30 research outputs found

    Variational Approaches For Learning Finite Scaled Dirichlet Mixture Models

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    With a massive amount of data created on a daily basis, the ubiquitous demand for data analysis is undisputed. Recent development of technology has made machine learning techniques applicable to various problems. Particularly, we emphasize on cluster analysis, an important aspect of data analysis. Recent works with excellent results on the aforementioned task using finite mixture models have motivated us to further explore their extents with different applications. In other words, the main idea of mixture model is that the observations are generated from a mixture of components, in each of which the probability distribution should provide strong flexibility in order to fit numerous types of data. Indeed, the Dirichlet family of distributions has been known to achieve better clustering performances than those of Gaussian when the data are clearly non-Gaussian, especially proportional data.  Thus, we introduce several variational approaches for finite Scaled Dirichlet mixture models. The proposed algorithms guarantee reaching convergence while avoiding the computational complexity of conventional Bayesian inference. In summary, our contributions are threefold. First, we propose a variational Bayesian learning framework for finite Scaled Dirichlet mixture models, in which the parameters and complexity of the models are naturally estimated through the process of minimizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the approximated posterior distribution and the true one. Secondly, we integrate component splitting into the first model, a local model selection scheme, which gradually splits the components based on their mixing weights to obtain the optimal number of components. Finally, an online variational inference framework for finite Scaled Dirichlet mixture models is developed by employing a stochastic approximation method in order to improve the scalability of finite mixture models for handling large scale data in real time. The effectiveness of our models is validated with real-life challenging problems including object, texture, and scene categorization, text-based and image-based spam email detection

    Content Based Retrieval Systems in a Clinical Context

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    Medical images modality classification using multi-scale dictionary learning

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    In this paper, we proposed a method for classification of medical images captured by different sensors (modalities) based on multi-scale wavelet representation using dictionary learning. Wavelet features extracted from an image provide discrimination useful for classification of medical images, namely, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (FRMI). The ability of On-line dictionary learning (ODL) to achieve sparse representation of an image is exploited to develop dictionaries for each class using multi-scale representation (wavelets) feature. An experimental analysis performed on a set of images from the ICBM medical database demonstrates efficacy of the proposed method

    formal modeling for magnetic resonance images tamper mitigation

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    Abstract The picture archiving and communication system is a medical imaging technology used primarily in healthcare organizations to store and digitally transmit electronic images and clinically-relevant reports. As demonstrated, these systems can be exploited by malicious users: in fact, considering that medical images are not digitally encrypted, any medical image modifications would be difficult to detect for a radiologist. To mitigate this aspect, in this paper a formal modelisation for picture archiving and communication system systems is proposed. The main aim is to avoid illegal writing and reading from components that should not do it, by representing the system components in terms of automa

    Securing DICOM images based on adaptive pixel thresholding approach

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    This paper presents a novel efficient two-region Selective encryption approach that exploits medical images statistical properties to adaptively segment Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) images into regions using thresholding technique in the spatial domain. This approach uses adaptive pixel thresholding, in which thresholds for same DICOM modality, anatomy part and pixel intensities' range were extracted off-line. Then, the extracted thresholds were objectively and subjectively evaluated to select the most accurate threshold for the correspondent pixel intensities' range. In the on-line stage, DICOM images were segmented into a Region Of Interest (ROI) and a Region Of Background (ROB) based on their pixels intensities using the adopted thresholds. After that, ROI was encrypted using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), while ROB was encrypted using XXTEA. The main goal of the proposed approach is to reduce the encryption processing time overhead in comparison with the Naïve approach; where all image pixels are encrypted using AES. The proposed approach aims to achieve a trade-off between processing time and a high level of security. The encryption time of the proposed approach can save up to 60% of the Naïve encryption time for DICOM images with small-medium ROI

    Content-based image retrieval for brain MRI: An image-searching engine and population-based analysis to utilize past clinical data for future diagnosis

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    AbstractRadiological diagnosis is based on subjective judgment by radiologists. The reasoning behind this process is difficult to document and share, which is a major obstacle in adopting evidence-based medicine in radiology. We report our attempt to use a comprehensive brain parcellation tool to systematically capture image features and use them to record, search, and evaluate anatomical phenotypes. Anatomical images (T1-weighted MRI) were converted to a standardized index by using a high-dimensional image transformation method followed by atlas-based parcellation of the entire brain. We investigated how the indexed anatomical data captured the anatomical features of healthy controls and a population with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA). PPA was chosen because patients have apparent atrophy at different degrees and locations, thus the automated quantitative results can be compared with trained clinicians' qualitative evaluations. We explored and tested the power of individual classifications and of performing a search for images with similar anatomical features in a database using partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and principal component analysis (PCA). The agreement between the automated z-score and the averaged visual scores for atrophy (r = 0.8) was virtually the same as the inter-evaluator agreement. The PCA plot distribution correlated with the anatomical phenotypes and the PLS-DA resulted in a model with an accuracy of 88% for distinguishing PPA variants. The quantitative indices captured the main anatomical features. The indexing of image data has a potential to be an effective, comprehensive, and easily translatable tool for clinical practice, providing new opportunities to mine clinical databases for medical decision support

    An efficient radiographic Image Retrieval system using Convolutional Neural Network

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