34,623 research outputs found

    Knowledge Discovery in the SCADA Databases Used for the Municipal Power Supply System

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    This scientific paper delves into the problems related to the develop-ment of intellectual data analysis system that could support decision making to manage municipal power supply services. The management problems of mu-nicipal power supply system have been specified taking into consideration modern tendencies shown by new technologies that allow for an increase in the energy efficiency. The analysis findings of the system problems related to the integrated computer-aided control of the power supply for the city have been given. The consideration was given to the hierarchy-level management decom-position model. The objective task targeted at an increase in the energy effi-ciency to minimize expenditures and energy losses during the generation and transportation of energy carriers to the Consumer, the optimization of power consumption at the prescribed level of the reliability of pipelines and networks and the satisfaction of Consumers has been defined. To optimize the support of the decision making a new approach to the monitoring of engineering systems and technological processes related to the energy consumption and transporta-tion using the technologies of geospatial analysis and Knowledge Discovery in databases (KDD) has been proposed. The data acquisition for analytical prob-lems is realized in the wireless heterogeneous medium, which includes soft-touch VPN segments of ZigBee technology realizing the 6LoWPAN standard over the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and also the segments of the networks of cellu-lar communications. JBoss Application Server is used as a server-based plat-form for the operation of the tools used for the retrieval of data collected from sensor nodes, PLC and energy consumption record devices. The KDD tools are developed using Java Enterprise Edition platform and Spring and ORM Hiber-nate technologies

    The Rolf of Test Chips in Coordinating Logic and Circuit Design and Layout Aids for VLSI

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    This paper emphasizes the need for multipurpose test chips and comprehensive procedures for use in supplying accurate input data to both logic and circuit simulators and chip layout aids. It is shown that the location of test structures within test chips is critical in obtaining representative data, because geometrical distortions introduced during the photomasking process can lead to significant intrachip parameter variations. In order to transfer test chip designs quickly, accurately, and economically, a commonly accepted portable chip layout notation and commonly accepted parametric tester language are needed. In order to measure test chips more accurately and more rapidly, parametric testers with improved architecture need to be developed in conjunction with innovative test structures with on-chip signal conditioning

    Logarithmic intensity and speckle-based motion contrast methods for human retinal vasculature visualization using swept source optical coherence tomography

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    We formulate a theory to show that the statistics of OCT signal amplitude and intensity are highly dependent on the sample reflectivity strength, motion, and noise power. Our theoretical and experimental results depict the lack of speckle amplitude and intensity contrasts to differentiate regions of motion from static areas. Two logarithmic intensity-based contrasts, logarithmic intensity variance (LOGIV) and differential logarithmic intensity variance (DLOGIV), are proposed for serving as surrogate markers for motion with enhanced sensitivity. Our findings demonstrate a good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results for logarithmic intensity-based contrasts. Logarithmic intensity-based motion and speckle-based contrast methods are validated and compared for in vivo human retinal vasculature visualization using high-speed swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) at 1060 nm. The vasculature was identified as regions of motion by creating LOGIV and DLOGIV tomograms: multiple B-scans were collected of individual slices through the retina and the variance of logarithmic intensities and differences of logarithmic intensities were calculated. Both methods captured the small vessels and the meshwork of capillaries associated with the inner retina in en face images over 4 mm^2 in a normal subject

    Volatile organic compounds in northern New England marine and continental environments during the ICARTT 2004 campaign

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    Volatile organic compound (VOC) measurements were made during the summer 2004 International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT) at Thompson Farm (TF), a continental site 25 km from the New Hampshire coast, and Appledore Island (AI), a marine site 10 km off the Maine coast. The 24 h mean total hydroxyl radical (OH) reactivity (±1σ) for the suite of VOCs was 4.15 (±2.64) s−1 at TF and 2.57 (±1.10) s−1 at AI. The larger range of reactivity at TF was dominated by isoprene and the monoterpenes (mean combined reactivity = 2.01 (±2.57) s−1). The impact of local anthropogenic hydrocarbon sources such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) leakage and fossil fuel evaporation was evident at both sites. During the campaign, a propane flux of 9 (±2) × 109 molecules cm−2 s−1 was calculated from the linear regression of the mean 0100–0400 local time mixing ratios at TF. This is consistent with fluxes observed in 2003 at sites spread throughout the coastal area of New Hampshire indicating that LPG tank leakage is a major hydrocarbon source throughout the region. Net monoterpene fluxes during ICARTT at TF were 6 (±2), 1.8 (±0.4), 1.2 (±0.6), and 0.4 (±0.5) × 109 molecules cm−2 s−1 for α‐pinene, β‐pinene, camphene, and limonene, respectively. Comparison to estimated NO3 and O3 loss rates indicate that gross monoterpene emission rates were approximately double the observed net fluxes at TF and comparable to current monoterpene nighttime emission inventory estimates for the northeast