15 research outputs found

    Measuring the Impact of Agile Coaching on Students’ Performance

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    Agile methods have been in the cutting-edge of software engineering as a means to improve management of software development processes. The widespread use of such methods in professional contexts has encouraged their integration into software engineering training and undergraduate courses. Although there are several research works that have focused on teaching Scrum through simulating a software development project, they have covered only the learning of practices within a Scrum team, and a few of them have tackled non-technical skills beyond the development practices. Thus, we claim that it is necessary to help students understand Scrum rules, clear project obstacles and tackle non-technical issues such as management and teamwork.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Measuring the Impact of Agile Coaching on Students’ Performance

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    Agile methods have been in the cutting-edge of software engineering as a means to improve management of software development processes. The widespread use of such methods in professional contexts has encouraged their integration into software engineering training and undergraduate courses. Although there are several research works that have focused on teaching Scrum through simulating a software development project, they have covered only the learning of practices within a Scrum team, and a few of them have tackled non-technical skills beyond the development practices. Thus, we claim that it is necessary to help students understand Scrum rules, clear project obstacles and tackle non-technical issues such as management and teamwork.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Measuring the Impact of Agile Coaching on Students’ Performance

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    Agile methods have been in the cutting-edge of software engineering as a means to improve management of software development processes. The widespread use of such methods in professional contexts has encouraged their integration into software engineering training and undergraduate courses. Although there are several research works that have focused on teaching Scrum through simulating a software development project, they have covered only the learning of practices within a Scrum team, and a few of them have tackled non-technical skills beyond the development practices. Thus, we claim that it is necessary to help students understand Scrum rules, clear project obstacles and tackle non-technical issues such as management and teamwork.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Introducing Agile Methods in Undergraduate Curricula, a Systematic Mapping Study

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    Agile approaches to Software Engineering are widely used nowadays in industry and have also reached academic environments, with universities all around the world including agile related content in their programs. There are no formal studies about the current situation of Agile Software Development in Argentinian Universities. A systematic mapping study was conducted to understand the state of agile in undergraduate curricula. Results show that Agile Software Development is part of the Information Technology and Computer Science Programs and that Scrum is the most popular agile method in that context. There is little information regarding the teaching strategy used but a learningby- doing approach is used in many cases.VIII Workshop Innovación en Educación en Informática.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Introducing Agile Methods in Undergraduate Curricula, a Systematic Mapping Study

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    Agile approaches to Software Engineering are widely used nowadays in industry and have also reached academic environments, with universities all around the world including agile related content in their programs. There are no formal studies about the current situation of Agile Software Development in Argentinian Universities. A systematic mapping study was conducted to understand the state of agile in undergraduate curricula. Results show that Agile Software Development is part of the Information Technology and Computer Science Programs and that Scrum is the most popular agile method in that context. There is little information regarding the teaching strategy used but a learningby- doing approach is used in many cases.VIII Workshop Innovación en Educación en Informática.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Introducing Agile Methods in Undergraduate Curricula, a Systematic Mapping Study

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    Agile approaches to Software Engineering are widely used nowadays in industry and have also reached academic environments, with universities all around the world including agile related content in their programs. There are no formal studies about the current situation of Agile Software Development in Argentinian Universities. A systematic mapping study was conducted to understand the state of agile in undergraduate curricula. Results show that Agile Software Development is part of the Information Technology and Computer Science Programs and that Scrum is the most popular agile method in that context. There is little information regarding the teaching strategy used but a learningby- doing approach is used in many cases.VIII Workshop Innovación en Educación en Informática.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Making PBL teams more effective with Scrum

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    Scrum is a project management methodology very popular in the software industry with good results in terms of team work effectiveness. Scrum is based on important team work values such as commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect and can be described in three different dimensions: Scrum team; Scrum Events; and Scrum artefacts. This paper aims to analyse the implementation of scrum approach in a project based learning context in higher education. The scrum approach was applied in the fourth year of the Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) degree program, where teams of students developed a PBL project in an industrial context during the first semester. The research methodology focused on a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to the Scrum Team (scrum master, product owner and the student team). Scrum Events were analysed through direct observation and Scrum Artefacts (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and Increment) were analysed based on a document analysis. The results of this study contribute to understand the effectiveness of the application of Scrum to complex PBL learning environments. The results presented in the study provided important inputs to improve the way PBL student teams manage themselves as well as their projects.This work has been partially supported by projects COMPETE-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT-UID-CEC-00319-2013, from Portugal

    ScrumGame: A Serious Game to Initiate Software Trainees in Scrum

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    Serious games have emerged to improve the commitment and performance of users, since they accomplish a specific goal, integrating with the mechanics of the game, thus creating a very attractive mission. The use of serious games in Software Engineering to increase developer engagement has been investigated with great interest to train future professionals to experience situations that they might face in software development. This work presents ScrumGame, a serious game to train both Software Engineering students and software practitioners in Scrum. The game was assessed through pre-test-post-test design with 10 users who use Scrum in their daily work. For this, the SIMS and MSLQ tests were used, which both were completed by the users before and after playing the game. We aimed to measure how the use of the game impacts on learning strategies and motivation. Backed up with statistical significance support, results show that ScrumGame generated a positive impact on the users, indicating an increase in the variables studied, key issues in the development of self-managed education.Workshop: WIS – Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Towards Team Formation Using Belbin Role Types and a Social Networks Analysis Approach

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    Problems relating to team formation is common across many industrial sectors, including education, sport and general business. For Team Leaders, team member selection can be a critical challenge due to the complexity in creating a well-balanced productive unit. It is beyond manual implementation to build near optimal teams as pools of employees grow. One of the essential skills of individuals is the ability to work in a team, and it takes on greater importance in engineering workgroups, where each member must know how to collaborate with their colleagues. In this paper, we use the combination of the Belbin roles and the social network analysis approach to find the possible members of a team. We present a case study based on an undergraduate course in computer engineering, we apply the Belbin test to each student, and each student expresses his preferences to work with his classmates. With this data, similarity patterns were searched within a social network using network analysis algorithms. We compare the results of the network analysis with the groups formed by a teacher. Finally, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of project teams, from the proposed approach

    An approach to teaching scrum through gamification on mobile platforms

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    Los juegos serios han últimamente emergido para mejorar el compromiso y el rendimiento de los usuarios, ya que logran un objetivo específico, integrándose con la mecánica del juego, creando así una misión muy atractiva. El uso de juegos serios en Ingeniería de Software para aumentar la participación de los estudiantes/desarrolladores se ha investigado con gran interés para capacitar a los futuros profesionales para que experimenten situaciones que podrían enfrentar en el desarrollo de software. Este trabajo presenta ScrumGame, un juego serio para capacitar tanto a estudiantes de Ingeniería de Software como a profesionales de software en Scrum. El juego se evaluó a través de un diseño de pre-test y post-test con 10 usuarios que utilizan Scrum en su trabajo diario. Para ello se utilizaron los test validados SIMS y MSLQ, los cuales fueron completados por los participantes antes y después de jugar el juego. Nuestro objetivo es medir cómo el uso del juego impacta en las estrategias de aprendizaje y la motivación. Respaldados con evidencia estadística, los resultados muestran que ScrumGame generó un impacto positivo en los usuarios, indicando un incremento en las variables estudiadas, aspecto clave en el desarrollo de la educación autogestionada.Os jogos sérios surgiram para melhorar o comprometimento e desempenho dos usuários, uma vez que cumprem um objetivo específico, integrando-se à mecânica do jogo, criando assim uma missão muito atrativa. O uso de serious games em Engenharia de Software para aumentar o engajamento do desenvolvedor tem sido investigado com grande interesse para treinar futuros profissionais para vivenciar situações que podem enfrentar no desenvolvimento de software. Este trabalho apresenta ScrumGame, um jogo sério para treinar estudantes de Engenharia de Software e profissionais de software em Scrum. O jogo foi avaliado por meio do design pré-teste-pós-teste com 10 usuários que usam Scrum em seu trabalho diário. Para isso, foram utilizados os testes SIMS e MSLQ, os quais foram realizados pelos usuários antes e depois de jogar o jogo. Nosso objetivo foi medir como o uso do jogo impacta nas estratégias de aprendizagem e motivação. Apoiados em suporte de significância estatística, os resultados mostram que o ScrumGame gerou um impacto positivo nos usuários, indicando um aumento nas variáveis estudadas, questões-chave no desenvolvimento da educação autogerida.Serious games have emerged to improve the commitment and performance of users, since they accomplish a specific goal, integrating with the mechanics of the game, thus creating a very attractive mission. The use of serious games in Software Engineering to increase developer engagement has been investigated with great interest to train future professionals to experience situations that they might face in software development. This work presents ScrumGame, a serious game to train both Software Engineering students and software practitioners in Scrum. The game was assessed through pre-test-post-test design with 10 users who use Scrum in their daily work. For this, the SIMS and MSLQ tests were used, which both were completed by the users before and after playing the game. We aimed to measure how the use of the game impacts on learning strategies and motivation. Backed up with statistical significance support, results show that ScrumGame generated a positive impact on the users, indicating an increase in the variables studied, key issues in the development of self-managed education.Fil: Rodríguez, Guillermo Horacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: González, Pablo. Universidad Argentina de la Empresa; ArgentinaFil: Teyseyre, Alfredo Raul. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Glessi, Matias Alejandro. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; Argentin