3 research outputs found


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    O estudo tem como objetivo identificar o que a literatura científica internacional aborda sobre o tema Avaliação de Desempenho na Gestão do Controle Estatístico de Processos (CEP), possibilitando, assim, a identificação de oportunidades de aperfeiçoamento. A pesquisa exploratória utilizou como instrumento de intervenção o ProKnow-C para a seleção do portfólio bibliográfico-PB e a análise das características deste fragmento da literatura. Os autores de destaque identificados foram Wen Lea Pearn, Shu-Ming Chung, com 5, 4, e 3 publicações respectivamente no PB. Foi possível também identificar os periódicos Quality and Reliability Engineering International e o Expert Systems With Applications como os dois com maior número de publicações. Já em relação às palavras-chaves presentes nos artigos do portfólio, as que se destacaram foram Process Capability Indices, Control Carts e Process Capability index. Os periódicos que apresentaram maior fator de impacto foram: European Jounal of Operational Research e Expert Systems with Applications. Constatou-se nos trabalhos a utilização de Sistemas de Mensuração de Desempenho nas atividades do controle estatístico de processos. Os resultados indicam ainda a utilização de indicadores, oriundos de modelos realistas de Avaliação de Desempenho, centrados na qualidade estatística sem ter em conta as necessidades, os valores e as preferências dos gestores dos contextos avaliados.The study aims to identify the topics addressed in the international scientific literature on the subject of Performance Assessment in Statistical Control Management Process (CEP), in order to identify opportunities for improvement. This exploratory research used ProKnow-C as an intervention tool for the selection of the bibliographic-PB portfolio and analysis of the characteristics of this fragment of literature. The prominent authors identified were Lea Pearn Wen, and Shu-Ming Chung, with 5, 4 and 3 publications in the PB respectively. It was also possible to identify the periodicals Quality and Reliability Engineering International and Expert Systems with Applications as the two periodicals with the highest number of publications. In relation to the keywords present in the portfolio, those that stood out were Process Capability Indices, Control Charts, and Process Capability index. The periodicals with greatest impact factor were: European Journal of Operational Research and Expert Systems with Applications. The works found identified the use of Performance Measurement Systems in the activities of statistical process control. The results also indicate the use of indicators, derived from realistic models of performance evaluation, focusing on statistical quality but without taking into account the managers’ needs, values and preferences of the contexts evaluated.Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar lo que la literatura científica internacional aborda sobre el tema Evaluación de Desempeño en la Gestión del Control Estadístico de Procesos (CEP), posibilitando así la identificación de oportunidades de perfeccionamiento. La investigación exploratoria utilizó como instrumento de intervención el ProKnow-C para la selección do portafolio bibliográfico-PB y el análisis de las características de este fragmento de la literatura. Los autores de destaque identificados fueron Wen Lea Pearn, Shu-Ming Chung, con 5, 4, y 3 publicaciones respectivamente en el PB. También fue posible identificar los periódicos Quality and Reliability Engineering International y el Expert Systems With Applications como los dos con mayor número de publicaciones. En relación a las palavras clave presentes en los artículos del portafolio, las que se destacaron fueron Process Capability Indices, Control Charts y Process Capability index. Los periódicos que presentaron mayor factor de impacto fueron: European Journal of Operational Research y Expert Systems with Applications. En los trabajos se observó la utilización de Sistemas de Mensuración de Desempeño en las actividades del control estadístico de procesos. Los resultados indican también la utilización de indicadores, oriundos de modelos realistas de Evaluación de Desempeño, centrados en la calidad estadística sin tener en cuenta las necesidades, los valores y las preferencias de los gestores de los contextos evaluados

    A New Approach for Measurement of The Efficiency of Cpm and Cpmk Control Charts

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    [EN] Process capability analysis is a very effective way for improving process quality by relating process variation to customer requirements. It compares the output of a process to the specification limits by using process capability indices (PCIs). PCIs provide numerical measures on whether aprocess conforms to the defined manufacturing capability prerequisite. In this paper, a new approach based on non-central Chi-Square, ¿ and ¿ distributions is presented to design the capability control charts. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the efficiency of the proposed control charts comparing with the traditional control charts. The advantage of using the proposed capability control charts is that, the practitioner can monitor the process mean and the process variability by looking at one chart. Moreover the proposed capability control charts are easily appended to X-R control chart and provide judgments considering the ability of a process to meet requirements. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach an illustrative example is conducted.Carot Sánchez, MT.; Sagbas, A.; Sanz Juan, JM. (2013). A New Approach for Measurement of The Efficiency of Cpm and Cpmk Control Charts. International Journal for Quality Research. 7(4):605-622. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/99672S6056227

    System Analysis Using Simulation for Manufacturing Gauge R&R Study

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    Manufacturing environment relies on fulfillment of product specifications and customer satisfaction. Quality characteristics of products are measured for assessing its accordance to requirements, but measurement error might mask true process performance. Measurement system variability must be small with respect to product specifications as well to process variation. Total variation in a manufacturing process is a combination of part-to-part variation and measurement variation. Prior to endeavor in process analysis and enhancement it is highly recommended to perform a measurement system capability study. The analysis of the measurement system has to take into account three basic components, appraiser, equipment and product. Measurement system analysis (MSA) relies on statistical tools, such as Gauge R&R study, to ensure that the measurement system is in acceptable conditions to monitor the manufacturing process. Main objective of the thesis is to analyze how sensitive are the confidence intervals of variability components and capability criteria to the design of a Gauge R&R study. We conducted extensive numerical experiments using simulation. Findings will be of help as guidance to practitioners when dealing with parameter allocation decisions in a Gauge R&R study