9 research outputs found

    Certified Impossibility Results for Byzantine-Tolerant Mobile Robots

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    We propose a framework to build formal developments for robot networks using the COQ proof assistant, to state and to prove formally various properties. We focus in this paper on impossibility proofs, as it is natural to take advantage of the COQ higher order calculus to reason about algorithms as abstract objects. We present in particular formal proofs of two impossibility results forconvergence of oblivious mobile robots if respectively more than one half and more than one third of the robots exhibit Byzantine failures, starting from the original theorems by Bouzid et al.. Thanks to our formalization, the corresponding COQ developments are quite compact. To our knowledge, these are the first certified (in the sense of formally proved) impossibility results for robot networks

    Mechanical Support for Efficient Dissemination on the CAN Overlay Network

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    The various algorithms underlying P2P systems are notoriously difficult to design and analyze. Coming up with new proven algorithms for such large scale systems is a challenging task. We report on the initial steps of an ongoing work that aims to devise an efficient correct-by-construction broadcast algorithm for the CAN structured overlay network. To rigorously reason about such an algorithm and prove correctness we rely on an interactive theorem prover : Isabelle/HOL. This paper presents a generic reasoning framework which should ease the promotion of formal correctness proofs of existing multicast algorithms and also facilitate the design of new ones.Les différents algorithmes sous-jacents des systèmes Pair-à-Pair sont notoirement difficiles à concevoir et à analyser. Créer de nouveaux algorithmes prouvés corrects pour de tels systèmes à grande échelle est une tâche difficile. Nous rapportons les premières étapes d'un travail en cours qui vise à concevoir un algorithme de diffusion qui est correct par construction et efficace pour le réseau de recouvrement structuré CAN. Afin de raisonner de manière rigoureuse sur un tel algorithme et d'en prouver son exactitude nous nous appuyons sur un assistant de preuve interactif: Isabelle / HOL. Cet article présente un cadre de raisonnement générique qui devrait faciliter la promotion de preuves de correction formelle d'algorithmes de multicast existants et de faciliter la conception de nouveaux algorithmes

    RDA: A Coq Library to Reason about Randomised Distributed Algorithms in the Message Passing Model

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    Distributed algorithms have received considerable attention and were studied intensively in the past few decades. Under some hypotheses on the distributed system, there is no deterministic solution to certain classical problems. Randomised solutions are then needed to solve those problems. Probabilistic algorithms are generally simple to formulate. However, their analysis can become very complex, especially in the field of distributed computing. In this paper, we formally model in Coq a class of randomised distributed algorithms. We develop some tools to help proving impossibility results about classical problems and analysing this class of algorithms. As case studies, we examine the handshake and maximal matching problems. We show how to use our tools to formally prove properties about algorithms solving those problems

    The verification of MDG algorithms in the HOL theorem prover

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    Formal verification of digital systems is achieved, today, using one of two main approaches: states exploration (mainly model checking and equivalence checking) or deductive reasoning (theorem proving). Indeed, the combination of the two approaches, states exploration and deductive reasoning promises to overcome the limitation and to enhance the capabilities of each. Our research is motivated by this goal. In this thesis, we provide the entire necessary infrastructure (data structure + algorithms) to define high level states exploration in the HOL theorem prover named as MDG-HOL platform. While related work has tackled the same problem by representing primitive Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) operations as inference rules added to the core of the theorem prover, we have based our approach on the Multiway Decision Graphs (MDGs). MDG generalizes ROBDD to represent and manipulate a subset of first-order logic formulae. With MDGs, a data value is represented by a single variable of an abstract type and operations on data are represented in terms of uninterpreted function. Considering MDGs instead of BDDs will raise the abstraction level of what can be verified using a state exploration within a theorem prover. The MDGs embedding is based on the logical formulation of an MDG as a Directed Formulae (DF). The DF syntax is defined as HOL built-in data types. We formalize the basic MDG operations using this syntax within HOL following a deep embedding approach. Such approach ensures the consistency of our embedding. Then, we derive the correctness proof for each MDG basic operator. Based on this platform, the MDG reachability analysis is defined in HOL as a conversion that uses the MDG theory within HOL. Then, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our platform by considering four case studies. Our obtained results show that this verification framework offers a considerable gain in terms of automation without sacrificing CPU time and memory usage compared to automatic model checker tools. Finally, we propose a reduction technique to improve MDGs model checking based on the MDG-HOL platform. The idea is to prune the transition relation of the circuits using pre-proved theorems and lemmas from the specification given at system level. We also use the consistency of the specifications to verify if the reduced model is faithful to the original one. We provide two case studies, the first one is the reduction using SAT-MDG of an Island Tunnel Controller and the second one is the MDG-HOL assume-guarantee reduction of the Look-Aside Interface. The obtained results of our approach offers a considerable gain in terms of heuristics and reduction techniques correctness as to commercial model checking; however a small penalty is paid in terms of CPU time and memory usag

    Mechanical verification of distributed algorithms in higher-order logic

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    Mechanical Verification of Distributed Algorithms in Higher-Order Logic

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    The only practical way to verify the correctness of distributed algorithms with a high degree o