real-world clinical questions show that our approach significantly outperforms the already competitive PubMed baseline. 1

    Text Summarization Across High and Low-Resource Settings

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    Natural language processing aims to build automated systems that can both understand and generate natural language textual data. As the amount of textual data available online has increased exponentially, so has the need for intelligence systems to comprehend and present it to the world. As a result, automatic text summarization, the process by which a text\u27s salient content is automatically distilled into a concise form, has become a necessary tool. Automatic text summarization approaches and applications vary based on the input summarized, which may constitute single or multiple documents of different genres. Furthermore, the desired output style may consist of a sentence or sub-sentential units chosen directly from the input in extractive summarization or a fusion and paraphrase of the input document in abstractive summarization. Despite differences in the above use-cases, specific themes, such as the role of large-scale data for training these models, the application of summarization models in real-world scenarios, and the need for adequately evaluating and comparing summaries, are common across these settings. This dissertation presents novel data and modeling techniques for deep neural network-based summarization models trained across high-resource (thousands of supervised training examples) and low-resource (zero to hundreds of supervised training examples) data settings and a comprehensive evaluation of the model and metric progress in the field. We examine both Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)-based and Transformer-based models to extract and generate summaries from the input. To facilitate the training of large-scale networks, we introduce datasets applicable for multi-document summarization (MDS) for pedagogical applications and for news summarization. While the high-resource settings allow models to advance state-of-the-art performance, the failure of such models to adapt to settings outside of that in which it was initially trained requires smarter use of labeled data and motivates work in low-resource summarization. To this end, we propose unsupervised learning techniques for both extractive summarization in question answering, abstractive summarization on distantly-supervised data for summarization of community question answering forums, and abstractive zero and few-shot summarization across several domains. To measure the progress made along these axes, we revisit the evaluation of current summarization models. In particular, this dissertation addresses the following research objectives: 1) High-resource Summarization. We introduce datasets for multi-document summarization, focusing on pedagogical applications for NLP, news summarization, and Wikipedia topic summarization. Large-scale datasets allow models to achieve state-of-the-art performance on these tasks compared to prior modeling techniques, and we introduce a novel model to reduce redundancy. However, we also examine how models trained on these large-scale datasets fare when applied to new settings, showing the need for more generalizable models. 2) Low-resource Summarization. While high-resource summarization improves model performance, for practical applications, data-efficient models are necessary. We propose a pipeline for creating synthetic training data for training extractive question-answering models, a form of query-based extractive summarization with short-phrase summaries. In other work, we propose an automatic pipeline for training a multi-document summarizer in answer summarization on community question-answering forums without labeled data. Finally, we push the boundaries of abstractive summarization model performance when little or no training data is available across several domains. 3) Automatic Summarization Evaluation. To understand the extent of progress made across recent modeling techniques and better understand the current evaluation protocols, we examine the current metrics used to compare summarization output quality across 12 metrics across 23 deep neural network models and propose better-motivated summarization evaluation guidelines as well as point to open problems in summarization evaluation
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