10 research outputs found

    A Characterization of the Nash Bargaining Solution

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    We characterize the Nash bargaining solution replacing the axiom of Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives with three independent axioms: Independence of Non-Individually Rational Alternatives, Twisting and Disagreement Point Convexity. We give a non-cooperative bargaining interpretation to this last axiom.bargaining problem; Nash solution; axiomatic characterization; Independence of Non-Individually Rational Alternatives; Twisting; Disagreement Point Convexity


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    Committees are often made up of representatives of different-sized groups of individuals, and make decisions by means of a voting rule which specifies what vote configurations can pass a decision. This raises the question of the choice of the optimal voting rule, given the different sizes of the groups that members represent. In this paper we take a new departure to address this problem, assuming that the committee is a bargaining scenario in which negotiations take place 'in the shadow of the voting rule' in search of unanimous consensus. That is, a general agreement is looked for, but any winning coalition can enforce an agreement.Voting rule, Bargaining, Nash solution.

    Bargaining without Disagreement

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    Collective Choice with Endogenous Reference Outcome

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    An axiomatization of the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution when the feasible sets can be finite

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    選択肢の数が有限であるような交渉問題を含んだ定義域上へKalai-Smorodinsky解(Kalai and Smorodinsky (1975))を拡張した対応(多価関数)の解を定義し、その公理化をおこなう。 つまりその解が上記の定義域上において連続性、独立性、対称性、不変性、単調性を満たす唯一の解である事を証明する。独立性は、効用空間でのHausdorffの距離ではかつてのものである。独立性は、解が対応である事にあわせて拡張したことを除くと、Nashの定義より弱く、Roth(1977)のそれ同じである。対称性、不変性はKalai and Smorodinskyのそれと本質的に変わらない。単調性は、解が対応であるためにKalai and Smorodinskyのそれとは大きく異なった定義となっている。 しかしこの定義を一価関数の解に適用した場合、この公理はオリジナルの単調性に近い性質を持ったものになる

    Bargaining and the theory of cooperative games: John Nash and beyond

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    This essay surveys the literature on the axiomatic model of bargaining formulated by Nash ("The Bargaining Problem," Econometrica 28, 1950, 155-162).Nash's bargaining model, Nash solution, Kalai-Smorodinsky solution, Egalitarian solution

    Maximal symmetry and the Nash solution

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    The Nash Bargaining Solution is characterised by using the new axiom of Maximal Symmetry in place of Nash's Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and Symmetry. This axiom expresses the idea that a fair arbitrator should treat symmetric alternatives in the same way, subject to the feasibility constraint. An advantage of the proposed characterisations is that they are valid on a wide set of domains, in particular domains including, or consisting of, non-convex problems.</p

    Maximal symmetry and the Nash solution

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    The Nash Bargaining Solution is characterised by using the new axiom of Maximal Symmetry in place of Nash's Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and Symmetry. This axiom expresses the idea that a fair arbitrator should treat symmetric alternatives in the same way, subject to the feasibility constraint. An advantage of the proposed characterisations is that they are valid on a wide set of domains, in particular domains including, or consisting of, non-convex problems.</p

    Maximal symmetry and the Nash solution

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