3 research outputs found


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    This is a systematic review of the literature on economic complexity. We organize the most current and relevant research studies on the construction of the Economic Complexity Index and its empirical analysis. We searched “Economic Complexity” and its relative direct equivalent term “Economic Complexity Index”, “Economic Growth”, “Economic Development”. The initial selection of the studies found 29 articles in a universe of 472. A total of 44 papers were obtained from Science Direct, 185 from Web of Science and 243 from Scopus. An important fact found in the review is that, since the more traditional empirical literature on the subject is still nascent, its application to regional realities is still nascent. This can be identified by the fact that in a significant universe of studies, only 5 presented proposals for methodological adaptation to the regional scope. In the literature, it is usually concluded that the productive structure of a country or region directly influences the level of growth, and high-income level is related to high complexity.Esta é uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre complexidade econômica. Organizamos as pesquisas mais atuais e relevantes sobre a construção do Índice de Complexidade Econômico e sua análise empírica. Pesquisamos “Complexidade Econômica” e seu termo equivalente direto equivalente “Índice de Complexidade Econômica”, “Crescimento Econômico”, “Desenvolvimento Econômico”. A seleção inicial dos estudos encontrou 29 artigos em um universo de 472. Foram obtidos 44 artigos no Science Direct, 185 no Web of Science e 243 no Scopus. Um fato importante encontrado na revisão é que, como a literatura empírica mais tradicional sobre o assunto ainda é incipiente, sua aplicação às realidades regionais ainda é incipiente. Isso pode ser identificado pelo fato de que, em um universo significativo de estudos, apenas 5 apresentaram propostas de adaptação metodológica ao âmbito regional. Na literatura, geralmente conclui-se que a estrutura produtiva de um país ou região influencia diretamente o nível de crescimento, e o alto nível de renda está relacionado à alta complexidade

    Maximum-Entropy Tools for Economic Fitness and Complexity

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    The concepts of economic fitness and complexity, based on iterative and interdependent definitions of the quality of exporting countries and exported products, have led to novel insights into the dynamics of production and trade. A key step in the calculation of these quantities is the preliminary identification of statistically relevant country-product pairs.In this paper, we propose a method that could improve the current practice of filtering based on the revealed comparative advantage, by employing the maximum-entropy principle to construct an unbiased link weight probability distribution that, unlike the traditional thresholding method, allows for the statistical assessment of empirical trade volumes. The result is an adjusted geometric distribution for trade links that refines the revealed comparative advantage approach. This allows us to define the statistical significance of each trade link weight, leading to statistically supported trade link filtering decisions. Using this statistically justified filtering method, we have obtained results that are similar in nature to those that were found without this method, even though there are significant deviations in the details. In addition, the statistical information thus obtained on each trade link allows us to perform a spectral analysis of the export portfolio of individual economies