11 research outputs found

    Islamic Library: History, Classification, and Waqf Role

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    Islam provides a great impetus for humans to pursue knowledge. The first verse revealed from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Iqra, which means “to read”. The Qur’an uses repetition to instill certain concepts in the consciousness of its listeners. Allah (God) and Rab (Sustainer) are repeated 2,800 and 950 times, respectively, in the Alquran and Ilm (knowledge) 750 times. The need to preserve the Alqur’an aroused a passion for compiling writings in various forms, which paved the way for establishing the earliest libraries in the Muslim world. Libraries in Islamic history occupy an important position. Its existence is very difficult to separate from the development and progress of science and Islamic civilization, especially in the 8-10 century AD. This study aims to determine Islamic library research trends published by leading journals. The data analyzed consisted of 663 indexed research publications. The data is then processed and analyzed using the VoS viewer application to determine the bibliometric map of the development of Islamic research libraries. There were at least 7 types of Islamic libraries in the golden age of Islamic civilization: independent library, public library, mosque library, palace library, university library, ribat library, and bimartisan or hospital library. The seven types of Islamic libraries are almost entirely waqf-based

    Abstract parsing for two-staged languages with concatenation

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    This article, based on Doh, Kim, and Schmidt’s “abstract parsing ” technique, presents an abstract interpretation for statically checking the syntax of generated code in two-staged programs. Abstract parsing is a static analysis technique for checking the syntax of generated strings. We adopt this technique for two-staged programming languages and formulate it in the abstract interpretation framework. We parameterize our analysis with the abstract domain so that one can choose the abstract domain as long as it satisfies the condition we provide. We also present an instance of the abstract domain, namely an abstract parse stack and its widening with k-cutting

    Applied type system

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    We present a type system that can effectively facilitate the use of types in capturing invariants in stateful programs that may involve (sophisticated) pointer manipulation. With its root in a recently developed framework Applied Type System (ATS), the type system imposes a level of abstraction on program states by introducing a novel notion of recursive stateful views and then relies on a form of linear logic to reason about such views. We consider the design and then the formalization of the type system to constitute the primary contribution of the paper. In addition, we mention a prototype implementation of the type system and then give a variety of examples that attests to the practicality of programming with recursive stateful views.National Science Foundation (CCR-0224244, CCR-0229480

    A dependently typed multi-stage calculus

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    Programming Languages and Systems: 17th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2019, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, December 1–4, 2019. Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 11893). Also part of the Programming and Software Engineering book sub series (LNPSE, volume 11893).We study a dependently typed extension of a multi-stage programming language Ă  la MetaOCaml, which supports quasi-quotation and cross-stage persistence for manipulation of code fragments as first-class values and an evaluation construct for execution of programs dynamically generated by this code manipulation. Dependent types are expected to bring to multi-stage programming enforcement of strong invariant—beyond simple type safety—on the behavior of dynamically generated code. An extension is, however, not trivial because such a type system would have to take stages of types—roughly speaking, the number of surrounding quotations—into account. To rigorously study properties of such an extension, we develop λMD, which is an extension of Hanada and Igarashi’s typed calculus λâ–č% with dependent types, and prove its properties including preservation, confluence, strong normalization for full reduction, and progress for staged reduction. Motivated by code generators that generate code whose type depends on a value from outside of the quotations, we argue the significance of cross-stage persistence in dependently typed multi-stage programming and certain type equivalences that are not directly derived from reduction rules

    Relating Staged Computation to the Record Calculus

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    It has been previously shown that there is a close relation between record calculus and program generation (e.g. Lisp-like quasiquotations): A translation has been defined to convert staged expressions to record calculus expressions, and it has been shown that the call-by-value semantics of the staged and the record calculi are equivalent modulo the translation and admin reductions. In this work, we investigate the relation further. The contributions are twofold: (1) We fine-tune the previously shown relation between the two operational semantics, and obtain more precise results. In particular, we show that only two kinds of admin reductions suffice, and these reductions can be applied exhaustively. (2) We define a reverse translation that converts record calculus expressions back to the staged calculus, allowing us to go back and forth between the two calculi. We believe that these results provide an important step towards reusing already-existing record calculus static analyses to reason about staged expressions

    A unified treatment of syntax with binders

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    International audienceAtoms and de Bruijn indices are two well-known representation techniques for data structures that involve names and binders. However, using either technique, it is all too easy to make a programming error that causes one name to be used where another was intended. We propose an abstract interface to names and binders that rules out many of these errors. This interface is implemented as a library in Agda. It allows defining and manipulating term representations in nominal style and in de Bruijn style. The programmer is not forced to choose between these styles: on the contrary, the library allows using both styles in the same program, if desired. Whereas indexing the types of names and terms with a natural number is a well-known technique to better control the use of de Bruijn indices, we index types with worlds. Worlds are at the same time more precise and more abstract than natural numbers. Via logical relations and parametricity, we are able to demonstrate in what sense our library is safe, and to obtain theorems for free about world-polymorphic functions. For instance, we prove that a world-polymorphic term transformation function must commute with any renaming of the free variables. The proof is entirely carried out in Agda

    Meta-programming through typeful code representation

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    By allowing the programmer to write code that can generate code at run-time, meta-programming offers a powerful approach to program construction. For instance, meta-programming can often be employed to enhance program efficiency and facilitate the construction of generic programs. However, meta-programming, especially in an untyped setting, is notoriously error-prone. In this paper, we aim at making meta-programming less error-prone by providing a type system to facilitate the construction of correct meta-programs. We first introduce some code constructors for constructing typeful code representation in which program variables are replaced with deBruijn indices, and then formally demonstrate how such typeful code representation can be used to support meta-programming. The main contribution of the paper lies in recognition and then formalization of a novel approach to typed meta-programming that is practical, general and flexible

    Meta-programming through typeful code representation

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