3,511 research outputs found

    Storm fronts and filmmaking: cloud computing regulation and the impact on independent filmmakers

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    The rise of cloud computing has begun to transform media technology and wider industries. No longer constrained by the relative size of their server network or budget limitations, businesses are taking advantage of cloud computing’s promise to access previously unimaginable computing resources. The film industry in particular has taken advantage of the increased capabilities offered by cloud computing. This recognition has begun a transformation that has spread from major Hollywood studios to smaller independent production companies. Major studios are turning to cloud providers for the creation of Computer Generated Image (CGI) blockbusters, while independent filmmakers are taking advantage of cloud computing’s low costs to create and distribute their films. This resulting “democratization of the film industry” has resulted in a trend towards more independent films being released since 2002

    Context Sensor Data on Demand for Mobile Users Supported by XMPP

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    Tänapäeval võimaldavad tehnoloogilised edusammud kasutaja käitumise seiremeetodites automatiseerida teatud arvutusülesandeid, mis täidetakse kasutaja kavatsust prognoosides. Nutitelefonid rikastavad mobiilseid rakendusi prognoosiva käitumisega kasutatavuses, mis võimaldab käitumismustritega sammu pidada. Üldiselt on sellist käitumist võimalik saavutada nutitelefoni enda vahenditega, kasutades telefoni sisse ehitatud mikromehaanilisi seadmeid, mis võimaldavad keskkonda tajuda. Lisaks võivad mobiilsed rakendused kasutaja mobiilse kogemuse rikastamiseks lõigata kasu keskkonda integreeritud hajuslausteenustest, nagu näiteks ümbrustundlike mängude, kodu automatiseerimise tarkvara jms puhul. Ent mobiilikasutajatele suunatud lausteenuseid pakkuvatel elektroonilistel seadmetel, mis koguvad sensorite abi keskkonnast informatsiooni, on teatavad riistvaralised piirangud (arvutusjõudlus, mälu, salvestusmeedia, energiatarbimine jne). Seega, lausüsteemid ei ole võimelised nõudluse suurenemisel skaleeruma ega rakendama suurt arvutusjõudlust. Töö eesmärgiks on pakkuda lahendus ületamaks skaleeruvuse, andmete terviklikkuse säilitamise ja vähese arvutusjõudluse probleeme ning rikastada nutitelefoni rakendusi detailsete kasutajapõhiste andmetega. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks transporditakse sensoritelt kogutud informatsioon optimiseeritud XMPP protokolli abiga Arduino mikrokontrollerist pilvesüsteemi. Süsteemi ehitamiseks kasutatakse Arduino poolt pakutavat odavat riistvara, samas kui pilvesüsteemi usaldusväärset ja kõrge kättesaadavusega vahendeid kasutatakse mikrokontrollerist saadetud andmete salvestamiseks ja edaspidiseks töötlemiseks. Töö käigus testiti mikrokontrolleri energia nõudlust, kasutades 9V patareid, nii juhtme kui ka juhtmevaba liidesega. Tulemused tõestasid eeldustele vastupidiselt, et juhtmevaba süsteemi energia nõudlus on suurem. Lisaks testiti vabavara XMPP serveri jõudlust pilvesüsteemi keskkonnas ning tulemused näitasid, et XMPP võimaldab üheaegselt serveerida suure hulga kasutajaid

    A Framework for Energy-efficient Mobile Cloud Offloading

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    Esilekerkivad nutitelefonide tehnoloogiad on kogenud geomeetrilist kasvu ja on praegu veel tõusuteel. Inimesed kasutavad nutitelefone oma igapäevastes tegevustes nagu e-maili saatmine, fotode ja videode jagamine läbi erinevate peer-to-peersotsiaalvõrgustiku jaoturite ja nii edasi. Viimastel aastatel on nutitelefonid kogenud suuri tehnoloogilisi edusamme ja innovatsiooni seoses töötlusvõimekusega ja saab nüüd kasutada keerukate ja ressursimahukate ülesannete täitmiseks rakendustes, näiteks videode monteerimine ja töötlemine ning objekti äratundmine. Kuigi enamus nutitelefone on oluliselt täiustatud, et hakkama saada suurendatud rakendustega, millel on keerukad arvutusvajadused, piiravad neid ikkagi nende energiavarud, näiteks aku kestvus. Akutehnoloogia ei ole arenenud nii kiirelt kui teised nutitelefoni valdkonnad ja seega arvutusintensiivsete ülesannete läbiviimine põhjustaks selle kiire kahanemise; tõestuseks vajadus pidevalt laadida seadme akut. Mitmeid meetodeid on pakutud välja energiasäästu maksimeerimiseks mobiilsetel seadmetel. Mõned neist aeglustavad keskprotsessor või lülitavad ekraani välja, kui on tegevusetud. Nende hulgast kõige märkimisväärsem tehnika nutitelefoni energia säästmiseks on arvutusvõimsuse koormuse jaotamine. See hõlmab teatud ülesannete töötluse üleviimist piiratud ressurssidega nutitelefonist kaugesse ressursirikkasse seadmesse hõlbustades seega nutitelefoni energia tarbimist. See on küllaltki lai uurimisvaldkond ja on hulganisti panustatud selle ala arendamiseks. Sellele vaatamata on veel palju tööd vaja teha seoses energia säästmisega läbi arvutusvõimsuse koormuse jaotamise korduva ressursimahuka töötlemise ajal. Selles teadusuuringus on me eesmärk vähendada energia tarbimist korduva energiamahuka töötlemise ajal. Me arvestame konteksti teadlikkust pakkudes välja plaanuri mudelit, mis saaks vähendada mobiilse seadme energia kiiret vähenemist seega saavutades meie eesmärgi. Pakume teenusele orienteeritud raamistikku eesmärgiga võimaldada energiatõhusa ülesande täitmist mobiilsel seadmel plaanuri käitumisalgoritmi abil. Me arendame kontseptsiooni tõestuse prototüüpi Android seadmel, et demonstreerida ja hinnata raamistiku energiasäästu võimekust.Emerging smartphone technologies has experienced a geometric increase and is currently still on the rise. People use the smartphone for their day-to-day activities such as sending emails, sharing photos and videos through various peer-to-peer social network hubs and so on. In the last few years, the smartphone has experienced massive technological advancements and innovation with respect to its processing capabilities and can now be used to perform complex, resource-intensive tasks in advanced applications like video editing and processing, and object recognition. Although most smartphones have been greatly augmented to handle advanced applications with complex computational needs, they are still limited in terms of their energy resources i.e. battery life. Battery technology has not evolved as rapidly as other areas of the smartphone and so the execution of computational-intensive tasks would cause its rapid depletion; evidenced by the need to constantly charge the device battery. Many techniques have been proffered to maximize energy conservation on mobile devices. Some of which are slowing down the CPU, or shutting off the screen when idle. Among these, the most notable technique for conserving smartphone energy is computation offloading. This basically involves the transfer of the processing of certain tasks from a resource-constrained smartphone to a remote, resource-rich device thereby facilitating energy conservation on the smartphone. This is a fairly large research area and numerous contributions have been made towards advancement in this field. However, much work is yet to be done with regards to energy conservation through offloading during recurrent resource-intensive processing. In this research study we aim to reduce energy consumption during continuous, energy-intensive processing. We consider context-awareness in proposing a scheduling model that could potentially minimize the speedy depletion of mobile device energy thus achieving our aim. We propose a service-oriented framework towards enabling energy-optimal task execution through a task scheduling offload algorithm. We develop a proof-of-concept prototype on an Android device to demonstrate and evaluate the framework’s energy conserving capabilities

    Literature Based Study On Cloud Computing For Health And Sustainability In View Of Covid19

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    The modern age of technology is trending with digitalization and reshaping the business around the world. Advancement of new technologies and innovations are transforming businesses in numerous ways and creating a whole new business computational ecosystem. Most often professionals are across the globe are talking about terms like digitization, Industry 4.0, Big Data, Block chain Technologies, cloud computing, 3D Printing, Machine Learning, Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Data mining etc. Amidst, all the major advanced technologies mentioned above, Cloud Computing, is one of the fast emerging into a large scale computing system with seamless access to virtually limitless resources. Just to apprise how the computing systems works before cloud computing ;technically to elucidate, Server-That was the past, back in the days say 20 years ago every company used to have its own server. In computing, a server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices. A server is basically a very large computer (just like a mainframe) with its own set of hardware which includes a sophisticated processor capable of handling huge workloads from the office clients. On top of these servers the Operating System (OS) was installed and the applications were placed on these OS. The server will contain all the database of that particular organization and all the concerned in that organization will have access to that data stored in that server through WAN (Wide Area Network) or LAN (Local Area Network). The data stored in these servers can be anything ranging from stock record, records of all transactions or even application or email service. Typical servers are Database servers, CatLog server, File Servers, Print Servers, Sound Server, Media Server, Mail Server, Proxy servers, Web servers, Game Servers, Application servers etc. Hence, to maintain such server facility and proper functionality, it’s becoming daunting task for small and big companies too. As such huge investment, technical expertise, IT infrastructure, vendors, manpower, security , licensing, overall maintenance cost shall gradually become untenable. Then come “Revolutionizing Computing systems called ‘Cloud computing” which is supposed to be totally changed scenario of computational systems. Since it is cheap, no need to hire professional IT to maintain server, no wastage of money on acquiring server OS licensing, user friendly. Hence, it could be sustained in small and big companies/enterprises easily. Coronavirus, now declared as pandemic, is causing widespread shutdown and chaos. The rapid spread and global impact of COVID-19 can make people feel helpless and scared as the novel coronavirus escalates and forces them to change many aspects of their respective lives. It is clear that the world needs a quick & safe solution right now to combat further spread of coronavirus . What then is the best solution to this health crisis? This is where technologies such as cloud computing, AI & machine learning come into play. It will be very interesting to see how cloud computing will address and contribute towards these issues in the healthcare system & industry. The purpose of this paper is to explore the current state, status and trends of cloud computing in health system in view of covid-19

    Haptic Interactions with Virtual Reality

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    Many possible systems exist that could benefit from Haptic Interactions, the communication of forces between a user and a system. Robotic assisted rehabilitation, interactive Virtual Reality media, and Telerobotics are some examples. However, due to simplified interactions methods, high costs, and lack of application development tools, Haptic Interaction with Virtual Reality has not reached its full potential. As a solution towards these problems, the team created a development platform Haptic Interaction System, capable of supplying Haptic Interactions between a user and hosted simulated environment and objects, along with the tools to enhance the system and develop applications based on Haptic Interactions

    From Nascar to Cirque du Soleil: Lessons in Audience Development

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    Examines marketing trends and principles in entertainment and performance. Case studies include nonprofit arts organizations, mega-concert promoters, for-profit entertainment conglomerates, sports promoters and religious organizations