12,720 research outputs found

    Bicriteria Aggregation of Polygons via Graph Cuts

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    We present a new method for the task of detecting groups of polygons in a given geographic data set and computing a representative polygon for each group. This task is relevant in map generalization where the aim is to derive a less detailed map from a given map. Following a classical approach, we define the output polygons by merging the input polygons with a set of triangles that we select from a constrained Delaunay triangulation of the input polygons\u27 exterior. The innovation of our method is to compute the selection of triangles by solving a bicriteria optimization problem. While on the one hand we aim at minimizing the total area of the outputs polygons, we aim on the other hand at minimizing their total perimeter. We combine these two objectives in a weighted sum and study two computational problems that naturally arise. In the first problem, the parameter that balances the two objectives is fixed and the aim is to compute a single optimal solution. In the second problem, the aim is to compute a set containing an optimal solution for every possible value of the parameter. We present efficient algorithms for these problems based on computing a minimum cut in an appropriately defined graph. Moreover, we show how the result set of the second problem can be approximated with few solutions. In an experimental evaluation, we finally show that the method is able to derive settlement areas from building footprints that are similar to reference solutions

    L-Shape based Layout Fracturing for E-Beam Lithography

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    Layout fracturing is a fundamental step in mask data preparation and e-beam lithography (EBL) writing. To increase EBL throughput, recently a new L-shape writing strategy is proposed, which calls for new L-shape fracturing, versus the conventional rectangular fracturing. Meanwhile, during layout fracturing, one must minimize very small/narrow features, also called slivers, due to manufacturability concern. This paper addresses this new research problem of how to perform L-shaped fracturing with sliver minimization. We propose two novel algorithms. The first one, rectangular merging (RM), starts from a set of rectangular fractures and merges them optimally to form L-shape fracturing. The second algorithm, direct L-shape fracturing (DLF), directly and effectively fractures the input layouts into L-shapes with sliver minimization. The experimental results show that our algorithms are very effective

    The VOISE Algorithm: a Versatile Tool for Automatic Segmentation of Astronomical Images

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    The auroras on Jupiter and Saturn can be studied with a high sensitivity and resolution by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ultraviolet (UV) and far-ultraviolet (FUV) Space Telescope spectrograph (STIS) and Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) instruments. We present results of automatic detection and segmentation of Jupiter's auroral emissions as observed by HST ACS instrument with VOronoi Image SEgmentation (VOISE). VOISE is a dynamic algorithm for partitioning the underlying pixel grid of an image into regions according to a prescribed homogeneity criterion. The algorithm consists of an iterative procedure that dynamically constructs a tessellation of the image plane based on a Voronoi Diagram, until the intensity of the underlying image within each region is classified as homogeneous. The computed tessellations allow the extraction of quantitative information about the auroral features such as mean intensity, latitudinal and longitudinal extents and length scales. These outputs thus represent a more automated and objective method of characterising auroral emissions than manual inspection.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Total variation denoising in l1l^1 anisotropy

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    We aim at constructing solutions to the minimizing problem for the variant of Rudin-Osher-Fatemi denoising model with rectilinear anisotropy and to the gradient flow of its underlying anisotropic total variation functional. We consider a naturally defined class of functions piecewise constant on rectangles (PCR). This class forms a strictly dense subset of the space of functions of bounded variation with an anisotropic norm. The main result shows that if the given noisy image is a PCR function, then solutions to both considered problems also have this property. For PCR data the problem of finding the solution is reduced to a finite algorithm. We discuss some implications of this result, for instance we use it to prove that continuity is preserved by both considered problems.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure