3 research outputs found

    Adaptive and autonomous protocol for spectrum identification and coordination in ad hoc cognitive radio network

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    The decentralised structure of wireless Ad hoc networks makes them most appropriate for quick and easy deployment in military and emergency situations. Consequently, in this thesis, special interest is given to this form of network. Cognitive Radio (CR) is defined as a radio, capable of identifying its spectral environment and able to optimally adjust its transmission parameters to achieve interference free communication channel. In a CR system, Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) is made feasible. CR has been proposed as a candidate solution to the challenge of spectrum scarcity. CR works to solve this challenge by providing DSA to unlicensed (secondary) users. The introduction of this new and efficient spectrum management technique, the DSA, has however, opened up some challenges in this wireless Ad hoc Network of interest; the Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network (CRAHN). These challenges, which form the specific focus of this thesis are as follows: First, the poor performance of the existing spectrum sensing techniques in low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) conditions. Secondly the lack of a central coordination entity for spectrum allocation and information exchange in the CRAHN. Lastly, the existing Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocol such as the 802.11 was designed for both homogeneous spectrum usage and static spectrum allocation technique. Consequently, this thesis addresses these challenges by first developing an algorithm comprising of the Wavelet-based Scale Space Filtering (WSSF) algorithm and the Otsu's multi-threshold algorithm to form an Adaptive and Autonomous WaveletBased Scale Space Filter (AWSSF) for Primary User (PU) sensing in CR. These combined algorithms produced an enhanced algorithm that improves detection in low SNR conditions when compared to the performance of EDs and other spectrum sensing techniques in the literature. Therefore, the AWSSF met the performance requirement of the IEEE 802.22 standard as compared to other approaches and thus considered viable for application in CR. Next, a new approach for the selection of control channel in CRAHN environment using the Ant Colony System (ACS) was proposed. The algorithm reduces the complex objective of selecting control channel from an overtly large spectrum space,to a path finding problem in a graph. We use pheromone trails, proportional to channel reward, which are computed based on received signal strength and channel availability, to guide the construction of selection scheme. Simulation results revealed ACS as a feasible solution for optimal dynamic control channel selection. Finally, a new channel hopping algorithm for the selection of a control channel in CRAHN was presented. This adopted the use of the bio-mimicry concept to develop a swarm intelligence based mechanism. This mechanism guides nodes to select a common control channel within a bounded time for the purpose of establishing communication. Closed form expressions for the upper bound of the time to rendezvous (TTR) and Expected TTR (ETTR) on a common control channel were derived for various network scenarios. The algorithm further provides improved performance in comparison to the Jump-Stay and Enhanced Jump-Stay Rendezvous Algorithms. We also provided simulation results to validate our claim of improved TTR. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the proposed system contributes positively to the ongoing research in CRAHN

    Un cadre inter-couches pour la protection contre les interférences dans les réseaux ad-hoc radio cognitive

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    A fixed spectrum assignment scheme has a problem with resource deficiency in a wireless network. In 2002, the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC) reported that the radio spectrum was 20% to 85% under-utilized. The insufficient use of the spectrum is a critical issue for radio communication; as communication grows, a fixed spectrum becomes more limiting. The FCC then changed its spectrum management policy to make it more flexible by investigating the cognitive radio (CR) approach. Cognitive radio is a type of intelligent radio that explores the radio frequency environment, learns, and decides to use the unused portion of the frequency. The main functions of a CR are sensing, decision making, and sharing. However, these radios have to respect the standard wireless infrastructures by ensuring the least impact with their devices, also known as primary radios. Coexistence between CR systems and primary systems requires dedicated observation processes and interference management. In this thesis, observation from a CR point of view is presented. The overlapping area between a CR transmitter and primary radio (PR) transmitter is analysed so that it can be taken into account. The impact of this area is learnt by simulation and presented in Chapter 4. As a consequence, potential interference is envisaged. Along with observation, we investigate a proper mechanism to better prevent perturbation on PR devices using the Grey model and Kalman filter as a prediction model for predicting the density of primary receivers. In addition, we provide a strategy to combine the obtained observations into a metric that can be used in routing design in the context of coexistence between Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) and primary networks. The proposed strategy, using fuzzy logic, is presented in Chapter 5. In this chapter, we investigate how the routing layer reacts and makes the right decisions to maximise the spectrum resources, while avoiding interference with the primary receivers. For instance, a CR node can operate in an overlap region if primary receivers are inactive within this area. Also, we propose a routing mechanism based on the DYMO routing protocol that takes into account the observed relative impact. In the same chapter, we provide some practical scenarios illustrating the usefulness of our proposal. Interconnecting the CR nodes in CRNs is also a critical problem for the establishment of the network. We therefore present a beacon-based dissemination process in Chapter 6. In this chapter, we also describe a practical device designed for cognitive radio experiments. Even though our work affects different protocol layers, the designed framework is cross-layered. Indeed, the different components of the proposed framework access the various layers to retrieve information, process it, and react accordingly. Thus, our work constitutes a cross-layer framework for a local cognitive radio that aims to minimise the interference and maximise the network resources in cognitive radio networks.Le plan d’attribution du spectre présente un problème de déficit de ressources dans les réseaux sans fil. En 2002, la FCC (Federal Communication Commission) a rapporté que le spectre radioélectrique était de 20% à 85% sous-utilisé. L’utilisation inefficace du spectre est un problème majeur qui doit être résolu si l’on veut que les communications radio se développent. La FCC a ensuite changé la politique de gestion du spectre pour la rendre plus souple en s’interessant à l’approche radio cognitive (CR). La radio cognitive est un type de radio intelligente qui explore l’environnement de fréquences radio, apprend et décide d’utiliser la partie inutilisée du spectre. Les principales fonctions de la CR sont la détection, la prise de décision, et le partage. Cependant, ces radios doivent respecter les infrastructures sans fil standards en minimisant leur impact sur les appareils prioritaires, également appelés systèmes primaires. La coexistence entre les systèmes CR et les systèmes primaires nécessite des processus d’observation et de gestion des interférences dédiés. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la phase d’observation du point de vue CR. La zone de chevauchement entre un émetteur CR et l’émetteur primaire (PR) est analysée et prise en compte. L’impact de cette zone est appris par simulation et présenté dans le chapitre 4. En conséquence, des interférences potentielles sont envisagées. Durant la phase d’observation, nous étudions un mécanisme permettant de mieux prévenir la perturbation sur les dispositifs PR en utilisant le Grey Model et le filtre de Kalman comme modèle de prédiction de la densité des récepteurs primaires. En complément à cette observation, nous fournissons une stratégie visant à combiner les observations obtenues en une mesure qui pourra être utilisée par le routage dans le cadre de la coexistence entre réseaux radio cognitive (CRN) et réseaux primaires. La stratégie proposée utilise la logique floue et est présentée dans le chapitre 5. Dans ce chapitre, nous étudions comment la couche réseau réagit et prend les bonnes décisions pour maximiser l’utilisation des ressources du spectre, tout en évitant les interférences avec les récepteurs primaires. Par exemple, un noeud CR peut fonctionner dans une zone de recouvrement, si les récepteurs primaires sont inactifs dans cette zone. Ainsi, nous avons proposé un mécanisme de routage basé sur le protocole de routage DYMO qui prend en compte l’impact relatif observé. Dans ce même chapitre, nous avons également présenté des scénarios pratiques illustrant l’utilité de notre proposition. L’interconnexion des noeuds CR dans le CRN est aussi un problème crucial pour la mise en place du réseau. C’est pourquoi nous présentons un processus de diffusion par balises au chapitre 6. Dans ce chapitre, nous décrivons également un dispositif pratique conçu pour des expériences en radio cognitive. Même si notre travail se rapporte à différentes couches de la pile protocolaire, le cadre général que nous avons conçu est multicouches. En effet, les composants accèdent aux différentes couches pour récupérer l’information, la traiter et réagir en conséquence. Ainsi, notre travail constitue un environnement inter-couches pour un dispositif radio cognitive local visant à minimiser les interférences et à maximiser les ressources réseau dans les réseaux radio cognitive

    Cognitive radio networks: medium access control for coexistence of wireless systems

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    This book gives a comprehensive overview of the medium access control (MAC) principles in cognitive radio networks, with a specific focus on how such MAC principles enable different wireless systems to coexist in the same spectrum band and carry out spectrum sharing.  From algorithm design to the latest developments in the standards and spectrum policy, readers will benefit from leading-edge knowledge of how cognitive radio systems coexist and share spectrum resources.  Coverage includes cognitive radio rendezvous, spectrum sharing, channel allocation, coexistence in TV white space, and coexistence of heterogeneous wireless systems.   • Provides a comprehensive reference on medium access control (MAC)-related problems in the design of cognitive radio systems and networks; • Includes detailed analysis of various coexistence problems related to medium access control in cognitive radio networks; • Reveals novel techniques for addressing the challenges of coexistence protocol design at a higher level of abstraction; • Discusses technical challenges of MAC layer protocol design for heterogeneous wireless systems as well as potential solutions.