6 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Micro Manipulation using Oscillation

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    In this paper, we analyze the mechanism of the phenomenon between an endeffector, a micro object and a substrate during a micro manipulation. In a micro range, the attracting forces such as the van der Waals, capillary, and electrostatic forces dominate and course adhesion between the object and the endeffector. The adhesion makes the manipulation of an object difficult. Recently, we developed a method to reduce the attracting/adhesion effect. When bringing an oscillating endeffector close to a micro object on a substrate, the attracting force between the object and the endeffector is reduced, attracting the object to the substrate. Then, it becomes easy to remove the endeffector from the object. Using this method, a micro object can be easily manipulated. However, the mechanism of the phenomenon is still unclear. In this paper, we develop the theoretical model of the system to analyze the phenomenon, and simulate the dynamical motion of the system. Comparing the experimental results, we show the validity of our approach. Using simulation and experiment, we show that the oscillation of the endeffector can reduce the adhesion effect between the endeffector and the object, attracting the object to the substrate. © 2006 IEEE

    Mikrosystembasierte Zellkultivierung und Zellmanipulation zur Applikation mechanischer Reize auf Zellen

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    Die übergeordnete Fragestellung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist biomedizinischer Art und seit mehr als 150 Jahren anhängig: Wie verhalten sich Zellen unter definierter Belastung? In vivo ist die Beobachtung zellulärer Prozesse bisher nicht ohne invasive Methoden möglich. Das verlangt nach einer Lösung in vitro, welche die natürlichen Bedingungen adäquat nachahmt und gleichzeitig optimale Bedingungen für die Beobachtung und Beeinflussung der Prozesse bietet. Dass sich dafür Mikrosysteme mit einer angepassten Peripherie eignen, wird in dieser Arbeit nachgewiesen.The motivating question underlying this work is generated by life sciences, pending for more than 150 years: How do cells behave under defined load? In vivo it is not possible to monitor subsiding cellular processes without the use of invasive methods. This demands for a solution in vitro, which mimics natural conditions adequately and offers optimized conditions for observation and manipulation at the same time. For this purpose BioMEMS (Bio Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) for cell are suitable. By means of analysis of state of the art for conventional macro and for micro system based cell cultivation and manipulation, requirements from cells and from users of such systems are defined. A micro system with a cultivation camber, tube connectors, an integrated scaffold, an optical and a mechanical access and other components forms the backbone of the entire system. It is completed by peripheral modules for supply of cells under adequate environmental conditions, observation of cells and processes and manipulation of cells and technical components. This configuration is explained in detail by exemplary realizations. Cell cultivation outside an incubator is feasible, securing biocompatibility. Considerations of the application of stimuli on cells are founded on this newly developed infrastructure. Existing macroscopic and microscopic methods may be adapted to the system, realizations are suggested. The performance of the entire system is discussed with reference to results of technical and biological tests. As result of the documented developmental process now a system exists, which after integration of cell-specific loading methods can be used by life scientists conduce to answer questions on cellular behavior.Zusätzliche Dateien: - Tabelle 5: Mikrozellkultivierungssysteme - Anhang A5: Literatur Zelldetektio

    Mechanism of micro manipulation using oscillation

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    Mechanism of Micro Manipulation using Oscillation

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    Abstract—In this paper, we analyze the mechanism of the phenomenon between an endeffector, a micro object and a substrate during a micro manipulation. In a micro range, the attracting forces such as the van der Waals, capillary, and electrostatic forces dominate and course adhesion between the object and the endeffector. The adhesion makes the manipulation of an object difficult. Recently, we developed a method to reduce the attracting/adhesion effect. When bringing an oscillating endeffector close to a micro object on a substrate, the attracting force between the object and the endeffector is reduced, attracting the object to the substrate. Then, it becomes easy to remove the endeffector from the object. Using this method, a micro object can be easily manipulated. However, the mechanism of the phenomenon is still unclear. In this paper, we develop the theoretical model of the system to analyze the phenomenon, and simulate the dynamical motion of the system. Comparing the experimental results, we show the validity of our approach. Using simulation and experiment, we show that the oscillation of the endeffector can reduce the adhesion effect between the endeffector and the object, attracting the object to the substrate. I

    Mechanism of micro manipulation using oscillation

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    Mechanism of micro manipulation using oscillation

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