4 research outputs found

    Maximal proper subgraphs of median graphs

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    AbstractFor a median graph G and a vertex v of G that is not a cut-vertex we show that G-v is a median graph precisely when v is not the center of a bipartite wheel, which is in turn equivalent with the existence of a certain edge elimination scheme for edges incident with v. This implies a characterization of vertex-critical (respectively, vertex-complete) median graphs, which are median graphs whose all vertex-deleted subgraphs are not median (respectively, are median). Moreover, two analogous characterizations for edge-deleted median graphs are given

    Blocks and Cut Vertices of the Buneman Graph

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    Given a set \Sg of bipartitions of some finite set XX of cardinality at least 2, one can associate to \Sg a canonical XX-labeled graph \B(\Sg), called the Buneman graph. This graph has several interesting mathematical properties - for example, it is a median network and therefore an isometric subgraph of a hypercube. It is commonly used as a tool in studies of DNA sequences gathered from populations. In this paper, we present some results concerning the {\em cut vertices} of \B(\Sg), i.e., vertices whose removal disconnect the graph, as well as its {\em blocks} or 2-{\em connected components} - results that yield, in particular, an intriguing generalization of the well-known fact that \B(\Sg) is a tree if and only if any two splits in \Sg are compatible

    On a generalization of median graphs: kk-median graphs

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    Median graphs are connected graphs in which for all three vertices there is a unique vertex that belongs to shortest paths between each pair of these three vertices. To be more formal, a graph GG is a median graph if, for all μ,u,v∈V(G)\mu, u,v\in V(G), it holds that ∣I(μ,u)∩I(μ,v)∩I(u,v)∣=1|I(\mu,u)\cap I(\mu,v)\cap I(u,v)|=1 where I(x,y)I(x,y) denotes the set of all vertices that lie on shortest paths connecting xx and yy. In this paper we are interested in a natural generalization of median graphs, called kk-median graphs. A graph GG is a kk-median graph, if there are kk vertices μ1,…,μk∈V(G)\mu_1,\dots,\mu_k\in V(G) such that, for all u,v∈V(G)u,v\in V(G), it holds that ∣I(μi,u)∩I(μi,v)∩I(u,v)∣=1|I(\mu_i,u)\cap I(\mu_i,v)\cap I(u,v)|=1, 1≤i≤k1\leq i\leq k. By definition, every median graph with nn vertices is an nn-median graph. We provide several characterizations of kk-median graphs that, in turn, are used to provide many novel characterizations of median graphs