12 research outputs found

    Measuring and Evaluating a Design Complexity Metric for XML Schema Documents

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    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has been gaining extraordinary acceptance from many diverse enterprise software companies for their object repositories, data interchange, and development tools. Further, many different domains, organizations and content providers have been publishing and exchanging information via internet by the usage of XML and standard schemas. Efficient implementation of XML in these domains requires well designed XML schemas. In this point of view, design of XML schemas plays an extremely important role in software development process and needs to be quantified for ease of maintainability. In this paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate the quality of XML schema documents (XSD) written in W3C XML Schema language. We propose a metric, which measures the complexity due to the internal architecture of XSD components, and due to recursion. This is the single metric, which cover all major factors responsible for complexity of XSD. The metric has been empirically and theoretically validated, demonstrated with examples and supported by comparison with other well known structure metrics applied on XML schema documents

    Complexity Metrics for Cascading Style Sheets

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    Web applications are becoming important for small and large companies since they are integrated with their business strategies. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) however are an integral part of contemporary Web applications that are perceived as complex by users and this result in hampering its widespread adoption. The factors responsible for CSS complexity include size, variety in its rule block structures, rule block reuse, cohesion and attribute definition in rule blocks. In this paper, we have proposed relevant metric for each of the complexity factors. The proposed metrics are validated through a practical framework. The outcome shows that the proposed metrics satisfy most of the parameters required by the practical framework hence establishing them as well structured

    Tool Support for Cascading Style Sheets’ Complexity Metrics

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    Tools are the fundamental requirement for acceptability of any metrics programme in the software industry. It is observed that majority of the metrics proposed and are available in the literature lack tool support. This is one of the reasons why they are not widely accepted by the practitioners. In order to improve the acceptability of proposed metrics among software engineers that develop Web applications, there is need to automate the process. In this paper, we have developed a tool for computing metrics for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and named it as CSS Analyzer (CSSA). The tool is capable of measuring different metrics, which are the representation of different quality attributes: which include understandability, reliability and maintainability based on some previously proposed metrics. The tool was evaluated by comparing its result on 40 cascading style sheets with results gotten by the manual process of computing the complexities. The results show that the tool computes in far less time when compared to the manual process and is 51.25% accurate

    Evaluation and Comparison of Metrics for XML Schema Languages

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    The importance of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) can’t be understated; their usefulness may range from data sharing to data transport in software systems. Schema languages describe the structure of an XML document and the common schemas languages are Document Definition Type (DTD), W3C XML Schema and RelaxNG. Applications depend heavily on XML documents to be free of error and this makes it imperative to determine the quality of such schema document. Schema metrics is used to achieve this, and several of them have been proposed in recent years. In this paper we present the existing schema metrics and to make comparative studies on all schema metrics, figuring out the features, advantages and limitations of each metrics

    Document Type De�nition (DTD) Metrics

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    In this paper, we present two complexity metrics for the assessment of schema quality written in Document Type De�finition (DTD) language. Both "Entropy (E) metric: E(DTD)" and "Distinct Structured Element Repetition Scale (DSERS) metric: DSERS(DTD)" are intended to measure the structural complexity of schemas in DTD language. These metrics exploit a directed graph representation of schema document and consider the complexity of schema due to its similar structured elements and the occurrences of these elements. The empirical and theoretical validations of these metrics prove the robustness of the metrics

    Multi-Paradigm Metric and its Applicability on JAVA Projects

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    JAVA is one of the favorite languages amongst software developers. However, the numbers of specific software metrics to evaluate the JAVA code are limited. In this paper, we evaluate the applicability of a recently developed multi paradigm metric to JAVA projects. The experimentations show that the Multi paradigm metric is an effective measure for estimating the complexity of the JAVA code/projects, and therefore it can be used for controlling the quality of the projects. We have also evaluated the multi-paradigm metric against the principles of measurement theory

    Measuring the Reusable Quality for XML Schema Documents

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    eXtensible Markup Language (XML) based web applications are widely used for data describing and providing internet services. The design of XML schema document (XSD) needs to be quantified with software with the reusable nature of XSD. This nature of documents helps software developers to produce software at a lower software development cost. This paper proposes a metric Entropy Measure of Complexity (EMC), which is intended to measure the reusable quality of XML schema documents. A higher EMC value tends to more reusable quality, and as well, a higher EMC value implies that this schema document contains inheritance feature, elements and attributes. For empirical validation, the metric is applied on 70 WSDL schema files. A comparison with similar measures is also performed. The proposed EMC metric is also validated practically and theoretically. Empirical, theoretical and practical validation and a comparative study proves that the EMC metric is a valid metric and capable of measuring the reusable quality of XSD

    Estimating Complexity of Programs in Python Language

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    In this paper, a complexity metric for Python language is formulated. Since Python is an object oriented language, the present metric is capable to evaluate any object-oriented language.We validate our metric with case study, comparative study and empirical validation. The case study is in Python, Java andC++ and the results prove that Python is better than other object-oriented languages. Later, we validate the metric empirically with a real project, which is developed in Python

    Procjena složenosti programa u Python jeziku

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    In this paper, a complexity metric for Python language is formulated. Since Python is an object oriented language, the present metric is capable to evaluate any object-oriented language. We validate our metric with case study, comparative study and empirical validation. The case study is in Python, Java and C++ and the results prove that Python is better than other object-oriented languages. Later, we validate the metric empirically with a real project, which is developed in Python.U ovom radu formulirana je metrička složenost za jezik Python. Budući je Python objektno orijentiran jezik, postojeća metričnost je u stanju procijeniti bilo koji objektno usmjeren jezik. Potvrđujemo našu metričnost studijom slučaja, usporednom studijom i empirijskom provjerom valjanosti. Studija slučaja je u Python, Java i C ++ jeziku, a rezultati pokazuju da je Python bolji od ostalih objektno orijentiranih jezika. Kasnije smo provjerili metričnost empirijski sa stvarnim projektom, koji je razvijen u Python jeziku