56 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Based Medical Image Analysis with Limited Data

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    Deep Learning Methods have shown its great effort in the area of Computer Vision. However, when solving the problems of medical imaging, deep learning’s power is confined by limited data available. We present a series of novel methodologies for solving medical imaging analysis problems with limited Computed tomography (CT) scans available. Our method, based on deep learning, with different strategies, including using Generative Adversar- ial Networks, two-stage training, infusing the expert knowledge, voting based or converting to other space, solves the data set limitation issue for the cur- rent medical imaging problems, specifically cancer detection and diagnosis, and shows very good performance and outperforms the state-of-art results in the literature. With the self-learned features, deep learning based techniques start to be applied to the biomedical imaging problems and various structures have been designed. In spite of its simplity and anticipated good performance, the deep learning based techniques can not perform to its best extent due to the limited size of data sets for the medical imaging problems. On the other side, the traditional hand-engineered features based methods have been studied in the past decades and a lot of useful features have been found by these research for the task of detecting and diagnosing the pulmonary nod- ules on CT scans, but these methods are usually performed through a series of complicated procedures with manually empirical parameter adjustments. Our method significantly reduces the complications of the traditional proce- dures for pulmonary nodules detection, while retaining and even outperforming the state-of-art accuracy. Besides, we make contribution on how to convert low-dose CT image to full-dose CT so as to adapting current models on the newly-emerged low-dose CT data

    Facilitating Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis with Computed Tomographic Colonography

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    Computed tomographic colonography (CTC) is a diagnostic technique involving helical volume acquisition of the cleansed, distended colorectum to detect colorectal cancer or potentially premalignant polyps. This Thesis summarises the evidence base, identifies areas in need of further research, quantifies sources of bias and presents novel techniques to facilitate colorectal cancer diagnosis using CTC. CTC literature is reviewed to justify the rationale for current implementation and to identify fruitful areas for research. This confirms excellent diagnostic performance can be attained providing CTC is interpreted by trained, experienced observers employing state-of-the-art implementation. The technique is superior to barium enema and consequently, it has been embraced by radiologists, clinicians and health policy-makers. Factors influencing generalisability of CTC research are investigated, firstly with a survey of European educational workshop participants which revealed limited CTC experience and training, followed by a systematic review exploring bias in research studies of diagnostic test accuracy which established that studies focussing on these aspects were lacking. Experiments to address these sources of bias are presented, using novel methodology: Conjoint analysis is used to ascertain patients‘ and clinicians’ attitudes to false-positive screening diagnoses, showing that both groups overwhelmingly value sensitivity over specificity. The results inform a weighted statistical analysis for CAD which is applied to the results of two previous studies showing the incremental benefit is significantly higher for novices than experienced readers. We have employed eye-tracking technology to establish the visual search patterns of observers reading CTC, demonstrated feasibility and developed metrics for analysis. We also describe development and validation of computer software to register prone and supine endoluminal surface locations demonstrating accurate matching of corresponding points when applied to a phantom and a generalisable, publically available, CTC database. Finally, areas in need of future development are suggested

    An Automatic Gastrointestinal Polyp Detection System in Video Endoscopy Using Fusion of Color Wavelet and Convolutional Neural Network Features

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    Gastrointestinal polyps are considered to be the precursors of cancer development in most of the cases. Therefore, early detection and removal of polyps can reduce the possibility of cancer. Video endoscopy is the most used diagnostic modality for gastrointestinal polyps. But, because it is an operator dependent procedure, several human factors can lead to misdetection of polyps. Computer aided polyp detection can reduce polyp miss detection rate and assists doctors in finding the most important regions to pay attention to. In this paper, an automatic system has been proposed as a support to gastrointestinal polyp detection. This system captures the video streams from endoscopic video and, in the output, it shows the identified polyps. Color wavelet (CW) features and convolutional neural network (CNN) features of video frames are extracted and combined together which are used to train a linear support vector machine (SVM). Evaluations on standard public databases show that the proposed system outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, gaining accuracy of 98.65%, sensitivity of 98.79%, and specificity of 98.52%

    Framework for the detection and classification of colorectal polyps

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    In this thesis we propose a framework for the detection and classification of colorectal polyps to assist endoscopists in bowel cancer screening. Such a system will help reduce not only the miss rate of possibly malignant polyps during screening but also reduce the number of unnecessary polypectomies where the histopathologic analysis could be spared. Our polyp detection scheme is based on a cascade filter to pre-process the incoming video frames, select a group of candidate polyp regions and then proceed to algorithmically isolate the most probable polyps based on their geometry. We also tested this system on a number of endoscopic and capsule endoscopy videos collected with the help of our clinical collaborators. Furthermore, we developed and tested a classification system for distinguishing cancerous colorectal polyps from non-cancerous ones. By analyzing the surface vasculature of high magnification polyp images from two endoscopic platforms we extracted a number of features based primarily on the vessel contrast, orientation and colour. The feature space was then filtered as to leave only the most relevant subset and this was subsequently used to train our classifier. In addition, we examined the scenario of splitting up the polyp surface into patches and including only the most feature rich areas into our classifier instead of the surface as a whole. The stability of our feature space relative to patch size was also examined to ensure reliable and robust classification. In addition, we devised a scale selection strategy to minimize the effect of inconsistencies in magnification and geometric polyp size between samples. Lastly, several techniques were also employed to ensure that our results will generalise well in real world practise. We believe this to be a solid step in forming a toolbox designed to aid endoscopists not only in the detection but also in the optical biopsy of colorectal polyps during in vivo colonoscopy.Open Acces
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