200 research outputs found

    A CORDIC like processor for computation of arctangent and absolute magnitude of a vector

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    In this paper, we propose a CORDIC like algorithm for computing absolute magnitude of a vector and its corresponding phase angle. It eliminates scale factor compensation step as well as the addition/subtraction operation along the z datapath. The synthesis result shows that the proposed processor is hardware economic and suitable for low power applications

    On the hardware reduction of z-datapath of vectoring CORDIC

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    In this article we present a novel design of a hardware optimal vectoring CORDIC processor. We present a mathematical theory to show that using bipolar binary notation it is possible to eliminate all the arithmetic computations required along the z-datapath. Using this technique it is possible to achieve three and 1.5 times reduction in the number of registers and adder respectively compared to conventional CORDIC. Following this, a 16-bit vectoring CORDIC is designed for the application in Synchronizer for IEEE 802.11a standard. The total area and dynamic power consumption of the processor is 0.14 mm2 and 700?W respectively when synthesized in 0.18?m CMOS library which shows its effectiveness as a low-area low-power processor

    KAVUAKA: a low-power application-specific processor architecture for digital hearing aids

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    The power consumption of digital hearing aids is very restricted due to their small physical size and the available hardware resources for signal processing are limited. However, there is a demand for more processing performance to make future hearing aids more useful and smarter. Future hearing aids should be able to detect, localize, and recognize target speakers in complex acoustic environments to further improve the speech intelligibility of the individual hearing aid user. Computationally intensive algorithms are required for this task. To maintain acceptable battery life, the hearing aid processing architecture must be highly optimized for extremely low-power consumption and high processing performance.The integration of application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) into hearing aids enables a wide range of architectural customizations to meet the stringent power consumption and performance requirements. In this thesis, the application-specific hearing aid processor KAVUAKA is presented, which is customized and optimized with state-of-the-art hearing aid algorithms such as speaker localization, noise reduction, beamforming algorithms, and speech recognition. Specialized and application-specific instructions are designed and added to the baseline instruction set architecture (ISA). Among the major contributions are a multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit for real- and complex-valued numbers, architectures for power reduction during register accesses, co-processors and a low-latency audio interface. With the proposed MAC architecture, the KAVUAKA processor requires 16 % less cycles for the computation of a 128-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) compared to related programmable digital signal processors. The power consumption during register file accesses is decreased by 6 %to 17 % with isolation and by-pass techniques. The hardware-induced audio latency is 34 %lower compared to related audio interfaces for frame size of 64 samples.The final hearing aid system-on-chip (SoC) with four KAVUAKA processor cores and ten co-processors is integrated as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) using a 40 nm low-power technology. The die size is 3.6 mm2. Each of the processors and co-processors contains individual customizations and hardware features with a varying datapath width between 24-bit to 64-bit. The core area of the 64-bit processor configuration is 0.134 mm2. The processors are organized in two clusters that share memory, an audio interface, co-processors and serial interfaces. The average power consumption at a clock speed of 10 MHz is 2.4 mW for SoC and 0.6 mW for the 64-bit processor.Case studies with four reference hearing aid algorithms are used to present and evaluate the proposed hardware architectures and optimizations. The program code for each processor and co-processor is generated and optimized with evolutionary algorithms for operation merging,instruction scheduling and register allocation. The KAVUAKA processor architecture is com-pared to related processor architectures in terms of processing performance, average power consumption, and silicon area requirements

    Time domain based image generation for synthetic aperture radar on field programmable gate arrays

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    Aerial images are important in different scenarios including surface cartography, surveillance, disaster control, height map generation, etc. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is one way to generate these images even through clouds and in the absence of daylight. For a wide and easy usage of this technology, SAR systems should be small, mounted to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and process images in real-time. Since UAVs are small and lightweight, more robust (but also more complex) time-domain algorithms are required for good image quality in case of heavy turbulence. Typically the SAR data set size does not allow for ground transmission and processing, while the UAV size does not allow for huge systems and high power consumption to process the data. A small and energy-efficient signal processing system is therefore required. To fill the gap between existing systems that are capable of either high-speed processing or low power consumption, the focus of this thesis is the analysis, design, and implementation of such a system. A survey shows that most architectures either have to high power budgets or too few processing capabilities to match real-time requirements for time-domain-based processing. Therefore, a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based system is designed, as it allows for high performance and low-power consumption. The Global Backprojection (GBP) is implemented, as it is the standard time-domain-based algorithm which allows for highest image quality at arbitrary trajectories at the complexity of O(N3). To satisfy real-time requirements under all circumstances, the accelerated Fast Factorized Backprojection (FFBP) algorithm with a complexity of O(N2logN) is implemented as well, to allow for a trade-off between image quality and processing time. Additionally, algorithm and design are enhanced to correct the failing assumptions for Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Radio Detection And Ranging (Radar) data at high velocities. Such sensors offer high-resolution data at considerably low transmit power which is especially interesting for UAVs. A full analysis of all algorithms is carried out, to design a highly utilized architecture for maximum throughput. The process covers the analysis of mathematical steps and approximations for hardware speedup, the analysis of code dependencies for instruction parallelism and the analysis of streaming capabilities, including memory access and caching strategies, as well as parallelization considerations and pipeline analysis. Each architecture is described in all details with its surrounding control structure. As proof of concepts, the architectures are mapped on a Virtex 6 FPGA and results on resource utilization, runtime and image quality are presented and discussed. A special framework allows to scale and port the design to other FPGAs easily and to enable for maximum resource utilization and speedup. The result is streaming architectures that are capable of massive parallelization with a minimum in system stalls. It is shown that real-time processing on FPGAs with strict power budgets in time-domain is possible with the GBP (mid-sized images) and the FFBP (any image size with a trade-off in quality), allowing for a UAV scenario

    Real-Time UAV Pose Estimation and Tracking Using FPGA Accelerated April Tag

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    April Tags and other passive fiducial markers are widely used to determine localization using a monocular camera. It utilizes specialized algorithms that detect markers to calculate their orientation and distance in three dimensional (3-D) space. The video and image processing steps performed to use these fiducial systems dominate the computation time of the algorithms. Low latency is a key component for the real-time application of these fiducial markers. The drawbacks of performing the video and image processing in software is the difficulty in performing the same operation in parallel effectively. Specialized hardware instantiations with the same algorithm scan efficiently parallelize them as well as operate on the image in a streaming fashion. Compared to graphics processing units (GPUs) that also perform well in the field, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) operate with less power, making them optimal with tight power constraints. This research describes such an optimization for the April Tag algorithm on an unmanned aerial vehicle with an embedded platform to perform real-time pose estimation, tracking, and localization in GPS-denied (global positioning system) environments at 30 frames per second (FPS) by converting the initial embedded C/C++ solution to a heterogeneous one through hardware acceleration. It compares the size, accuracy, and speed of the April Tag algorithm’s various implementations. The initial solution operated at around 2 FPS while the final solution, a novel heterogeneous algorithm on the Fusion 2 Zynq 7020 system on chip (SoC), operated at around 43 FPS using hardware acceleration. The research proposes a pipeline that breaks the algorithm into distinct steps where portions of it can be improved by utilizing algorithms optimized to run on a FPGA. Additional steps were made to further reduce the hardware algorithm’s resource utilization. Each step in the software was compared against its hardware counterpart using its utilization and timing as benchmarks

    A non-local method for robustness analysis of floating point programs

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    Robustness is a standard correctness property which intuitively means that if the input to the program changes less than a fixed small amount then the output changes only slightly. This notion is useful in the analysis of rounding error for floating point programs because it helps to establish bounds on output errors introduced by both measurement errors and by floating point computation. Compositional methods often do not work since key constructs---like the conditional and the while-loop---are not robust. We propose a method for proving the robustness of a while-loop. This method is non-local in the sense that instead of breaking the analysis down to single lines of code, it checks certain global properties of its structure. We show the applicability of our method on two standard algorithms: the CORDIC computation of the cosine and Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.Comment: QAPL - Tenth Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (2012

    A Decomposition Approach for Balancing Large-Scale Acyclic Data Flow Graphs

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    In designing VLSI architectures for a complex computational task, the functional decomposition of the task into a set of computational modules can be represented as a directed task graph, and the inclusion of input data modifies the task graph to an acyclic data flow graph (ADFG). Due to different paths of traveling and computation time of each computational module, operands may arrive at multi-input modules at different arrival times, causing a longer pipelined time. Delay buffers may be inserted along various paths to balance the ADFG to achieve maximum pipelining. This paper presents an efficient decomposition technique which provides a more systematic approach in solving the optimal buffer assignment problem of an ADFG with a large number of computational nodes. The buffer assignment problem is formulated as an integer linear optimization problem which can be solved in pseudo-polynomial time. However, if the size of an ADFG increases, then integer linear constraint equations may grow exponentially, making the optimization problem more intractable. The decomposition approach utilizes the critical path concept to decompose a directed ADFG into a set of connected subgraphs, and the integer linear optimization technique can be used to solve the buffer assignment problem in each subgraph. In other words, a large-scale integer linear optimization problem is divided into a number of smaller-scale subproblems, each of which can be easily solved in pseudo-polynomial time. Examples are given to illustrate the proposed decomposition technique

    Accurate Phase Calibration for Digital Beam-Forming in Multi-Transceiver HF Radar System

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    The TIGER-3 radar is being developed as an “all digital” radar with 20 integrated digital transceivers, each connected to a separate antenna. Using phased array antenna techniques, radiated power is steered towards a desired direction based on the relative phases within the array elements. This paper proposes an accurate phase measurement method to calibrate the phases of the radio output signals using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. The method sequentially measures the phase offset between the RF signal generated by each transceiver and a reference signal operated at the same frequency. Accordingly, the transceiver adjusts its phase in order to align to the reference phase. This results in accurately aligned phases of the RF output signals and with the further addition of appropriate phase offsets, digital beamforming (DBF) can be performed steering the beam in a desired direction. The proposed method is implemented on a Virtex-5 VFX70T device. Experimental results show that the calibration accuracy is of 0.153 degrees with 14 MHz operating frequency
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