8,242 research outputs found

    Asiakkaan kokeman arvon rahastaminen.

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    This thesis studies how an operator can monetise the customer perceived value. The main goal is to find new business opportunities, which potentially increase the average revenue per unit. The second goal is to identify components in the mobile operator’s products and services that affect the customer’s willingness to pay and the customer expected value. Outcomes are verified by a quantitative customer survey and deepened by qualitative interviews with experts and professionals. The results indicate that customer perceived value is a complex concept but very important when developing businesses. Key factors in customer perceived value in the mobile plan industry at the moment are price, performance, reliability and safety. The findings of this research are directions for future research and managerial implications.Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan, kuinka teleoperaattori voi rahastaa käyttäjän kokemaa arvoa. Tavoitteena on löytää uusia liiketoimintamalleja, jotka kasvattaisivat keskimääräistä käyttäjän tuottamaa tuottoa. Toisena tavoitteena on tunnistaa liittymäliiketoiminnan komponentteja, jotka vaikuttavat kuluttajan maksuhalukkuuteen. Tutkittavat aiheet rajataan käyttäjäkyselyllä, ja valittujen aiheiden mahdollisuuksia syvennetään asiantuntijahaastatteluilla. Tulokset osoittavat, että asiakkaan kokema arvo on erittäin monisyinen konstruktio. Asiakkaan kokeman arvon ymmärtäminen on ensisijaisen tärkeää, kun yritys suunnittelee uutta liiketoimintaa. Arvoon vaikuttavat muun muassa asiakkaan kokema turvallisuus, luotettavuus sekä nopeus

    Understanding workers’ adoption of productivity mobile applications: a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA)

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    Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets become more present in our lives every day. Most of these devices use the Android operating system (O.S.), becoming the most popular O.S. for mobile devices. For these devices, there is a huge offer of application software that provides answers to users’ different needs. This study aims to analyse how combinations of personality factors, sociodemographic variables and Internet use influence the adoption of productivity mobile apps by workers. To achieve this, a combination of these variables is analysed using fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA.) that allows us to analyse complex complementarities among factors. The results show the importance of distinct personality traits – extraversion and agreeableness – to understand the adoption of these services. Our study also provides relevant insight for software developers to target segments interested in the use of productivity software in their mobile devices

    Business models for sustained ehealth implementation: lessons from two continents

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    There is general consensus that Computers and Information Technology have the potential to enhance health systems applications, and many good examples of such applications exist all over the world. Unfortunately, with respect to eHealth and telemedicine, there is much disillusionment and scepticism. This paper describes two models that were developed separately, but had the same purpose, namely to facilitate a holistic approach to the development and implementation of eHealth solutions. The roadmap of the Centre for eHealth Research (CeHRes roadmap) was developed in the Netherlands, and the Telemedicine Maturity Model (TMMM) was developed in South Africa. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the commonalities and differences of these approaches, and to explore how they can be used to complement each other. The first part of this paper comprises of a comparison of these models in terms of origin, research domain and design principles. Case comparisons are then presented to illustrate how these models complement one another

    The role of mobile applications in the consumer experience at music festivals.

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    The ubiquitous capability of smartphones and their rapid uptake among music festival attendees indicates the potential for mobile applications as a tool within this environment. As a result, many organisers are choosing to develop festival specific apps designed to enhance the user experience. Based on a review of festival apps and focus groups with festival attendees, this article analyses the role of mobile apps in relation to festival consumer experiential needs. Analysis indicates a need for more consumer focused app interfaces that pay close attention to the event anticipation experience, scheduling capabilities before and during the festival and personalisation options to enhance ‘presence’. At a practical level, mobile charging facilities are vital at festivals to enable app use

    Discourse Representation of Consumerism in Mobile Telecommunication Television Advertisements

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    Telecommunication advertisements have bifurcating relations, functioning as a buoyant part of the capitalist market, and as instruments indexing consumerism, which bridges the gap between service providers and subscribers. Previous linguistic studies on the subject have focused on speech acts, mainly locutionary and illocutionary acts, and the lexical and stylistic resources in telecommunication advertisements. This study focuses on the representations of consumerism in MTN and GLO advertisements. The study adopts a model labeled as conceptual-textual meaning in advertisements, which annexes the principles of critical stylistics, pragmatic acts, and multimodality to analyse both textual and multimodal excerpts from ten (10) MTN and GLO television advertisements. These were downloaded from youtube, where they are streamed to reach a vast majority of internet users after they had been aired on mainstream television and cable stations. The study reveals that consumerism is the most pivotal feature projected in the advertisements of MTN and GLO. Advertisements and services are principally designed to condition choice of the subscribers to expand their consumptions. Consumerism is metaphorised, using food substances and materials co-opted from the socio-cultural milieus that condition the advertisements. Conceptual-textual functions like naming and describing, enumerating and exemplifying and prioritising, and direct acts, indirect acts, conversation, emotional and psychological acts, as well as the textual resources of inference, metaphor, reference, relevance, and metapragmatic joker are used extensively to show consumerism. The study concludes every service option is aimed at expanding consumerism, while the cost of services, interest, and use of the services are the shades of consumption of telecommunication service

    Network Neutrality: A Research Guide

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    The conclusion in a research handbook should emphasise the complexity of the problem than trying to claim a one-size-fits-all solution. I have categorised net neutrality into positive and negative (content discrimination) net neutrality indicating the latter as potentially harmful. Blocking content without informing customers appropriately is wrong: if it says ‘Internet service’, it should offer an open Internet (alongside walled gardens if that is expressly advertised as such). The issue of uncontrolled Internet flows versus engineered solutions is central to the question of a ‘free’ versus regulated Internet. A consumer- and citizen-orientated intervention depends on passing regulations to prevent unregulated nontransparent controls exerted over traffic via DPI equipment, whether imposed by ISPs for financial advantage or by governments eager to use this new technology to filter, censor and enforce copyright against their citizens. Unraveling the previous ISP limited liability regime risks removing the efficiency of that approach in permitting the free flow of information for economic and social advantage. These conclusions support a light-touch regulatory regime involving reporting requirements and co-regulation with, as far as is possible, market-based solutions. Solutions may be international as well as local, and international coordination of best practice and knowledge will enable national regulators to keep up with the technology ‘arms race’

    Importance-Performance (IPMA) Analysis of Loyalty in Indonesia Cellular Operator During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Abstract. During the pandemic of Covid-19, customer loyalty becomes the crucial thing that needs to be concerned by cellular operators due to the internet usage is growing rapidly in the activities of work from home and study from home. In dealing with this, the company can find out from the user response regarding to their experience, satisfaction, switching barriers, and corporate image. User experience consists of functionality, social, monetary, trustworthiness, and perceived service quality. This research was conducted to 385 respondents of Indonesian cellular operators that was spread by internet survey. expert opinion was conducted before distributing questionnaires as many as 75 items with quota sampling technique. Based on Importance and Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA) results, it was found that companies must concentrate first on trustworthiness, satisfaction, and corporate image. Then pay attention to monetary, switching barriers, and social. Variables that were considered low priority are functionality and perceived service quality, this is because the company's performance was very high compared to the level of importance of the user.Keywords: Corporate image, COVID-19, IPMA, loyalty, user experienceAbstrak. Saat pandemi Covid-19, loyalitas pelanggan menjadi hal krusial yang perlu diperhatikan oleh operator seluler karena penggunaan internet berkembang pesat dalam aktivitas bekerja dari rumah dan belajar dari rumah. Dalam menghadapi hal ini, perusahaan dapat mengetahui dari tanggapan pengguna mengenai pengalaman, kepuasan, peralihan hambatan, dan citra perusahaan mereka. Pengalaman pengguna terdiri dari fungsionalitas, sosial, moneter, kepercayaan, dan kualitas layanan yang dirasakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 385 responden operator seluler Indonesia yang disebarkan melalui survei internet. Pendapat ahli dilakukan sebelum menyebarkan kuesioner sebanyak 75 item dengan teknik quota sampling. Berdasarkan hasil Importance and Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA), ditemukan bahwa perusahaan harus berkonsentrasi terlebih dahulu pada kepercayaan, kepuasan, dan citra perusahaan. Kemudian perhatikan moneter, peralihan hambatan, dan sosial. Variabel yang dianggap prioritas rendah adalah fungsionalitas dan persepsi kualitas layanan, hal ini dikarenakan kinerja perusahaan sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan tingkat kepentingan pengguna.Kata Kunci: Citra perusahaan, COVID-19, loyalitas, pengalaman penggun

    Ed-Fed: A generic federated learning framework with resource-aware client selection for edge devices

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    Federated learning (FL) has evolved as a prominent method for edge devices to cooperatively create a unified prediction model while securing their sensitive training data local to the device. Despite the existence of numerous research frameworks for simulating FL algorithms, they do not facilitate comprehensive deployment for automatic speech recognition tasks on heterogeneous edge devices. This is where Ed-Fed, a comprehensive and generic FL framework, comes in as a foundation for future practical FL system research. We also propose a novel resource-aware client selection algorithm to optimise the waiting time in the FL settings. We show that our approach can handle the straggler devices and dynamically set the training time for the selected devices in a round. Our evaluation has shown that the proposed approach significantly optimises waiting time in FL compared to conventional random client selection methods

    Digital intermediaries in the UK: implications for newsplurality

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    Digital intermediaries such as Google and Facebook are seen as the new power brokers in online news, controlling access to consumers and even suppressing or targeting messages. After reviewing literature that raised this concern, this paper examines empirical evidence for the claim that intermediaries pose a threat to news plurality. We introduce a three-stage analytical framework for measuring the role of intermediaries within the current policy framework for media plurality: (i) analysis of share of online in news consumption (ii) role of intermediaries (iii) degree of bias versus neutrality of intermediary control of news. Through secondary analysis of UK industry data on referrals of online news traffic, we find that an increasing proportion of news is delivered online, and a significant proportion of online news is accessed via intermediaries. However, we find that not all news that is filtered through intermediary services is subject to the same shaping and editorial forces, in part because user agency is also an important factor. The role of intermediaries in news distribution is thus complex; market share and market concentration does not translate automatically into influence due to the complex interplay between user agency and the editorial influence of intermediaries

    Smile4life:The oral health of homeless people across Scotland

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