6 research outputs found

    Synthesis of memristive one-port circuits with piecewise-smooth characteristics

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    A generalized approach for the implementation of memristive two-terminal circuits with piesewise-smooth characteristics is proposed on the example of a multifunctional circuit based on a transistor switch. Two versions of the circuit are taken into consideration: an experimental model of the piecewise-smooth memristor (Chua's memristor) and a piecewise-smooth memristive capacitor. Physical experiments are combined with numerical modelling of the discussed circuit models. Thus, it is demonstrated that the considered circuit is a flexible solution for synthesis of a wide range of memristive systems with tuneable characteristics.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Saddle-Node bifurcations in classical and memristive circuits

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    This paper addresses a systematic characterization of saddle-node bifurcations in nonlinear electrical and electronic circuits. Our approach is a circuit-theoretic one, meaning that the bifurcation is analyzed in terms of the devices’ characteristics and the graph-theoretic properties of the digraph underlying the circuit. The analysis is based on a reformulation of independent interest of the saddle-node theorem of Sotomayor for semiexplicit index one differential-algebraic equations (DAEs), which define the natural context to set up nonlinear circuit models. The bifurcation is addressed not only for classical circuits, but also for circuits with memristors. The presence of this device systematically leads to nonisolated equilibria, and in this context the saddle-node bifurcation is shown to yield a bifurcation of manifolds of equilibria; in cases with a single memristor, this phenomenon describes the splitting of a line of equilibria into two, with different stability properties

    Hybrid analysis of nonlinear circuits: DAE models with indices zero and one

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    We extend in this paper some previous results concerning the differential-algebraic index of hybrid models of electrical and electronic circuits. Specifically, we present a comprehensive index characterization which holds without passivity requirements, in contrast to previous approaches, and which applies to nonlinear circuits composed of uncoupled, one-port devices. The index conditions, which are stated in terms of the forest structure of certain digraph minors, do not depend on the specific tree chosen in the formulation of the hybrid equations. Additionally, we show how to include memristors in hybrid circuit models; in this direction, we extend the index analysis to circuits including active memristors, which have been recently used in the design of nonlinear oscillators and chaotic circuits. We also discuss the extension of these results to circuits with controlled sources, making our framework of interest in the analysis of circuits with transistors, amplifiers, and other multiterminal devices