2,591 research outputs found

    Search Heuristics, Case-Based Reasoning and Software Project Effort Prediction

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    This paper reports on the use of search techniques to help optimise a case-based reasoning (CBR) system for predicting software project effort. A major problem, common to ML techniques in general, has been dealing with large numbers of case features, some of which can hinder the prediction process. Unfortunately searching for the optimal feature subset is a combinatorial problem and therefore NP-hard. This paper examines the use of random searching, hill climbing and forward sequential selection (FSS) to tackle this problem. Results from examining a set of real software project data show that even random searching was better than using all available for features (average error 35.6% rather than 50.8%). Hill climbing and FSS both produced results substantially better than the random search (15.3 and 13.1% respectively), but FSS was more computationally efficient. Providing a description of the fitness landscape of a problem along with search results is a step towards the classification of search problems and their assignment to optimum search techniques. This paper attempts to describe the fitness landscape of this problem by combining the results from random searches and hill climbing, as well as using multi-dimensional scaling to aid visualisation. Amongst other findings, the visualisation results suggest that some form of heuristic-based initialisation might prove useful for this problem

    Differential gene expression graphs: A data structure for classification in DNA microarrays

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    This paper proposes an innovative data structure to be used as a backbone in designing microarray phenotype sample classifiers. The data structure is based on graphs and it is built from a differential analysis of the expression levels of healthy and diseased tissue samples in a microarray dataset. The proposed data structure is built in such a way that, by construction, it shows a number of properties that are perfectly suited to address several problems like feature extraction, clustering, and classificatio

    Type-2 fuzzy logic system applications for power systems

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    PhD ThesisIn the move towards ubiquitous information & communications technology, an opportunity for further optimisation of the power system as a whole has arisen. Nonetheless, the fast growth of intermittent generation concurrently with markets deregulation is driving a need for timely algorithms that can derive value from these new data sources. Type-2 fuzzy logic systems can offer approximate solutions to these computationally hard tasks by expressing non-linear relationships in a more flexible fashion. This thesis explores how type-2 fuzzy logic systems can provide solutions to two of these challenging power system problems; short-term load forecasting and voltage control in distribution networks. On one hand, time-series forecasting is a key input for economic secure power systems as there are many tasks that require a precise determination of the future short-term load (e.g. unit commitment or security assessment among others), but also when dealing with electricity as commodity. As a consequence, short-term load forecasting becomes essential for energy stakeholders and any inaccuracy can be directly translated into their financial performance. All these is reflected in current power systems literature trends where a significant number of papers cover the subject. Extending the existing literature, this work focuses in how these should be implemented from beginning to end to bring to light their predictive performance. Following this research direction, this thesis introduces a novel framework to automatically design type-2 fuzzy logic systems. On the other hand, the low-carbon economy is pushing the grid status even closer to its operational limits. Distribution networks are becoming active systems with power flows and voltages defined not only by load, but also by generation. As consequence, even if it is not yet absolutely clear how power systems will evolve in the long-term, all plausible future scenarios claim for real-time algorithms that can provide near optimal solutions to this challenging mixed-integer non-linear problem. Aligned with research and industry efforts, this thesis introduces a scalable implementation to tackle this task in divide-and-conquer fashio

    Hierarchically organised genetic algorithm for fuzzy network synthesis

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    Learning to Play Soccer with the SimpleSoccer Robot Soccer Simulator

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