14 research outputs found

    Measuring latency in virtual environments

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    Abstract—Latency of interactive computer systems is a product of the processing, transport and synchronisation delays inherent to the components that create them. In a virtual environment (VE) system, latency is known to be detrimental to a user’s sense of immersion, physical performance and comfort level. Accurately measuring the latency of a VE system for study or optimisation, is not straightforward. A number of authors have developed techniques for characterising latency, which have become progressively more accessible and easier to use. In this paper, we characterise these techniques. We describe a simple mechanical simulator designed to simulate a VE with various amounts of latency that can be finely controlled (to within 3ms). We develop a new latency measurement technique called Automated Frame Counting to assist in assessing latency using high speed video (to within 1ms). We use the mechanical simulator to measure the accuracy of Steed’s and Di Luca’s measurement techniques, proposing improvements where they may be made. We use the methods to measure latency of a number of interactive systems that may be of interest to the VE engineer, with a significant level of confidence. All techniques were found to be highly capable however Steed’s Method is both accurate and easy to use without requiring specialised hardware. Index Terms—Latency, measurement

    The Effects of Low Latency on Pointing and Steering Tasks

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    Latency is detrimental to interactive systems, especially pseudo-physical systems that emulate real-world behaviour. It prevents users from making quick corrections to their movement, and causes their experience to deviate from their expectations. Latency is a result of the processing and transport delays inherent in current computer systems. As such, while a number of studies have hypothesized that any latency will have a degrading effect, few have been able to test this for latencies less than ~50 ms. In this study we investigate the effects of latency on pointing and steering tasks. We design an apparatus with a latency lower than typical interactive systems, using it to perform interaction tasks based on Fitts’s law and the Steering law. We find evidence that latency begins to affect performance at ~16 ms, and that the effect is non-linear. Further, we find latency does not affect the various components of an aiming motion equally. We propose a three stage characterisation of pointing movements with each stage affected independently by latency. We suggest that understanding how users execute movement is essential for studying latency at low levels, as high level metrics such as total movement time may be misleading

    Efficient Hybrid Image Warping for High Frame-Rate Stereoscopic Rendering

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    Modern virtual reality simulations require a constant high-frame rate from the rendering engine. They may also require very low latency and stereo images. Previous rendering engines for virtual reality applications have exploited spatial and temporal coherence by using image-warping to re-use previous frames or to render a stereo pair at lower cost than running the full render pipeline twice. However these previous approaches have shown artifacts or have not scaled well with image size. We present a new image-warping algorithm that has several novel contributions: an adaptive grid generation algorithm for proxy geometry for image warping; a low-pass hole-filling algorithm to address un-occlusion; and support for transparent surfaces by efficiently ray casting transparent fragments stored in per-pixel linked lists of an A-Buffer. We evaluate our algorithm with a variety of challenging test cases. The results show that it achieves better quality image-warping than state-of-the-art techniques and that it can support transparent surfaces effectively. Finally, we show that our algorithm can achieve image warping at rates suitable for practical use in a variety of applications on modern virtual reality equipment

    Ultra low latency dataflow renderer

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    Reconfigurable hardware has been used before for low latency image synthesis. These are typically low level implementations with tight vertical integration. For example the apparatus of both Regan et al and Ng et al had the tracker driven by the same device performing the rendering. Reconfigurable hardware combined with the dataflow programming model can make application specific rendering hardware cost effective. Our sprite renderer has comparable scope to both prior examples, but our dataflow graph can be adapted to other use cases with an effort comparable to GPU shader programming

    Virtual reality systems for rodents

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    Over the last decade virtual reality ( VR) setups for rodents have been developed and utilized to investigate the neural foundations of behavior. Such VR systems became very popular since they allow the use of state-of-the-art techniques to measure neural activity in behaving rodents that cannot be easily used with classical behavior setups. Here, we provide an overview of rodent VR technologies and review recent results from related research. We discuss commonalities and differences as well as merits and issues of different approaches. A special focus is given to experimental ( behavioral) paradigms in use. Finally we comment on possible use cases that may further exploit the potential of VR in rodent research and hence inspire future studies

    Examples of the Impact of Collaboration in Creative and Technological Practices

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    Over recent years, the creative industries have continued to flourish, especially in the UK, where its economic growth and impact has bucked trends of national decline. One of the most identifiable characteristics of the creative industries is the range and diversity of people who work in the field. As such, it includes employees from many disciplines working in collaboration to achieve organizational goals. It is this creative collaboration, with a rich level of technological support in the background, which is the focus of discussion. This article describes an analysis of collaborative practices, followed by the formation of a model that attempts to capture and explain the relationship between the key features. This model is then applied as a lens to a small case study of 63 technology–related employees' perceptions of their employer in three successful companies who were in the top 5 of the 2017 Fortune 500 list, with the intention of determining how well their experiences map to the model. It was found that the six characteristics of the model were evident in each of the three organizations studied, but that one feature, organizational support, seemed to be more prevalent than the others. Consideration, via a second case study, is then given to creative multidisciplinary work, specifically in the field of crowd–accelerated development and the factors that surround it, leading us to devise a set of recommendations as to how future successful creative collaborations might be assessed and valued, along with a discussion of questions that have been identified for additional research and exploration. This is an extended version of a paper published at the Cyberworlds 2015 international conference

    Study of Human Hand-Eye Coordination Using Machine Learning Techniques in a Virtual Reality Setup

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    Theories of visually guided action are characterized as closed-loop control in the presence of reliable sources of visual information, and predictive control to compensate for visuomotor delay and temporary occlusion. However, prediction is not well understood. To investigate, a series of studies was designed to characterize the role of predictive strategies in humans as they perform visually guided actions, and to guide the development of computational models that capture these strategies. During data collection, subjects were immersed in a virtual reality (VR) system and were tasked with using a paddle to intercept a virtual ball. To force subjects into a predictive mode of control, the ball was occluded or made invisible for a portion of its 3D parabolic trajectory. The subjects gaze, hand and head movements were recorded during the performance. To improve the quality of gaze estimation, new algorithms were developed for the measurement and calibration of spatial and temporal errors of an eye tracking system. The analysis focused on the subjects gaze and hand movements reveal that, when the temporal constraints of the task did not allow the subjects to use closed-loop control, they utilized a short-term predictive strategy. Insights gained through behavioral analysis were formalized into computational models of visual prediction using machine learning techniques. In one study, LSTM recurrent neural networks were utilized to explain how information is integrated and used to guide predictive movement of the hand and eyes. In a subsequent study, subject data was used to train an inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) model that captures the full spectrum of strategies from closed-loop to predictive control of gaze and paddle placement. A comparison of recovered reward values between occlusion and no-occlusion conditions revealed a transition from online to predictive control strategies within a single course of action. This work has shed new insights on predictive strategies that guide our eye and hand movements

    Efficient and High-Quality Rendering of Higher-Order Geometric Data Representations

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    Computer-Aided Design (CAD) bezeichnet den Entwurf industrieller Produkte mit Hilfe von virtuellen 3D Modellen. Ein CAD-Modell besteht aus parametrischen Kurven und Flächen, in den meisten Fällen non-uniform rational B-Splines (NURBS). Diese mathematische Beschreibung wird ebenfalls zur Analyse, Optimierung und Präsentation des Modells verwendet. In jeder dieser Entwicklungsphasen wird eine unterschiedliche visuelle Darstellung benötigt, um den entsprechenden Nutzern ein geeignetes Feedback zu geben. Designer bevorzugen beispielsweise illustrative oder realistische Darstellungen, Ingenieure benötigen eine verständliche Visualisierung der Simulationsergebnisse, während eine immersive 3D Darstellung bei einer Benutzbarkeitsanalyse oder der Designauswahl hilfreich sein kann. Die interaktive Darstellung von NURBS-Modellen und -Simulationsdaten ist jedoch aufgrund des hohen Rechenaufwandes und der eingeschränkten Hardwareunterstützung eine große Herausforderung. Diese Arbeit stellt vier neuartige Verfahren vor, welche sich mit der interaktiven Darstellung von NURBS-Modellen und Simulationensdaten befassen. Die vorgestellten Algorithmen nutzen neue Fähigkeiten aktueller Grafikkarten aus, um den Stand der Technik bezüglich Qualität, Effizienz und Darstellungsgeschwindigkeit zu verbessern. Zwei dieser Verfahren befassen sich mit der direkten Darstellung der parametrischen Beschreibung ohne Approximationen oder zeitaufwändige Vorberechnungen. Die dabei vorgestellten Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen ermöglichen die effiziente Unterteilung, Klassifizierung, Tessellierung und Darstellung getrimmter NURBS-Flächen und einen interaktiven Ray-Casting-Algorithmus für die Isoflächenvisualisierung von NURBSbasierten isogeometrischen Analysen. Die weiteren zwei Verfahren beschreiben zum einen das vielseitige Konzept der programmierbaren Transparenz für illustrative und verständliche Visualisierungen tiefenkomplexer CAD-Modelle und zum anderen eine neue hybride Methode zur Reprojektion halbtransparenter und undurchsichtiger Bildinformation für die Beschleunigung der Erzeugung von stereoskopischen Bildpaaren. Die beiden letztgenannten Ansätze basieren auf rasterisierter Geometrie und sind somit ebenfalls für normale Dreiecksmodelle anwendbar, wodurch die Arbeiten auch einen wichtigen Beitrag in den Bereichen der Computergrafik und der virtuellen Realität darstellen. Die Auswertung der Arbeit wurde mit großen, realen NURBS-Datensätzen durchgeführt. Die Resultate zeigen, dass die direkte Darstellung auf Grundlage der parametrischen Beschreibung mit interaktiven Bildwiederholraten und in subpixelgenauer Qualität möglich ist. Die Einführung programmierbarer Transparenz ermöglicht zudem die Umsetzung kollaborativer 3D Interaktionstechniken für die Exploration der Modelle in virtuellenUmgebungen sowie illustrative und verständliche Visualisierungen tiefenkomplexer CAD-Modelle. Die Erzeugung stereoskopischer Bildpaare für die interaktive Visualisierung auf 3D Displays konnte beschleunigt werden. Diese messbare Verbesserung wurde zudem im Rahmen einer Nutzerstudie als wahrnehmbar und vorteilhaft befunden.In computer-aided design (CAD), industrial products are designed using a virtual 3D model. A CAD model typically consists of curves and surfaces in a parametric representation, in most cases, non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS). The same representation is also used for the analysis, optimization and presentation of the model. In each phase of this process, different visualizations are required to provide an appropriate user feedback. Designers work with illustrative and realistic renderings, engineers need a comprehensible visualization of the simulation results, and usability studies or product presentations benefit from using a 3D display. However, the interactive visualization of NURBS models and corresponding physical simulations is a challenging task because of the computational complexity and the limited graphics hardware support. This thesis proposes four novel rendering approaches that improve the interactive visualization of CAD models and their analysis. The presented algorithms exploit latest graphics hardware capabilities to advance the state-of-the-art in terms of quality, efficiency and performance. In particular, two approaches describe the direct rendering of the parametric representation without precomputed approximations and timeconsuming pre-processing steps. New data structures and algorithms are presented for the efficient partition, classification, tessellation, and rendering of trimmed NURBS surfaces as well as the first direct isosurface ray-casting approach for NURBS-based isogeometric analysis. The other two approaches introduce the versatile concept of programmable order-independent semi-transparency for the illustrative and comprehensible visualization of depth-complex CAD models, and a novel method for the hybrid reprojection of opaque and semi-transparent image information to accelerate stereoscopic rendering. Both approaches are also applicable to standard polygonal geometry which contributes to the computer graphics and virtual reality research communities. The evaluation is based on real-world NURBS-based models and simulation data. The results show that rendering can be performed directly on the underlying parametric representation with interactive frame rates and subpixel-precise image results. The computational costs of additional visualization effects, such as semi-transparency and stereoscopic rendering, are reduced to maintain interactive frame rates. The benefit of this performance gain was confirmed by quantitative measurements and a pilot user study