14 research outputs found

    An analysis of the lifetime of OLSR networks

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    The Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol is a well-known route discovery protocol for ad-hoc networks. OLSR optimizes the flooding of link state information through the network using multipoint relays (MPRs). Only nodes selected as MPRs are responsible for forwarding control traffic. Many research papers aim to optimize the selection of MPRs with a specific purpose in mind: e.g., to minimize their number, to keep paths with high Quality of Service or to maximize the network lifetime (the time until the first node runs out of energy). In such analyzes often the effects of the network structure on the MPR selection are not taken into account. In this paper we show that the structure of the network can have a large impact on the MPR selection. In highly regular structures (such as grids) there is even no variation in the MPR sets that result from various MPR selection mechanisms. Furthermore, we study the influence of the network structure on the network lifetime problem in a setting where at regular intervals messages are broadcasted using MPRs. We introduce the ’maximum forcedness ratio’, as a key parameter of the network to describe how much variation there is in the lifetime results of various MPR selection heuristics. Although we focus our attention to OLSR, being a widely implemented protocol, on a more abstract level our results describe the structure of connected sets dominating the 2-hop neighborhood of a node

    Controlling the degradation of wireless sensor networks

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    With the fast expansion of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and the increasing emergence of new scenarios and applications, extending their lifetime is crucial. Usually, WSN developers use generic algorithms and deployment arrangements without considering the specific needs of their network's application. Taking this application into account can result in a significant enhancement of performance, both in terms of increasing the lifetime and improving the quality of service (QoS). Furthermore, most WSN developers do not consider the final behavior of the network when nodes are nearly depleted and resources are scarce. In this paper we introduce the concept of the controlled degradation of the network, to refer to the strategies aimed at managing this deterioration process. The existing definitions of the network lifetime do not normally consider the specific purpose or application for which the WSN is intended. Thus, they are not suited to describe and test controlled degradation strategies. Consequently, we propose a new formal and comprehensive definition for the network lifetime. Finally, this work presents a proof of concept that confirms our statements and reinforces the potential of this research line

    Energy efficient networking via dynamic relay node selection in wireless networks

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    Mobile wireless ad-hoc networks need to maximize their network lifetime (defined as the time until the first node runs out of energy). In the broadcast network lifetime problem, all nodes are sending broadcast traffic, and one asks for an assignment of transmit powers to nodes, and for sets of relay nodes so that the network lifetime is maximized. The selection of a dynamic relay set consisting of a single node (the `master'), can be regarded as a special case, providing lower bounds to the optimal lifetime in the general setting. This paper provides a preliminary analysis of such a `dynamic master selection' algorithm, comparing relaying to direct routing

    Energy efficient chain based routing protocol for deterministic node deployment in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of small sensor devices, which are connected wirelessly for sensing and delivering specific data to Base Station (BS). Routing protocols in WSN becomes an active area for both researchers and industrial, due to its responsibility for delivering data, extending network lifetime, reducing the delay and saving the node’s energy. According to hierarchical approach, chain base routing protocol is a promising type that can prolong the network lifetime and decrease the energy consumption. However, it is still suffering from long/single chain impacts such as delay, data redundancy, distance between the neighbors, chain head (CH) energy consumption and bottleneck. This research proposes a Deterministic Chain-Based Routing Protocol (DCBRP) for uniform nodes deployment, which consists of Backbone Construction Mechanism (BCM), Chain Heads Selection mechanism (CHS) and Next Hop Connection mechanism (NHC). BCM is responsible for chain construction by using multi chain concept, so it will divide the network to specific number of clusters depending on the number of columns. While, CHS is answerable on the number of chain heads and CH nodes selection based on their ability for data delivery. On the other hand, NHC is responsible for next hop connection in each row based on the energy and distance between the nodes to eliminate the weak nodes to be in the main chain. Network Simulator 3 (ns-3) is used to simulate DCBRP and it is evaluated with the closest routing protocols in the deterministic deployment in WSN, which are Chain-Cluster Mixed protocol (CCM) and Two Stage Chain based Protocol (TSCP). The results show that DCBRP outperforms CCM and TSCP in terms of end to end delay, CH energy consumption, overall energy consumption, network lifetime and energy*delay metrics. DCBRP or one of its mechanisms helps WSN applications by extending the sensor nodes lifetime and saving the energy for sensing purposes as long as possible

    UFlood: High-throughput flooding over wireless mesh networks

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    This paper proposes UFlood, a flooding protocol for wireless mesh networks. UFlood targets situations such as software updates where all nodes need to receive the same large file of data, and where limited radio range requires forwarding. UFlood's goals are high throughput and low airtime, defined respectively as rate of completion of a flood to the slowest receiving node and total time spent transmitting. The key to achieving these goals is good choice of sender for each transmission opportunity. The best choice evolves as a flood proceeds in ways that are difficult to predict. UFlood's core new idea is a distributed heuristic to dynamically choose the senders likely to lead to all nodes receiving the flooded data in the least time. The mechanism takes into account which data nearby receivers already have as well as internode channel quality. The mechanism includes a novel bit-rate selection algorithm that trades off the speed of high bit-rates against the larger number of nodes likely to receive low bitrates. Unusually, UFlood uses both random network coding to increase the usefulness of each transmission and detailed feedback about what data each receiver already has; the feedback is critical in deciding which node's coded transmission will have the most benefit to receivers. The required feedback is potentially voluminous, but UFlood includes novel techniques to reduce its cost. The paper presents an evaluation on a 25-node 802.11 test-bed. UFlood achieves 150% higher throughput than MORE, a high-throughput flooding protocol, using 65% less airtime. UFlood uses 54% less airtime than MNP, an existing efficient protocol, and achieves 300% higher throughput.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-0721702)Foxconn (Sponsorship

    DCBRP: a deterministic chain-based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    Background: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a promising area for both researchers and industry because of their various applications The sensor node expends the majority of its energy on communication with other nodes. Therefore, the routing protocol plays an important role in delivering network data while minimizing energy consumption as much as possible. The chain-based routing approach is superior to other approaches. However, chain-based routing protocols still expend substantial energy in the Chain Head (CH) node. In addition, these protocols also have the bottleneck issues.Methods:A novel routing protocol which is Deterministic Chain-Based Routing Protocol (DCBRP). DCBRP consists of three mechanisms: Backbone Construction Mechanism, Chain Head Selection (CHS), and the Next Hop Connection Mechanism. The CHS mechanism is presented in detail, and it is evaluated through comparison with the CCM and TSCP using an ns-3 simulator. Results:It show that DCBRP outperforms both CCM and TSCP in terms of end-to-end delay by 19.3 and 65%, respectively, CH energy consumption by 18.3 and 23.0%, respectively, overall energy consumption by 23.7 and 31.4%, respectively, network lifetime by 22 and 38%, respectively, and the energy*delay metric by 44.85 and 77.54%, respectively.Conclusion:DCBRP can be used in any deterministic node deployment applications, such as smart cities or smart agriculture, to reduce energy depletion and prolong the lifetimes of WSNs

    Network Coding-aware Lifetime Maximal routing in Multi-hop Static Wireless Ad-hoc Networks

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    In this paper, we address the issue of maximizing the lifetime of a static wireless ad-hoc network wherein the nodes are battery powered and have limited energy. In such scenarios, routing the traffic along shortest paths will lead to over-use of some nodes leading to premature network partition and an eventual end of communication. Network Coding is a promising technique that has been used, of late, by researchers for throughput improvement. We propose an algorithm that exploits network coding to route a set of unicast traffic demands, the objective being network lifetime maximization. The routing algorithm uses a link metric that takes care of the communication power consumption, the residual energy at the nodes and also the potential coding opportunities available at the node. Simulation results show that this algorithm enhances the network lifetime compared to the existing algorithms that do not employ network coding