82,539 research outputs found

    Stability of self-gravitating magnetic monopoles

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    The stability of a spherically symmetric self-gravitating magnetic monopole is examined in the thin wall approximation: modeling the interior false vacuum as a region of de Sitter space; the exterior as an asymptotically flat region of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om geometry; and the boundary separating the two as a charged domain wall. There remains only to determine how the wall gets embedded in these two geometries. In this approximation, the ratio kk of the false vacuum to surface energy densities is a measure of the symmetry breaking scale η\eta. Solutions are characterized by this ratio, the charge on the wall QQ, and the value of the conserved total energy MM. We find that for each fixed kk and QQ up to some critical value, there exists a unique globally static solution, with MQ3/2M\simeq Q^{3/2}; any stable radial excitation has MM bounded above by QQ, the value assumed in an extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om geometry and these are the only solutions with M<QM<Q. As MM is raised above QQ a black hole forms in the exterior: (i) for low QQ or kk, the wall is crushed; (ii) for higher values, it oscillates inside the black hole. If the mass is not too high these `collapsing' solutions co-exist with an inflating bounce; (iii) for kk, QQ or MM outside the above regimes, there is a unique inflating solution. In case (i) the course of the bounce lies within a single asymptotically flat region (AFR) and it resembles closely the bounce exhibited by a false vacuum bubble (with Q=0). In cases (ii) and (iii) the course of the bounce spans two consecutive AFRs.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex two cols., 11 eps figs. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Refractive Distortions of Two-Particle Correlations from Classical Trajectory Calculations

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    Calculations of two-particle correlations usually assume particles interact only pair-wise after their final collisions with third bodies. By considering classical trajectories, we show that interactions with the mean field can alter the spatial dimensions of the outgoing phase-space-density profiles by tens of percent, consistent with more complicated quantum complications.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Modelling the dynamics of global monopoles

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    A thin wall approximation is exploited to describe a global monopole coupled to gravity. The core is modelled by de Sitter space; its boundary by a thin wall with a constant energy density; its exterior by the asymptotic Schwarzschild solution with negative gravitational mass MM and solid angle deficit, ΔΩ/4π=8πGη2\Delta\Omega/4\pi = 8\pi G\eta^2, where η\eta is the symmetry breaking scale. The deficit angle equals 4π4\pi when η=1/8πGMp\eta=1/\sqrt{8\pi G} \equiv M_p. We find that: (1) if η<Mp\eta <M_p, there exists a unique globally static non-singular solution with a well defined mass, M0<0M_0<0. M0M_0 provides a lower bound on MM. If M0<M<0M_0<M<0, the solution oscillates. There are no inflating solutions in this symmetry breaking regime. (2) if ηMp\eta \ge M_p, non-singular solutions with an inflating core and an asymptotically cosmological exterior will exist for all M<0M<0. (3) if η\eta is not too large, there exists a finite range of values of MM where a non-inflating monopole will also exist. These solutions appear to be metastable towards inflation. If MM is positive all solutions are singular. We provide a detailed description of the configuration space of the model for each point in the space of parameters, (η,M)(\eta, M) and trace the wall trajectories on both the interior and the exterior spacetimes. Our results support the proposal that topological defects can undergo inflation.Comment: 44 pages, REVTeX, 11 PostScript figures, submitted to the Physical Review D. Abstract's correcte

    Braneworld stars and black holes

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    We look for spherically symmetric star or black hole solutions on a Randall-Sundrum brane from the perspective of the bulk. We take a known bulk solution, and analyse possible braneworld trajectories within it that correspond, from the braneworld point of view, to solutions of the brane Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations. Our solutions are therefore embedded consistently into a full bulk solution. We find the full set of static gravitating matter sources on a brane in a range of bulk spacetimes, analyzing which can correspond to physically sensible sources. Finally, we look at time-dependent trajectories in a Schwarzschild--anti de Sitter spacetime as possible descriptions of time-dependent braneworld black holes, highlighting some of the general features one might expect, as well as some of the difficulties involved in getting a full solution to the question.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figure

    Properties of cosmologies with dynamical pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons

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    We study observational constraints on cosmological models with a quintessence field in the form of a dynamical pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson. After reviewing the properties of the solutions, from a dynamical systems phase space analysis, we consider the constraints on parameter values imposed by luminosity distances from the 60 Type Ia supernovae published by Perlmutter et al., and also from gravitational lensing statistics of distant quasars. In the case of the Type Ia supernovae we explicitly allow for the possibility of evolution of the peak luminosities of the supernovae sources, using simple empirical models which have been recently discussed in the literature. We find weak evidence to suggest that the models with supernovae evolution fit the data better in the context of the quintessence models in question. If source evolution is a reality then the greatest challenge facing these models is the tension between current value of the expansion age, H_0 t_0, and the fraction of the critical energy density, Omega_{phi0}, corresponding to the scalar field. Nonetheless there are ranges of the free parameters which fit all available cosmological data.Comment: 22 pages, RevTeX, 13 figures, epsf. v3: References added, plus a few sentences to clarify some small points; v4: Typos fixe

    Local re-acceleration and a modified thick target model of solar flare electrons

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    The collisional thick target model (CTTM) of solar hard X-ray (HXR) bursts has become an almost 'Standard Model' of flare impulsive phase energy transport and radiation. However, it faces various problems in the light of recent data, particularly the high electron beam density and anisotropy it involves.} {We consider how photon yield per electron can be increased, and hence fast electron beam intensity requirements reduced, by local re-acceleration of fast electrons throughout the HXR source itself, after injection.} {We show parametrically that, if net re-acceleration rates due to e.g. waves or local current sheet electric (E{\cal E}) fields are a significant fraction of collisional loss rates, electron lifetimes, and hence the net radiative HXR output per electron can be substantially increased over the CTTM values. In this local re-acceleration thick target model (LRTTM) fast electron number requirements and anisotropy are thus reduced. One specific possible scenario involving such re-acceleration is discussed, viz, a current sheet cascade (CSC) in a randomly stressed magnetic loop.} {Combined MHD and test particle simulations show that local E{\cal E} fields in CSCs can efficiently accelerate electrons in the corona and and re-accelerate them after injection into the chromosphere. In this HXR source scenario, rapid synchronisation and variability of impulsive footpoint emissions can still occur since primary electron acceleration is in the high Alfv\'{e}n speed corona with fast re-acceleration in chromospheric CSCs. It is also consistent with the energy-dependent time-of-flight delays in HXR features.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure