33 research outputs found

    A New Algorithm for Solving Ring-LPN with a Reducible Polynomial

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    The LPN (Learning Parity with Noise) problem has recently proved to be of great importance in cryptology. A special and very useful case is the RING-LPN problem, which typically provides improved efficiency in the constructed cryptographic primitive. We present a new algorithm for solving the RING-LPN problem in the case when the polynomial used is reducible. It greatly outperforms previous algorithms for solving this problem. Using the algorithm, we can break the Lapin authentication protocol for the proposed instance using a reducible polynomial, in about 2^70 bit operations

    Towards Detecting and Mitigating Conflicts for Privacy and Security Requirements

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    Про нові потоковi алгоритми створення чутливих дайджестiв електронних документів

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    Для прийняття обґрунтованих планових рішень у суспільно-економічній сфері спеціалісти повинні користуватися перевіреними документами. До засобів перевірки документів належать криптографічно стабільні алгоритми компресії великого файлу в дайджест визначеного розміру, чутливий до будь-якої зміни символів на вході. Пропонуються нові швидкі алгоритми компресії, криптографічна стабільність яких пов’язується зі складними алгебраїчними проблемами, такими як дослідження систем алгебраїчних рівнянь великої степені та задача розкладу нелінійного відображення простору за твірними. Запропоновані алгоритми створення чутливих до змін дайджестів документів будуть використані для виявлення кібератак та аудиту усіх файлів системи після зареєстрованого втручання.Specialists must use well checked documents to elaborate well founded,decisions and plans in the socio-economic field. Check tools include cryptographically stable algorithms for compressing a large file into a digest of a specified size, sensitive to any change in the characters on the input. New fast compression algorithms are proposed, whose cryptographic stability is associated with complex algebraic problems, such as the study of systems of algebraic equations of large power and the problem of the expansion of nonlinear mapping of space by generators. The proposed algorithms for creation of change-sensitive digests will be used to detect cyberattacks and audit all system files after a registered intervention

    Sequential message authentication code without random oracles

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    Katz et al. provided a generic transform to construct aggregate message authentication codes and imposed a lower bound on the length of one aggregate MAC tag. The lower bound shows that the required tag length is at least linear with the number of messages when fast verification such as constant or logarithmic computation overhead is required. Aggregate message authentication codes are useful in settings such as mobile ad-hoc networks where devices are resource-constrained and energy cost is at a premium. In this paper, we introduce the notion of sequential aggregate message authentication code (SAMAC). We present a security model for this notion under unforgeability against chosen message and verification query attack and construct an efficient SAMAC scheme by extending a number-theoretic MAC construction due to Dodis et al. We prove the security of our SAMAC scheme under the CDH assumption in the standard model. Our SAMAC scheme improves the lower bound with the help of the underlying algebraic structure. Performance analysis shows that our SAMAC scheme yields constant computation for the verifier as well as fixed length for one aggregate

    RMAC -- A Lightweight Authentication Protocol for Highly Constrained IoT Devices

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    Nowadays, highly constrained IoT devices have earned an important place in our everyday lives. These devices mainly comprise RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) or WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) components. Their adoption is growing in areas where data security or privacy or both must be guaranteed. Therefore, it is necessary to develop appropriate security solutions for these systems. Many papers have proposed solutions for encryption or authentication. But it turns out that sometimes the proposal has security flaw or is ill-suited for the constrained IoT devices (which has very limited processing and storage capacities). In this paper we introduce a new authentication protocol inspired by Mirror-Mac (MM) which is a generic construction of authentication protocol proposed by Mol et al. Our proposal named RMAC is well suited for highly constrained IoT devices since its implementation uses simple and lightweight algorithms.We also prove that RMAC is at least as secure as the MM protocol and thus secure against man-in-the-middle attacks

    Fast Keyed-Verification Anonymous Credentials on Standard Smart Cards

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    Cryptographic anonymous credential schemes allow users to prove their personal attributes, such as age, nationality, or the validity of a ticket or a pre-paid pass, while preserving their privacy, as such proofs are unlinkable and attributes can be selectively disclosed. Recently, Chase et al. (CCS 2014) observe that in such systems, a typical setup is that the credential issuer also serves as the verifier. They introduce keyed-verification credentials that are tailored to this setting. In this paper, we present a novel keyed-verification credential system designed for lightweight devices (primarily smart cards) and prove its security. By using a novel algebraic MAC based on Boneh-Boyen signatures, we achieve the most efficient proving protocol compared to existing schemes. To demonstrate the practicality of our scheme in real applications, including large-scale services such as public transportation or e-government, we present an implementation on a standard, off-the-shelf, Multos smart card. While using significantly higher security parameters than most existing implementations, we achieve performance that is more than 44 % better than the current state-of-the-art implementation

    Authentication from Weak PRFs with Hidden Auxiliary Input

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    In this work, we study a class of randomized weak pseudorandom functions, which we call weak PRFs with hidden auxiliary input (HIwPRF). Compared to Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) or Learning with Errors (LWE) based randomized weak PRFs, it provides less algebraic structure such that many known techniques and constructions do not translate to this class. We investigate the potential of HIwPRFs for secure message and user authentication. We construct a protocol that gives as strong security guarantees when instantiated with a HIwPRF as known from weak PRF, LPN or LWE based protocols

    Strong Authenticity with Leakage under Weak and Falsifiable Physical Assumptions

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    Authenticity can be compromised by information leaked via side-channels (e.g., power consumption). Examples of attacks include direct key recoveries and attacks against the tag verification which may lead to forgeries. At FSE 2018, Berti et al. described two authenticated encryption schemes which provide authenticity assuming a “leak-free implementation” of a Tweakable Block Cipher (TBC). Precisely, security is guaranteed even if all the intermediate computations of the target implementation are leaked in full but the TBC long-term key. Yet, while a leak-free implementation reasonably models strongly protected implementations of a TBC, it remains an idealized physical assumption that may be too demanding in many cases, in particular, if hardware engineers mitigate the leakage to a good extent but (due to performance constraints) do not reach leak-freeness. In this paper, we get rid of this important limitation by introducing the notion of “Strong Unpredictability with Leakage” for BC\u27s and TBC\u27s. It captures the hardness for an adversary to provide a fresh and valid input/output pair for a (T)BC, even having oracle access to the (T)BC, its inverse and their leakages. This definition is game-based and may be verified/falsified by laboratories. Based on it, we then provide two Message Authentication Codes (MAC) which are secure if the (T)BC on which they rely are implemented in a way that maintains a sufficient unpredictability. Thus, we improve the theoretical foundations of leakage-resilient MAC and extend them towards engineering constraints that are easier to achieve in practice

    Collision Resistant Hashing from Sub-exponential Learning Parity with Noise

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    The Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem has recently found many cryptographic applications such as authentication protocols, pseudorandom generators/functions and even asymmetric tasks including public-key encryption (PKE) schemes and oblivious transfer (OT) protocols. It however remains a long-standing open problem whether LPN implies collision resistant hash (CRH) functions. Based on the recent work of Applebaum et al. (ITCS 2017), we introduce a general framework for constructing CRH from LPN for various parameter choices. We show that, just to mention a few notable ones, under any of the following hardness assumptions (for the two most common variants of LPN) 1) constant-noise LPN is 2n0.5+ϵ2^{n^{0.5+\epsilon}}-hard for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0; 2) constant-noise LPN is 2Ω(n/logn)2^{\Omega(n/\log n)}-hard given q=poly(n)q=poly(n) samples; 3) low-noise LPN (of noise rate 1/n1/\sqrt{n}) is 2Ω(n/logn)2^{\Omega(\sqrt{n}/\log n)}-hard given q=poly(n)q=poly(n) samples. there exists CRH functions with constant (or even poly-logarithmic) shrinkage, which can be implemented using polynomial-size depth-3 circuits with NOT, (unbounded fan-in) AND and XOR gates. Our technical route LPN\rightarrowbSVP\rightarrowCRH is reminiscent of the known reductions for the large-modulus analogue, i.e., LWE\rightarrowSIS\rightarrowCRH, where the binary Shortest Vector Problem (bSVP) was recently introduced by Applebaum et al. (ITCS 2017) that enables CRH in a similar manner to Ajtai\u27s CRH functions based on the Short Integer Solution (SIS) problem. Furthermore, under additional (arguably minimal) idealized assumptions such as small-domain random functions or random permutations (that trivially imply collision resistance), we still salvage a simple and elegant collision-resistance-preserving domain extender that is (asymptotically) more parallel and efficient than previously known. In particular, assume 2n0.5+ϵ2^{n^{0.5+\epsilon}}-hard constant-noise LPN or 2n0.25+ϵ2^{n^{0.25+\epsilon}}-hard low-noise LPN, we obtain a polynomially shrinking collision resistant hash function that evaluates in parallel only a single layer of small-domain random functions (or random permutations) and produces their XOR sum as output