5,187 research outputs found

    Introduction: The Fogarty International Research Ethics Education and Curriculum Development Program in Historical Context

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    In response to the increasing need for research ethics expertise in low and middle income countries (LMICs), the NIH's Fogarty International Research Ethics Education and Curriculum Development Program has provided grants for the development of training programs in international research ethics for LMIC professionals since 2000. This collection of papers draws upon the combined expertise of Fogarty grantees, trainees, and other experts to assess the state of research ethics in LMICs, and the lessons learned over 12 years of international research ethics education; to assess future needs; and to chart a way forward to meet those needs. In this introductory paper we briefly sketch the evolution of research ethics as applied to LMIC research, the underpinning and evolution of the Fogarty bioethics program, and summarize key conclusions from the other papers in the collection

    La diversité de la bioéthique en Croatie : une esquisse historique avec une touche critique

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    The paper tries to elucidate the circumstances and major milestones in the developmental path of bioethics in Croatia, departing from the first mention of the term ‘bioethics’ in 1985 until the present day. Listed and critically addressed are the major book series devoted to bioethical and/or medical-ethical topics, journals, editors, authors, and institutions. The overview groups Croatian bioethicists in accordance with their professional and/or intellectual background (theologians, physicians, philosophers, sociologists, lawyers, etc.). One of the most intriguing results of the paper has been the revealed variety of perspectives and approaches to bioethics in Croatia, some of them being recognised even at European and global level. It is the authors’ opinion that this variety might primarily be ascribed to the enthusiasm of two pioneers of bioethics in Croatia – Ivan Ć egota (1938–2011) and Ante Čović.Članak pokuĆĄava rasvijetliti okolnosti i glavne etape razvitka bioetike u Hrvatskoj, započinjući s prvim spomenom pojma ‘bioetika’ 1985 pa sve do danaĆĄnjeg dana. Nabrojene su i ponegdje kritički procijenjene glavne biblioteke posvećene bioetičkim i/ili medicinskoetičkim temama, časopisi, urednici, autori i ustanove. Pregled grupira hrvatske bioetičare prema njihovom izvornom profesionalnom i/ili intelektualnom bavljenju (teolozi, medicinari, filozofi, sociolozi, pravnici itd.). Jedan od najintrigantnijih rezultata članka je razotkrivanje raznolikosti perspektiva i pristupa bioetici u Hrvatskoj, od kojih su neke prepoznate čak i na europskoj odnosno svjetskoj razini. MiĆĄljenje je autora da se ova raznolikost moĆŸe prvenstveno pripisati entuzijazmu dvojice pionira bioetike u Hrvatskoj – Ivanu Ć egoti (1938.–2011.) i Anti Čoviću.L’article essaie d’élucider les circonstances et les Ă©tapes principales de l’évolution de la bioĂ©thique en Croatie, Ă  commencer par la premiĂšre mention de la notion de « bioĂ©thique » en 1985, jusqu’à ce jour. Sont listĂ©s et abordĂ©s parfois de façon critique les principales sĂ©ries d’ouvrages, revues, Ă©diteurs, auteurs et Ă©tablissements dĂ©diĂ©s aux sujets bioĂ©thiques et/ou mĂ©dicaux. Cet aperçu regroupe les bioĂ©thiciens croates selon leur domaine professionnel et/ou intellectuel initial (thĂ©ologiens, mĂ©decins, philosophes, sociologues, juristes, etc.). L’un des rĂ©sultats les plus intriguants est la diversitĂ© rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e de perspectives et d’approches de la bioĂ©thique en Croatie, dont certaines ont Ă©tĂ© reconnues mĂȘme au niveau europĂ©en ou mondial. L’avis des auteurs est que cette diversitĂ© peut ĂȘtre attribuĂ©e principalement Ă  l’enthousiasme de deux pionniers de la bioĂ©thique en Croatie, Ivan Ć egota (1938–2011) et Ante Čović.Das Paper unternimmt den Versuch, die Gelegenheiten nebst Meilensteinen der Bioethik-Entwicklung in Kroatien zu beleuchten, einsetzend mit der ErsterwĂ€hnung des Terminus „Bioethik“ im Jahre 1985 bis zu unserer Zeit. AufgefĂŒhrt sowie kritisch angesprochen sind bedeutendste Buchreihen, die den bioethischen und/bzw. medizinisch-ethischen Themen zugeeignet sind, Zeitschriften, Herausgeber, Autoren und Einrichtungen. Der Überblick gliedert kroatische Bioethiker gemĂ€ĂŸ ihrem professionellen und/oder intellektuellen Hintergrund (Theologen, Mediziner, Philosophen, Soziologen, RechtsanwĂ€lte et cetera). Eines der intrigantesten Fazits des Artikels war die EnthĂŒllung der Perspektiven- bzw. Ansatzbreite in puncto Bioethik in Kroatien; einige von denen wurden sogar auf europĂ€ischem bzw. globalem Niveau bejaht. Nach dem Erachten des Autors könne eine solche VariabilitĂ€t in erster Linie dem Enthusiasmus zweier Pioniere der Bioethik in Kroatien zugemessen werden – Ivan Ć egota (1938–2011) und Ante Čović


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    ABSTRACTMedical ethics can be traced back to Hippocratic oat in antiquity. Last decade witnessed improvements in science and technology which attracted attention to the ethical impacts of the innovations in medicine. The need to combine medical innovations with a preservation of human values and to cultivate ethical competencies required by professionalism conceived medical ethics education in various levels in medical schools. Despite the diversities regarding teaching hours, methodology and content of the courses, medical ethics became a fundamental part of medical education around the world. In Turkey medical ethics education is given both in undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The high increase in the number of medical schools and shortfall of instructors who have medical ethics as their primary academic focus creates a big challenge in medical ethics education in both levels. Currently there are 89 medical schools in Turkey and only six medical schools are giving postgraduate medical ethics education. In 2010 only 33 of all medical schools could establish a separate department dedicated to medical ethics. There are no medical ethics courses embedded in residency programs. The quality and standardization of undergraduate medical ethics education has started but there are no initiatives to do so in postgraduate level. 

    Od pukog urbaniteta do urbanih bioetičkih standarda: poziv na ơirenje bioetike

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    An interest in research, deliberation, and reflection on urbanity has been present for a long time. Due to rapid urbanisation in the last few decades, such interest has intensified, attracting scholars from different disciplines and creating new platforms for discussion. The first indicators of a ‘bioethical’ interest in urban life are already present in Van Rensselaer Potter’s early papers (urban ethics. However, more extensive research into urban bioethics remained on hold until recently, mainly due to the dominance of the biomedical paradigm within modern mainstream bioethics. In 2017, the European Bioethics in Action project (funded by the Croatian Science Foundation) ended, resulting in a list of general bioethical standards related to animals, plants, and human health. The aim of this paper is to present the rationale for developing bioethical standards in a specific urban context.Interes za istraĆŸivanje, promiĆĄljanje i promiĆĄljanje urbanosti već je duĆŸe vrijeme prisutan. Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća, zbog rapidne urbanizacije, taj se interes dodatno intenzivirao, privlačeći znanstvenike različitih disciplina i stvarajući nove platforme rasprave. Prvi pokazatelji „bioetičkog“ interesa za urbani ĆŸivot prisutni su već u ranim radovima Van Rensselaera Pottera (urbana etika), no iscrpnija istraĆŸivanja urbane bioetike sve su donedavno bila zanemarena, uglavnom kao posljedica dominacije biomedicinske paradigme unutar bioetike. Jedan od rezultata nedavno provedenog projekta „Europska bioetika na djelu EuroBioAct“ (koji je financirala Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, 2014. - 2017.), bila je lista općih bioetičkih standarda koji su definirali prihvatljiv odnos prema ĆŸivotinjama, biljkama i zdravlju ljudi. Nadovezujući se na spomenuto, cilj ovog rada je razrada uporiĆĄta za razvoj bioetičkih standarda u specifičnom urbanom kontekstu

    Land-grant ideology, the Wisconsin idea, and the foundations of Van Rensselaer Potter's bioethics

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    In this dissertation I argue that properly situating Van Rensselaer Potter's bioethics makes it newly available to those seeking an alternative conceptual framework for global bioethics discourse. Locating Potter in the heretofore unappreciated context of the land-grant college ideology (evinced by those institutions established by the 1862 federal Morrill Act with a charge to democratize higher education and apply knowledge in the best interests of the public) and the Wisconsin Idea (a still–extant Progressive – era policy of applying university research to social legislation) not only illuminates its distinctive features but renders transparent its previously opaque epistemic culture. I outline how American bioethics as it is commonly understood took form at Georgetown University in the early 1970s with a mandate to consider the impact of new medical technologies on society, particularly in relation to reproductive and human fetal tissue research. This work yielded a vision that became known as principlism, the now-dominant form of Western bioethical discourse. I look at the various criticisms of principlism, as well as the inability of its critics to discard the principles framework. I then contrast principlism with the distinctly different understanding of bioethics that was offered in 1970 by Van Rensselaer Potter when he coined the word "bioethics." I discuss how, when Potter first began to speak of bioethics, he envisioned a "bridge to the future, " a union of science and the humanities that would foster cross–disciplinary thinking in anticipation of, and in the hope of averting, a worsening ecological crisis and its resultant negative impact on human health and well–being. The response to threats posed by technology — "dangerous knowledge" — was not to limit knowledge, but to respond with more knowledge, with the kind of contextual and moral vision that only transdisciplinary knowledge could provide. While Potter originally envisioned this work as a specific obligation of scientists, he gradually came to understand it as a social activity, a shift in communal perceptions and obligations. Finally, I suggest that Potter's bioethics has tremendous potential for redeeming bioethics and offers an alternative vision that is truly redemptive

    Asia - Pacific Perspectives on Bioethics Education

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    This collection of papers is the fifth in a series of books from RUSHSAP, UNESCO Bangkok offering Asia and Pacific perspectives on ethics - each focusing on specific themes. The contents come from submitted papers to the UNESCO Bangkok Bioethics conferences held in 2005 and they are assembled thematically. They also include discourse from the conference, as intercultural communication is part of the essence of deliberation on bioethics

    7th International Conference on Ethics Education: Conference Proceedings

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