5 research outputs found

    Approximating the Pareto Front of Multi-criteria Optimization Problems

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    Abstract. We propose a general methodology for approximating the Pareto front of multi-criteria optimization problems. Our search-based methodology consists of submitting queries to a constraint solver. Hence, in addition to a set of solutions, we can guarantee bounds on the distance to the actual Pareto front and use this distance to guide the search. Our implementation, which computes and updates the distance efficiently, has been tested on numerous examples.

    Proceedings of the first international workshop on Investigating dataflow in embedded computing architectures (IDEA 2015), January 21, 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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    IDEA '15 held at HiPEAC 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands on January 21st, 2015 is the rst workshop on Investigating Data ow in Embedded computing Architectures. This technical report comprises of the proceedings of IDEA '15. Over the years, data ow has been gaining popularity among Embedded Systems researchers around Europe and the world. However, research on data ow is limited to small pockets in dierent communities without a common forum for discussion. The goal of the workshop was to provide a platform to researchers and practitioners to present work on modelling and analysis of present and future high performance embedded computing architectures using data ow. Despite being the rst edition of the workshop, it was very pleasant to see a total of 14 submissions, out of which 6 papers were selected following a thorough reviewing process. All the papers were reviewed by at least 5 reviewers. This workshop could not have become a reality without the help of a Technical Program Committee (TPC). The TPC members not only did the hard work to give helpful reviews in time, but also participated in extensive discussion following the reviewing process, leading to an excellent workshop program and very valuable feedback to authors. Likewise, the Organisation Committee also deserves acknowledgment to make this workshop a successful event. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed in making this workshop a success

    Proceedings of the first international workshop on Investigating dataflow in embedded computing architectures (IDEA 2015), January 21, 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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    IDEA '15 held at HiPEAC 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands on January 21st, 2015 is the rst workshop on Investigating Data ow in Embedded computing Architectures. This technical report comprises of the proceedings of IDEA '15. Over the years, data ow has been gaining popularity among Embedded Systems researchers around Europe and the world. However, research on data ow is limited to small pockets in dierent communities without a common forum for discussion. The goal of the workshop was to provide a platform to researchers and practitioners to present work on modelling and analysis of present and future high performance embedded computing architectures using data ow. Despite being the rst edition of the workshop, it was very pleasant to see a total of 14 submissions, out of which 6 papers were selected following a thorough reviewing process. All the papers were reviewed by at least 5 reviewers. This workshop could not have become a reality without the help of a Technical Program Committee (TPC). The TPC members not only did the hard work to give helpful reviews in time, but also participated in extensive discussion following the reviewing process, leading to an excellent workshop program and very valuable feedback to authors. Likewise, the Organisation Committee also deserves acknowledgment to make this workshop a successful event. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed in making this workshop a success

    Proposta de um modelo de excelência organizacional para pequenas e médias empresas

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão da QualidadeA preocupação das pequenas e médias empresas com a excelência organizacional tem vindo a crescer nos últimos anos. Por forma a corresponderem às expectativas do mercado, têm vindo a adotar e implementar diferentes modelos de excelência, o que as impele a desenvolver uma estrutura para este fim. As pequenas e médias empresas reportam dificuldades na implementação de modelos pré-existentes, uma vez que estes foram concebidos para grandes empresas. Assim, é fundamental conceber, testar e integrar no mercado novos modelos adaptados à sua dimensão, o que tem vindo a fomentar um novo ramo de investigação com foco nesta área. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se o desenvolvimento e validação de um novo modelo de excelência organizacional, especialmente concebido para pequenas e médias empresas. O trabalho iniciou-se com uma revisão da literatura para avaliar o estado da arte dos modelos de excelência organizacional, o seu conteúdo e utilização em todo o mundo, incluindo a identificação dos conceitos principais que orientam o seu desenvolvimento e implementação. Posteriormente, construiu-se o modelo conceptual e efetuou-se a sua validação junto de um painel de especialistas da área, com o objetivo de aumentar a sua robustez. O painel reuniu vinte especialistas oriundos de diferentes contextos, nomeadamente, académico e industrial. Foi ainda preparado um guia para suportar e apoiar a sua implementação organizacional. Em relação ao modelo proposto, integrou características específicas das pequenas e médias empresas e do atual mercado em que atuam, podendo destacar-se a digitalização, sustentabilidade e responsabilidade social. A validação realizada pelo painel consistiu num contacto, por parte de cada especialista, com o modelo desenvolvido e confronto com outros pré-existentes, seguindo-se uma análise crítica do mesmo, possibilitando a promoção da sua robustez. Espera-se que o modelo permita que estas empresas alcancem a excelência organizacional, pela utilização de uma estrutura que melhor se adapta ao seu contexto e necessidades.The concern of small and medium-sized companies regarding organizational excellence has been growing. In order to meet market expectations, these companies have been adopting and implementing different excellence models, which impels them to develop a structure for this purpose. Small and medium-sized enterprises report difficulties in the implementation of pre-existing models since they are designed for large companies. Thus, it is fundamental to design, test and integrate new models adapted to its size, which has been promoting a new field of research focused on this area. This dissertation presents the development and validation of a new organizational excellence model, specially designed for small and medium enterprises. The work began with a review of the literature to evaluate the state of art regarding organizational excellence models, their content and use worldwide. This revision includes the identification of the key concepts that guide their development and implementation. Subsequently, the conceptual model was constructed and validated by a panel of specialists, to increase its robustness. The panel brought together twenty specialists from different contexts, namely academic and industrial. A guide was also prepared to support its industrial implementation. Concerning the proposed model, it integrates the specific characteristics of small and medium-sized companies and the current market in which they operate, with the most noteworthy being digitization, sustainability, and social responsibility. The validation carried out by the panel consisted of contact, by each specialist, with the developed model and confrontation with pre-existing ones, followed by critical analysis, allowing the promotion of the model robustness. It is hoped that the model will allow these companies to achieve organizational excellence by using a structure that best suits their context and needs