4 research outputs found

    Maximal partial Latin cubes

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    We prove that each maximal partial Latin cube must have more than 29.289% of its cells filled and show by construction that this is a nearly tight bound. We also prove upper and lower bounds on the number of cells containing a fixed symbol in maximal partial Latin cubes and hypercubes, and we use these bounds to determine for small orders n the numbers k for which there exists a maximal partial Latin cube of order n with exactly k entries. Finally, we prove that maximal partial Latin cubes of order n exist of each size from approximately half-full (n3/2 for even n ≥ 10 and (n3 + n)/2 for odd n ≥21) to completely full, except for when either precisely 1 or 2 cells are empty

    Ryser Type Conditions for Extending Colorings of Triples

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    In 1951, Ryser showed that an n×nn\times n array LL whose top left r×sr\times s subarray is filled with nn different symbols, each occurring at most once in each row and at most once in each column, can be completed to a latin square of order nn if and only if the number of occurrences of each symbol in LL is at least r+snr+s-n. We prove a Ryser type result on extending partial coloring of 3-uniform hypergraphs. Let X,YX,Y be finite sets with XYX\subsetneq Y and Y0(mod3)|Y|\equiv 0 \pmod 3. When can we extend a (proper) coloring of λ(X3)\lambda \binom{X}{3} (all triples on a ground set XX, each one being repeated λ\lambda times) to a coloring of λ(Y3)\lambda \binom{Y}{3} using the fewest possible number of colors? It is necessary that the number of triples of each color in (X3)\binom{X}{3} is at least X2Y/3|X|-2|Y|/3. Using hypergraph detachments (Combin. Probab. Comput. 21 (2012), 483--495), we establish a necessary and sufficient condition in terms of list coloring complete multigraphs. Using H\"aggkvist-Janssen's bound (Combin. Probab. Comput. 6 (1997), 295--313), we show that the number of triples of each color being at least X/2Y/6|X|/2-|Y|/6 is sufficient. Finally we prove an Evans type result by showing that if Y3X|Y|\geq 3|X|, then any qq-coloring of any subset of λ(X3)\lambda \binom{X}{3} can be embedded into a λ(Y12)\lambda\binom{|Y|-1}{2}-coloring of λ(Y3)\lambda \binom{Y}{3} as long as qλ(Y12)λ(X3)/X/3q\leq \lambda \binom{|Y|-1}{2}-\lambda \binom{|X|}{3}/\lfloor{|X|/3}\rfloor.Comment: 10 page

    Latin cubes of even order with forbidden entries

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    We consider the problem of constructing Latin cubes subject to the condition that some symbols may not appear in certain cells. We prove that there is a constant γ>0\gamma > 0 such that if n=2tn=2t and AA is a 33-dimensional n×n×nn\times n\times n array where every cell contains at most γn\gamma n symbols, and every symbol occurs at most γn\gamma n times in every line of AA, then AA is {\em avoidable}; that is, there is a Latin cube LL of order nn such that for every 1i,j,kn1\leq i,j,k\leq n, the symbol in position (i,j,k)(i,j,k) of LL does not appear in the corresponding cell of AA.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1809.0239