5 research outputs found

    Stochastic Learning in Neuromorphic Hardware via Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity with RRAM Synapses

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    Hardware processors for neuromorphic computing are gaining significant interest as they offer the possibility of real in-memory computing, thus by-passing the limitations of speed and energy consumption of the von Neumann architecture. One of the major limitations of current neuromorphic technology is the lack of bio-realistic and scalable devices to improve the current design of artificial synapses and neurons. To overcome these limitations, the emerging technology of resistive switching memory has attracted wide interest as a nano-scaled synaptic element. This paper describes the implementation of a perceptron-like neuromorphic hardware capable of spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP), and its operation under stochastic learning conditions. The learning algorithm of a single or multiple patterns, consisting of either static or dynamic visual input data, is described. The impact of noise is studied with respect to learning efficiency (false fire, true fire) and learning time. Finally, the impact of stochastic learning rule, such as the inversion of the time dependence of potentiation and depression in STDP, is considered. Overall, the work provides a proof of concept for unsupervised learning by STDP in memristive networks, providing insight into the dynamics of stochastic learning and supporting the understanding and design of neuromorphic networks with emerging memory devices

    Memory-Efficient Synaptic Connectivity for Spike-Timing- Dependent Plasticity

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    Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) is a bio-inspired local incremental weight update rule commonly used for online learning in spike-based neuromorphic systems. In STDP, the intensity of long-term potentiation and depression in synaptic efficacy (weight) between neurons is expressed as a function of the relative timing between pre- and post-synaptic action potentials (spikes), while the polarity of change is dependent on the order (causality) of the spikes. Online STDP weight updates for causal and acausal relative spike times are activated at the onset of post- and pre-synaptic spike events, respectively, implying access to synaptic connectivity both in forward (pre-to-post) and reverse (post-to-pre) directions. Here we study the impact of different arrangements of synaptic connectivity tables on weight storage and STDP updates for large-scale neuromorphic systems. We analyze the memory efficiency for varying degrees of density in synaptic connectivity, ranging from crossbar arrays for full connectivity to pointer-based lookup for sparse connectivity. The study includes comparison of storage and access costs and efficiencies for each memory arrangement, along with a trade-off analysis of the benefits of each data structure depending on application requirements and budget. Finally, we present an alternative formulation of STDP via a delayed causal update mechanism that permits efficient weight access, requiring no more than forward connectivity lookup. We show functional equivalence of the delayed causal updates to the original STDP formulation, with substantial savings in storage and access costs and efficiencies for networks with sparse synaptic connectivity as typically encountered in large-scale models in computational neuroscience

    Neural and Synaptic Array Transceiver: A Brain-Inspired Computing Framework for Embedded Learning

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    Embedded, continual learning for autonomous and adaptive behavior is a key application of neuromorphic hardware. However, neuromorphic implementations of embedded learning at large scales that are both flexible and efficient have been hindered by a lack of a suitable algorithmic framework. As a result, most neuromorphic hardware are trained off-line on large clusters of dedicated processors or GPUs and transferred post hoc to the device. We address this by introducing the neural and synaptic array transceiver (NSAT), a neuromorphic computational framework facilitating flexible and efficient embedded learning by matching algorithmic requirements and neural and synaptic dynamics. NSAT supports event-driven supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning algorithms including deep learning. We demonstrate the NSAT in a wide range of tasks, including the simulation of Mihalas-Niebur neuron, dynamic neural fields, event-driven random back-propagation for event-based deep learning, event-based contrastive divergence for unsupervised learning, and voltage-based learning rules for sequence learning. We anticipate that this contribution will establish the foundation for a new generation of devices enabling adaptive mobile systems, wearable devices, and robots with data-driven autonomy

    Event-Based Update of Synapses in Voltage-Based Learning Rules

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    Due to the point-like nature of neuronal spiking, efficient neural network simulators often employ event-based simulation schemes for synapses. Yet many types of synaptic plasticity rely on the membrane potential of the postsynaptic cell as a third factor in addition to pre- and postsynaptic spike times. In some learning rules membrane potentials not only influence synaptic weight changes at the time points of spike events but in a continuous manner. In these cases, synapses therefore require information on the full time course of membrane potentials to update their strength which a priori suggests a continuous update in a time-driven manner. The latter hinders scaling of simulations to realistic cortical network sizes and relevant time scales for learning. Here, we derive two efficient algorithms for archiving postsynaptic membrane potentials, both compatible with modern simulation engines based on event-based synapse updates. We theoretically contrast the two algorithms with a time-driven synapse update scheme to analyze advantages in terms of memory and computations. We further present a reference implementation in the spiking neural network simulator NEST for two prototypical voltage-based plasticity rules: the Clopath rule and the Urbanczik-Senn rule. For both rules, the two event-based algorithms significantly outperform the time-driven scheme. Depending on the amount of data to be stored for plasticity, which heavily differs between the rules, a strong performance increase can be achieved by compressing or sampling of information on membrane potentials. Our results on computational efficiency related to archiving of information provide guidelines for the design of learning rules in order to make them practically usable in large-scale networks