202 research outputs found

    Review: Mediactive (2010)

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    Television documentary, pop stardom and auto/biographical narratives

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    QuĂš s'ha escrit sobre el canvi digital

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    Activismo ciudadano y acontecimientos polĂ­ticos en la transformaciĂłn de la esfera pĂșblica digital en españa: del sms ÂĄpĂĄsalo! a Podemos

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    This paper discusses digital communication, activism and political system in Spain from a critical-historical perspective. The results of combined empirical and analytical research indicate that a critical digital public sphere emerged in 2004 affecting the evolution of the political sphere to this day. Traditional parties had a slow and instrumental approach to the digital realm. Conversely, cyber-activism unfolded new options of political action, both in the short and long term, transforming the bipartisan system.El artĂ­culo aborda la comunicaciĂłn digital, el activismo y el sistema polĂ­tico en España desde una perspectiva crĂ­tica-histĂłrica. Los resultados de una investigaciĂłn empĂ­rica y analĂ­tica indican que en 2004 surgiĂł una esfera pĂșblica digital crĂ­tica que afectĂł la evoluciĂłn de la esfera polĂ­tica hasta hoy. Los partidos tradicionales se acercaron al entorno digital de manera lenta e instrumental. En cambio, el ciberactivismo abriĂł nuevas opciones de acciĂłn polĂ­tica, a corto y largo plazo, transformando el sistema bipartidista

    "There are just a few of us, but we are all important": responses to a disaster preparedness survey in Interior Alaska river villages

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    Master's Project (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2015This survey explores individual perspectives about disaster preparedness in Interior Alaska villages. The results will be used to create a new, locally relevant preparedness outreach flyer for distribution across the Interior Alaska region. Modern Red Cross preparedness fliers use the "Be Red Cross Ready: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Informed," flyer to educate people on useful preparedness behavior. This is also the standard across the United States used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other government agencies. But is the information contained within the "Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Informed" flyer really applicable to life in small, remote, Alaskan communities? Many of these communities are highly isolated according to the standards applied to the rest of the country: they experience often-extreme environmental conditions, and are composed of indigenous people who have their own worldview and concept of risk and community values. In order to effectively prepare people in villages for disasters, everything must be reconsidered to fit this Alaskan setting. Key findings from this survey project include: the importance of outdoor survival gear and cold-weather gear in emergency kits; the need for more written small community emergency plans; and the need for cultural competency training for disaster response professionals and volunteers

    Reality TV, or the secret theater of neoliberalism

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    Sex and Celebrity Media

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    Television documentary, pop stardom and auto/biographical narratives

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