59,068 research outputs found

    Robust Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection

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    This paper investigates model risk issues in the context of mean-variance portfolio selection. We analytically and numerically show that, under model misspecification, the use of statistically robust estimates instead of the widely used classical sample mean and covariance is highly beneficial for the stability properties of the mean-variance optimal portfolios. Moreover, we perform simulations leading to the conclusion that, under classical estimation, model risk bias dominates estimation risk bias. Finally, we suggest a diagnostic tool to warn the analyst of the presence of extreme returns that have an abnormally large influence on the optimization results.Mean-variance e .cient frontier; Outliers; Model risk; Robust es-timation

    Mean-Variance Optimization in Markov Decision Processes

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    We consider finite horizon Markov decision processes under performance measures that involve both the mean and the variance of the cumulative reward. We show that either randomized or history-based policies can improve performance. We prove that the complexity of computing a policy that maximizes the mean reward under a variance constraint is NP-hard for some cases, and strongly NP-hard for others. We finally offer pseudopolynomial exact and approximation algorithms.Comment: A full version of an ICML 2011 pape

    Robust mean variance

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    Mestrado em FinançasEste estudo empírico tem como objectivo avaliar o impacto da estimação robusta nos portefólios de média variância. Isto foi conseguido fazendo uma simulação do comportamento de 15 acções do SP500. Esta simulação inclui dois cenários: um com amostras que seguem uma distribuição normal e outro com amostras contaminadas não normais. Cada cenário inclui 200 reamostragens. O performance dos portefólios estimados usando a máxima verosimilhança (clássicos) e dos portefólios estimados de forma robusta são comparados, resultando em algumas conclusões: Em amostras normais, portefólios robustos são marginalmente menos eficientes que os portefólios clássicos. Contudo, em amostras não normais, os portefólios robustos apresentam um performance muito superior que os portefólios clássicos. Este acréscimo de performance está positivamente correlacionado com o nível de contaminação da amostra. Em suma, assumindo que os retornos financeiros têm uma distribuição não normal, podemos afirmar que os estimadores robustos resultam em portefólios de média variância mais estáveis.This empirical study's objective is to evaluate the impact of robust estimation on mean variance portfolios. This was accomplished by doing a simulation on the behavior of 15 SP500 stocks. This simulation includes two scenarios: One with normally distributed samples and another with contaminated non-normal samples. Each scenario includes 200 resamples. The performance of maximum likelihood (classical) estimated portfolios and robustly estimated portfolios are compared, resulting in some conclusions: On normally distributed samples, robust portfolios are marginally less efficient than classical portfolios. However, on non-normal samples, robust portfolios present a much higher performance than classical portfolios. This increase in performance is positively correlated with the level of contamination present on the sample. In summary, assuming that financial returns do not present a normal distribution, we can state that robust estimators result in more stable mean variance portfolios