8 research outputs found

    Measuring the vulnerability for classes of intersection graphs

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    AbstractA general method for the computation of various parameters measuring the vulnerability of a graph is introduced. Four measures of vulnerability are considered, i.e., the toughness, scattering number, vertex integrity and the size of a minimum balanced separator. We show how to compute these parameters by polynomial-time algorithms for various classes of intersection graphs like permutation graphs, bounded dimensional cocomparability graphs, interval graphs, trapezoid graphs and circular versions of these graph classes

    Linear-time algorithms for scattering number and Hamilton-connectivity of interval graphs.

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    We prove that for all inline image an interval graph is inline image-Hamilton-connected if and only if its scattering number is at most k. This complements a previously known fact that an interval graph has a nonnegative scattering number if and only if it contains a Hamilton cycle, as well as a characterization of interval graphs with positive scattering numbers in terms of the minimum size of a path cover. We also give an inline image time algorithm for computing the scattering number of an interval graph with n vertices and m edges, which improves the previously best-known inline image time bound for solving this problem. As a consequence of our two results, the maximum k for which an interval graph is k-Hamilton-connected can be computed in inline image time

    A measure of graph vulnerability: scattering number

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    The scattering number of a graph G, denoted sc(G), is defined by sc(G)=max{c(G−S)−|S|:S⫅V(G)    and   c(G−S)≠1} where c(G−S) denotes the number of components in G−S. It is one measure of graph vulnerability. In this paper, general results on the scattering number of a graph are considered. Firstly, some bounds on the scattering number are given. Further, scattering number of a binomial tree is calculated. Also several results are given about binomial trees and graph operations

    On the Computational Complexity of Vertex Integrity and Component Order Connectivity

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    The Weighted Vertex Integrity (wVI) problem takes as input an nn-vertex graph GG, a weight function w:V(G)Nw:V(G)\to\mathbb{N}, and an integer pp. The task is to decide if there exists a set XV(G)X\subseteq V(G) such that the weight of XX plus the weight of a heaviest component of GXG-X is at most pp. Among other results, we prove that: (1) wVI is NP-complete on co-comparability graphs, even if each vertex has weight 11; (2) wVI can be solved in O(pp+1n)O(p^{p+1}n) time; (3) wVI admits a kernel with at most p3p^3 vertices. Result (1) refutes a conjecture by Ray and Deogun and answers an open question by Ray et al. It also complements a result by Kratsch et al., stating that the unweighted version of the problem can be solved in polynomial time on co-comparability graphs of bounded dimension, provided that an intersection model of the input graph is given as part of the input. An instance of the Weighted Component Order Connectivity (wCOC) problem consists of an nn-vertex graph GG, a weight function w:V(G)Nw:V(G)\to \mathbb{N}, and two integers kk and ll, and the task is to decide if there exists a set XV(G)X\subseteq V(G) such that the weight of XX is at most kk and the weight of a heaviest component of GXG-X is at most ll. In some sense, the wCOC problem can be seen as a refined version of the wVI problem. We prove, among other results, that: (4) wCOC can be solved in O(min{k,l}n3)O(\min\{k,l\}\cdot n^3) time on interval graphs, while the unweighted version can be solved in O(n2)O(n^2) time on this graph class; (5) wCOC is W[1]-hard on split graphs when parameterized by kk or by ll; (6) wCOC can be solved in 2O(klogl)n2^{O(k\log l)} n time; (7) wCOC admits a kernel with at most kl(k+l)+kkl(k+l)+k vertices. We also show that result (6) is essentially tight by proving that wCOC cannot be solved in 2o(klogl)nO(1)2^{o(k \log l)}n^{O(1)} time, unless the ETH fails.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper already appeared in the conference proceedings of ISAAC 201

    Structural Parameterizations of Vertex Integrity

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    The graph parameter vertex integrity measures how vulnerable a graph is to a removal of a small number of vertices. More precisely, a graph with small vertex integrity admits a small number of vertex removals to make the remaining connected components small. In this paper, we initiate a systematic study of structural parameterizations of the problem of computing the unweighted/weighted vertex integrity. As structural graph parameters, we consider well-known parameters such as clique-width, treewidth, pathwidth, treedepth, modular-width, neighborhood diversity, twin cover number, and cluster vertex deletion number. We show several positive and negative results and present sharp complexity contrasts.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, WALCOM 202

    Measuring the Vulnerability for Classes of Intersection Graphs

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    A general method for the computation of various parameters measuring the vulnerability of a graph is introduced. Four measures of vulnerability are considered, i.e., the toughness, scattering number, vertex integrity and the size of a minimum balanced separator. We show how to compute these parameters by polynomial time algorithms for various classes of intersection graphs like permutation graphs, bounded dimensional cocomparability graphs, interval graphs, trapezoid graphs and circular versions of these graph classes