5 research outputs found

    Informing, simulating experience, or both: A field experiment on phishing risks

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    Cybersecurity cannot be ensured with mere technical solutions. Hackers often use fraudulent emails to simply ask people for their password to breach into organizations. This technique, called phishing, is a major threat for many organizations. A typical prevention measure is to inform employees but is there a better way to reduce phishing risks? Experience and feedback have often been claimed to be effective in helping people make better decisions. In a large field experiment involving more than 10,000 employees of a Dutch ministry, we tested the effect of information provision, simulated experience, and their combination to reduce the risks of falling into a phishing attack. Both approaches substantially reduced the proportion of employees giving away their password. Combining both interventions did not have a larger impact

    How to Conduct Email Phishing Experiments

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    Õngitsusrünnete hulk on aasta-aastalt kasvanud ja ründed on muutunud keerumkamaks kui kunagi varem, põhjustades ettevõtetele rahalist kahju. Akadeemilistes ringkondades on kasvanud huvi simuleeritud õngitsusrünnete vastu, kuid uuringud keskenduvad peamiselt spetsiifilistele aspektidele, nagu näiteks eetilised kaalutlused ja mitte õngitsuseksperimendi läbiviimisele. Autor ei leidnud olemasolevate teadustööde hulgast konsolideeritud juhised,mis kirjeldaksid, kuidas viia läbi õngituskirjade eksperimenti. Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks on uurida, kuidas viia läbi simuleeritud õngitsuskirjade eksperimenti ja luua konsolideeritud juhiseid, mida ettevõtted saaksid lihtsalt rakendada ettevõtte X2 näitel. Lõputöö uurimisküsimused on järgnevad: mida peaksid ettevõtted arvestama õngitsuseksperimendi läbiviimsel? Mis seos on õngitsuskirja raskusastme ja klikkimise sageduse vahel? Kuidas inimesed reageerivad simuleeritud õngitsuseksperimentidele? Antud uurimistöös kasutati nii kvantitatiivseid kui ka kvalitatiivseid meetodeid. Esiteks sai loodud konsolideeritud juhised simuleeritud õngitsuseksperimentide läbiviimiseks, mis baseeruvad eelevatel uurimustöödel. Teiseks viidi läbi õngitsuseksperiment (Eksperiment I) 53 osaleja hulgas, kasutades ristuva uuringu disaini. Töötajad jaotati juhuslikult kaheks grupiks: (Grupp K) ja (Grupp L).Neile saadeti erinevatel kuupäevadel kaks e-kirja erinevate raskusastemega: (Tüüp X) ja (Tüüp Y). Esimeses kampaanias saadeti Grupile K keerulisem kiri (Tüüp X) ja Grupile L lihtsam kiri (Tüüpi Y) ja teise kampaania ajal oli see vastupidi. Raskemad (Tüüp X) e-kirjad olid sihipärased, grammatiliselt korrektsed ja relevantse sisuga. Kergemad e-kirjad (Tüüp Y) olid üldisemad ja nähtavate grammatikavigadega. Suunatud õngitsuseksperiment (Eksperiment II) viidi läbi kahe osaleja hulgas, kasutades üksikosaleja kvaasi eksperimentaalset uurimustöö disaini. Tüüp Z e-kirjad, mis saadeti välja suunatud õngitsuseksperimendi ajal, olid personaalsed ja relevantse sisuga ning baseerusid kahe osaleja taustauuringutel. Kolmandaks kavandati ja viidi läbi kvalitatiivsed intervjuud osalejatega, kes osalesid simuleeritud õngitsusrünnetes, et uurida, kuidas nad sellistele eksperimentidele reageerivad ja parandada lähtuvalt nende tagasisidest õngituskirjade eksperimendi juhiseid. Antud uurimistöö kinnitas, et väljatöötatud juhised on piisavad, et viia läbi õngituskirjade eksperimenti ettevõttetes. Uurimistöö tulemused näitasid, et 23% töötajatest klikkisid raskemini äratuntavale e-kirjale (Tüüp X) ja 11% lihtsamini ära tuntavale e-kirjale (Tüüp Y). Lisaks raporteeriti lihtsamini ära tuntavat kirja sagedamini (22,6%) kui raskemini ära tuntavat kirja(18.9%). Suunatud õngitsuseksperiment osutus edukas ja osalejad ei saanud aru simuleeritud pettusest. Käesolev lõputöö näitab, et õngitsusrünnede edukus on suurem, kui e-kirja sisu on sihitud ja relevantne. Töötajate raporteerimise teadlikkuse tase oli madal ja üks peamisi klikkimise põhjuseid oli uudishimu. Selle uuringu tulemused viitavad sellele, et inimesed reageerivad simuleeritud õngitsusrünnetele positiivselt, kui need viiakse läbi viisil, mis ei tekita osalejatele psühholoogilist kahju või stressi.Phishing attacks are on the rise and more sophisticated than ever before inflicting major financial damage on businesses. Simulated phishing attacks are of growing interest in academia, however, the studies are mainly focusing on the specific angles of the phenomenon, e.g. ethical considerations; and not on the implementation itself. Author was not able to find consolidated guidelines that would walk through the whole process of conducting email phishing experiments. The aim of this study is to explore how to conduct simulated phishing experiments and to create consolidated guidelines that companies could easily implement on the example of Company X1. The research questions postulated for this study are: What should companies consider when conducting phishing experiments? What is the correlation between the phishing email difficulty level and the click through rate? How people react to simulated email phishing experiments? Both quantitative and qualitative research methodswere applied to find answers to the research questions. Firstly, based on the existing studies, guidelines on how to conduct phishing experiments in companies were created. Secondly, phishing experiment (Experiment I) was designed and conducted among 53 participants applying a crossover research design. The employees were randomly divided into two groups (Group K) and (Group L); and they were sent in two distinct time periods two emails whichcorresponded to the different difficulty levels (Type X and Type Y). During the first campaign Group K was sent Type X email and Group L was sent Type Y email and during the second campaign it was vice versa. Type X email messages were designed to be targeted, grammatically correct and with relevant content. Type Y email messages were designed to be general and with visible grammar mistakes. Additionally, a spear phishing experiment (Experiment II) was conducted among two participants applying a single-subject quasi-experimental research design. The third type of emails (Type Z) that were sent out during thespear phishing experiment were personalized and relevant based on the pre-conducted research about the two targets. Thirdly, qualitative interviews were designed and conducted with the employees who participated in the simulated phishing experiments to investigate how they react to such experiments and to improve the guidelines based on their feedback.This research confirmed that the proposed guidelines are sufficient for conducting phishing experiments in a company setting. The results of this research show that 23% of the employees clicked on the link embedded to the more complex (Type X) phishing email and 11% of the employees clicked on the link embedded to the simpler (Type Y) email. Furthermore, Type Y emails were reported as phishing emails more frequently (22,6%), whereas Type X, emails were reported less (18,9%). The spear phishing experiment was successful,and the participants did not recognize the deceptiveness of the simulated phishing emails.This research shows that the phishing success rate is higher when the content is targeted and relevant. The employee awareness level about reporting phishing was low and the main stimuli for clicking on phishing links was curiosity. The findings of this study imply that people react positively to phishing experiments if these are conducted in a manner that it does not pose psychological damage or distress for the participants

    Don’t click : towards an effective anti-phishing training. A comparative literature review

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    Email is of critical importance as a communication channel for both business and personal matters. Unfortunately, it is also often exploited for phishing attacks. To defend against such threats, many organizations have begun to provide anti-phishing training programs to their employees. A central question in the development of such programs is how they can be designed sustainably and effectively to minimize the vulnerability of employees to phishing attacks. In this paper, we survey and categorize works that consider different elements of such programs via a clearly laid-out methodology, and identify key findings in the technical literature. Overall, we find that researchers agree on the answers to many relevant questions regarding the utility and effectiveness of anti-phishing training. However, we identified influencing factors, such as the impact of age on the success of anti-phishing training programs, for which mixed findings are available. Finally, based on our comprehensive analysis, we describe how a well-founded anti-phishing training program should be designed and parameterized with a set of proposed research directions

    Misperceptions of Uncertainty and Their Applications to Prevention

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    This thesis studies how people misperceive risk and uncertainty, and how this cognitive bias affects individuals' preventive actions. Chapter 1, in a lab experiment, shows that how we present rare events affects how big people perceive those events. I show by means of a lab experiment that people perceive rare events bigger than what they actually are when those events are presented to them separately rather than all together. Chapter 2 shows theoretically that it is actually the same phenomenon that makes people both overinsure and prevent little, namely probability weighting. Chapter 3, with an application to cybersecurity, analyses an intervention aiming at increasing prevention at the organizational level in a field experiment. I test whether communicating information in a more effective way or letting employees experience a simulated phishing attack help to reduce falling for phishing attacks. Chapter 4 deals with the issue that people’s judgements of risk might differ in different contexts. In a lab experiment, it shows that sexual context has an impact on ambiguity attitudes

    Application of PLS-SEM for small-scale survey: an empirical example of SMEs

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    Recent developments in Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) have been claimed to add some sophistication onto quantitative research methods' usage in terms of their research versatility, efficiency and practicality in a range of disciplines including Information Systems, Marketing, and People Management research. Although covariance based SEM (CB-SEM) is most prominent, application of partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) is an attractive alternative. This paper examines and applies the characteristics of PLS-SEM onto SMEs to see whether the efficiency, practicality and versatility assumptions, as claimed, do actually contribute to SMEs' business entrepreneurship in practice. The research question is therefore 'Do the embedded PLS-SEM assumptions of research versatility, practicality and efficiency actually translate into practical reality in SMEs operating in an emerging economy context?' We used a quantitative method data analysis technique as a precursor to help us identify the types of challenges faced by SMEs at both the micro and macro levels of analysis. Primary survey data from 212 Bangladeshi SMEs located at various geographic districts provide the study's population. We assess the application of the technique as a research methodological tool and its limitations provided the basis for us to develop and validate a partial least square based structural equation model (PLS-SEM) as part of a small scale survey-based research on SMEs. These methodological insights then led to a successful framing of SMEs in a model that contributes to a process of identifying which types of challenges are more critical for SMEs' growth. Our results show that for SMEs to be competitive, the business and research benefits of our modelling and methodological technique should be given foreseeable attention by both academics and business practitioners. This methodological perspective is yet to gain researchers and professional practitioners' attention from SMEs' business perspective. By applying the statistical PLS technique to Business and Management Studies research we are contributing to a deeper understanding and knowledge creation in examining the assumptions, the design and application of a sophisticated research tool for the development of People Management, Business and SME theory and practice with a focus on an emerging economy