16 research outputs found

    Buffer Overflow Management with Class Segregation

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    We consider a new model for buffer management of network switches with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. A stream of packets, each attributed with a value representing its Class of Service (CoS), arrives over time at a network switch and demands a further transmission. The switch is equipped with multiple queues of limited capacities, where each queue stores packets of one value only. The objective is to maximize the total value of the transmitted packets (i.e., the weighted throughput). We analyze a natural greedy algorithm, GREEDY, which sends in each time step a packet with the greatest value. For general packet values (v1<<vm)(v_1 < \cdots < v_m), we show that GREEDY is (1+r)(1+r)-competitive, where r=max1im1{vi/vi+1}r = \max_{1\le i \le m-1} \{v_i/v_{i+1}\}. Furthermore, we show a lower bound of 2vm/i=1mvi2 - v_m / \sum_{i=1}^m v_i on the competitiveness of any deterministic online algorithm. In the special case of two packet values (1 and α>1\alpha > 1), GREEDY is shown to be optimal with a competitive ratio of (α+2)/(α+1)(\alpha + 2)/(\alpha + 1)

    An Optimal Lower Bound for Buffer Management in Multi-Queue Switches

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    In the online packet buffering problem (also known as the unweighted FIFO variant of buffer management), we focus on a single network packet switching device with several input ports and one output port. This device forwards unit-size, unit-value packets from input ports to the output port. Buffers attached to input ports may accumulate incoming packets for later transmission; if they cannot accommodate all incoming packets, their excess is lost. A packet buffering algorithm has to choose from which buffers to transmit packets in order to minimize the number of lost packets and thus maximize the throughput. We present a tight lower bound of e/(e-1) ~ 1.582 on the competitive ratio of the throughput maximization, which holds even for fractional or randomized algorithms. This improves the previously best known lower bound of 1.4659 and matches the performance of the algorithm Random Schedule. Our result contradicts the claimed performance of the algorithm Random Permutation; we point out a flaw in its original analysis

    Optimal Algorithms for Online b-Matching with Variable Vertex Capacities

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    We study the b-matching problem, which generalizes classical online matching introduced by Karp, Vazirani and Vazirani (STOC 1990). Consider a bipartite graph G = (S ?? R,E). Every vertex s ? S is a server with a capacity b_s, indicating the number of possible matching partners. The vertices r ? R are requests that arrive online and must be matched immediately to an eligible server. The goal is to maximize the cardinality of the constructed matching. In contrast to earlier work, we study the general setting where servers may have arbitrary, individual capacities. We prove that the most natural and simple online algorithms achieve optimal competitive ratios. As for deterministic algorithms, we give a greedy algorithm RelativeBalance and analyze it by extending the primal-dual framework of Devanur, Jain and Kleinberg (SODA 2013). In the area of randomized algorithms we study the celebrated Ranking algorithm by Karp, Vazirani and Vazirani. We prove that the original Ranking strategy, simply picking a random permutation of the servers, achieves an optimal competitiveness of 1-1/e, independently of the server capacities. Hence it is not necessary to resort to a reduction, replacing every server s by b_s vertices of unit capacity and to then run Ranking on this graph with ?_{s ? S} b_s vertices on the left-hand side. From a theoretical point of view our result explores the power of randomization and strictly limits the amount of required randomness. From a practical point of view it leads to more efficient allocation algorithms. Technically, we show that the primal-dual framework of Devanur, Jain and Kleinberg cannot establish a competitiveness better than 1/2 for the original Ranking algorithm, choosing a permutation of the servers. Therefore, we formulate a new configuration LP for the b-matching problem and then conduct a primal-dual analysis. We extend this analysis approach to the vertex-weighted b-matching problem. Specifically, we show that the algorithm PerturbedGreedy by Aggarwal, Goel, Karande and Mehta (SODA 2011), again with a sole randomization over the set of servers, is (1-1/e)-competitive. Together with recent work by Huang and Zhang (STOC 2020), our results demonstrate that configuration LPs can be strictly stronger than standard LPs in the analysis of more complex matching problems

    Greedy Algorithms for Multi-Queue Buffer Management with Class Segregation

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    In this paper, we focus on a multi-queue buffer management in which packets of different values are segregated in different queues. Our model consists of m packets values and m queues. Recently, Al-Bawani and Souza (arXiv:1103.6049v2 [cs.DS] 30 Mar 2011) presented an online multi-queue buffer management algorithm Greedy and showed that it is 2-competitive for the general m-valued case, i.e., m packet values are 0 < v_{1} < v_{2} < ... < v_{m}, and (1+v_{1}/v_{2})-competitive for the two-valued case, i.e., two packet values are 0 < v_{1} < v_{2}. For the general m-valued case, let c_i = (v_{i} + \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} 2^{j-1} v_{i-j})/(v_{i+1} + \sum_{j=1}^{i-1}2^{j-1}v_{i-j}) for 1 \leq i \leq m-1, and let c_{m}^{*} = \max_{i} c_{i}. In this paper, we precisely analyze the competitive ratio of Greedy for the general m-valued case, and show that the algorithm Greedy is (1+c_{m}^{*})-competitive.Comment: 19 page

    The Variable-Processor Cup Game

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    The problem of scheduling tasks on pp processors so that no task ever gets too far behind is often described as a game with cups and water. In the pp-processor cup game on nn cups, there are two players, a filler and an emptier, that take turns adding and removing water from a set of nn cups. In each turn, the filler adds pp units of water to the cups, placing at most 11 unit of water in each cup, and then the emptier selects pp cups to remove up to 11 unit of water from. The emptier's goal is to minimize the backlog, which is the height of the fullest cup. The pp-processor cup game has been studied in many different settings, dating back to the late 1960's. All of the past work shares one common assumption: that pp is fixed. This paper initiates the study of what happens when the number of available processors pp varies over time, resulting in what we call the \emph{variable-processor cup game}. Remarkably, the optimal bounds for the variable-processor cup game differ dramatically from its classical counterpart. Whereas the pp-processor cup has optimal backlog Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n), the variable-processor game has optimal backlog Θ(n)\Theta(n). Moreover, there is an efficient filling strategy that yields backlog Ω(n1ϵ)\Omega(n^{1 - \epsilon}) in quasi-polynomial time against any deterministic emptying strategy. We additionally show that straightforward uses of randomization cannot be used to help the emptier. In particular, for any positive constant Δ\Delta, and any Δ\Delta-greedy-like randomized emptying algorithm A\mathcal{A}, there is a filling strategy that achieves backlog Ω(n1ϵ)\Omega(n^{1 - \epsilon}) against A\mathcal{A} in quasi-polynomial time

    Breaking the Barrier Of 2 for the Competitiveness of Longest Queue Drop

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    We consider the problem of managing the buffer of a shared-memory switch that transmits packets of unit value. A shared-memory switch consists of an input port, a number of output ports, and a buffer with a specific capacity. In each time step, an arbitrary number of packets arrive at the input port, each packet designated for one output port. Each packet is added to the queue of the respective output port. If the total number of packets exceeds the capacity of the buffer, some packets have to be irrevocably rejected. At the end of each time step, each output port transmits a packet in its queue and the goal is to maximize the number of transmitted packets. The Longest Queue Drop (LQD) online algorithm accepts any arriving packet to the buffer. However, if this results in the buffer exceeding its memory capacity, then LQD drops a packet from the back of whichever queue is currently the longest, breaking ties arbitrarily. The LQD algorithm was first introduced in 1991, and is known to be 2-competitive since 2001. Although LQD remains the best known online algorithm for the problem and is of practical interest, determining its true competitiveness is a long-standing open problem. We show that LQD is 1.707-competitive, establishing the first (2-?) upper bound for the competitive ratio of LQD, for a constant ? > 0

    Online packet scheduling for CIOQ and buffered crossbar switches

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    We consider the problem of online packet scheduling in Combined Input and Output Queued (CIOQ) and buffered crossbar switches. In the widely used CIOQ switches, packet buffers (queues) are placed at both input and output ports. An N×N CIOQ switch has N input ports and N output ports, where each input port is equipped with N queues, each of which corresponds to an output port, and each output port is equipped with only one queue. In each time slot, arbitrarily many packets may arrive at each input port, and only one packet can be transmitted from each output port. Packets are transferred from the queues of input ports to the queues of output ports through the internal fabric. Buffered crossbar switches follow a similar design, but are equipped with additional buffers in their internal fabric. In either model, our goal is to maximize the number or, in case the packets have weights, the total weight of transmitted packets. Our main objective is to devise online algorithms that are both competitive and efficient. We improve the previously known results for both switch models, both for unweighted and weighted packets. For unweighted packets, Kesselman and Rosén (J. Algorithms 60(1):60–83, 2006) give an online algorithm that is 3-competitive for CIOQ switches. We give a faster, more practical algorithm achieving the same competitive ratio. In the buffered crossbar model, we also show 3-competitiveness, improving the previously known ratio of 4. For weighted packets, we give 5.83- and 14.83-competitive algorithms with an elegant analysis for CIOQ and buffered crossbar switches, respectively. This improves upon the previously known ratios of 6 and 16.24