3 research outputs found

    Medidas de distância entre línguas baseadas em corpus. Aplicação à linguística histórica do galego, português, espanhol e inglês

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    xiv, 225 p.El objetivo de esta tesis es plantear y verificar una metodología basada en corpus paracuantificar automáticamente la distancia entre lenguas y variantes de lenguas. Para ello se ha partido de las técnicas usadas y contrastadas en identificación de idiomas, buscando aquellasque son más robustas y pueden cuantificar cuánto se acerca un texto a un modelo de lenguaje.También como objetivo secundario hemos investigado el papel que juega la ortografía comofactor de divergencia y convergencia entre lenguas.El método elegido es no-supervisado y puede aplicarse al cálculo de la distancia entre idiomas,entre períodos históricos de lenguas o entre variantes de lenguas

    Measuring Language Distance of Isolated European Languages

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    Phylogenetics is a sub-field of historical linguistics whose aim is to classify a group of languages by considering their distances within a rooted tree that stands for their historical evolution. A few European languages do not belong to the Indo-European family or are otherwise isolated in the European rooted tree. Although it is not possible to establish phylogenetic links using basic strategies, it is possible to calculate the distances between these isolated languages and the rest using simple corpus-based techniques and natural language processing methods. The objective of this article is to select some isolated languages and measure the distance between them and from the other European languages, so as to shed light on the linguistic distances and proximities of these controversial languages without considering phylogenetic issues. The experiments were carried out with 40 European languages including six languages that are isolated in their corresponding families: Albanian, Armenian, Basque, Georgian, Greek, and HungarianThis work received financial support from DOMINO project (PGC2018-102041-B-I00, MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), eRisk project (RTI2018-093336-B-C21), the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/08, Consolidation and structuring of Groups with Growth Potential: ED431B 2017/39), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)S