10 research outputs found

    Maturity and Performance of Programmable Secure Computation

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    Secure computation research has gained traction internationally in the last five years. In the United States, the DARPA PROCEED program (2011-2015) focused on development of multiple SC paradigms and improving their performance. In the European Union, the PRACTICE program (2013-2016) focuses on its use to secure cloud computing. Both programs have demonstrated exceptional prototypes and performance improvements. In this paper, we collect the results from both programs and other published literature to present the state of the art in what can be achieved with today\u27s secure computing technology. We consider linear secret sharing based computations, garbled circuits and fully homomorphic encryption. We describe theoretical and practical criteria that can be used to characterize secure computation paradigms and provide an overview of common benchmarks such as AES evaluation

    User-centric distributed solutions for privacy-preserving analytics

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    How can cryptography empower users with sensitive data to access large-scale computing platforms in a privacy-preserving manner?</jats:p

    Scalable secure multi-party network vulnerability analysis via symbolic optimization

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    Threat propagation analysis is a valuable tool in improving the cyber resilience of enterprise networks. As these networks are interconnected and threats can propagate not only within but also across networks, a holistic view of the entire network can reveal threat propagation trajectories unobservable from within a single enterprise. However, companies are reluctant to share internal vulnerability measurement data as it is highly sensitive and (if leaked) possibly damaging. Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) addresses this concern. MPC is a cryptographic technique that allows distrusting parties to compute analytics over their joint data while protecting its confidentiality. In this work we apply MPC to threat propagation analysis on large, federated networks. To address the prohibitively high performance cost of general-purpose MPC we develop two novel applications of optimizations that can be leveraged to execute many relevant graph algorithms under MPC more efficiently: (1) dividing the computation into separate stages such that the first stage is executed privately by each party without MPC and the second stage is an MPC computation dealing with a much smaller shared network, and (2) optimizing the second stage by treating the execution of the analysis algorithm as a symbolic expression that can be optimized to reduce the number of costly operations and subsequently executed under MPC.We evaluate the scalability of this technique by analyzing the potential for threat propagation on examples of network graphs and propose several directions along which this work can be expanded

    Scather: programming with multi-party computation and MapReduce

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    We present a prototype of a distributed computational infrastructure, an associated high level programming language, and an underlying formal framework that allow multiple parties to leverage their own cloud-based computational resources (capable of supporting MapReduce [27] operations) in concert with multi-party computation (MPC) to execute statistical analysis algorithms that have privacy-preserving properties. Our architecture allows a data analyst unfamiliar with MPC to: (1) author an analysis algorithm that is agnostic with regard to data privacy policies, (2) to use an automated process to derive algorithm implementation variants that have different privacy and performance properties, and (3) to compile those implementation variants so that they can be deployed on an infrastructures that allows computations to take place locally within each participant’s MapReduce cluster as well as across all the participants’ clusters using an MPC protocol. We describe implementation details of the architecture, discuss and demonstrate how the formal framework enables the exploration of tradeoffs between the efficiency and privacy properties of an analysis algorithm, and present two example applications that illustrate how such an infrastructure can be utilized in practice.This work was supported in part by NSF Grants: #1430145, #1414119, #1347522, and #1012798

    SoK: Training Machine Learning Models over Multiple Sources with Privacy Preservation

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    Nowadays, gathering high-quality training data from multiple data controllers with privacy preservation is a key challenge to train high-quality machine learning models. The potential solutions could dramatically break the barriers among isolated data corpus, and consequently enlarge the range of data available for processing. To this end, both academia researchers and industrial vendors are recently strongly motivated to propose two main-stream folders of solutions: 1) Secure Multi-party Learning (MPL for short); and 2) Federated Learning (FL for short). These two solutions have their advantages and limitations when we evaluate them from privacy preservation, ways of communication, communication overhead, format of data, the accuracy of trained models, and application scenarios. Motivated to demonstrate the research progress and discuss the insights on the future directions, we thoroughly investigate these protocols and frameworks of both MPL and FL. At first, we define the problem of training machine learning models over multiple data sources with privacy-preserving (TMMPP for short). Then, we compare the recent studies of TMMPP from the aspects of the technical routes, parties supported, data partitioning, threat model, and supported machine learning models, to show the advantages and limitations. Next, we introduce the state-of-the-art platforms which support online training over multiple data sources. Finally, we discuss the potential directions to resolve the problem of TMMPP.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Computing Statistics from Private Data

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    In several domains, privacy presents a significant obstacle to scientific and analytic research, and limits the economic, social, health and scholastic benefits that could be derived from such research. These concerns stem from the need for privacy about personally identifiable information (PII), commercial intellectual property, and other types of information. For example, businesses, researchers, and policymakers may benefit by analyzing aggregate information about markets, but individual companies may not be willing to reveal information about risks, strategies, and weaknesses that could be exploited by competitors. Extracting valuable utility from the new “big data” economy demands new privacy technologies to overcome barriers that impede sensitive data from being aggregated and analyzed. Secure multiparty computation (MPC) is a collection of cryptographic technologies that can be used to effectively cope with some of these obstacles, and provide a new means of allowing researchers to coordinate and analyze sensitive data collections, obviating the need for data-owners to share the underlying data sets with other researchers or with each other. This paper outlines the findings that were made during interdisciplinary workshops that examined potential applications of MPC to data in the social and health sciences. The primary goals of this work are to describe the computational needs of these disciplines and to develop a specific roadmap for selecting efficient algorithms and protocols that can be used as a starting point for interdisciplinary projects between cryptographers and data scientists

    Raziel: Private and Verifiable Smart Contracts on Blockchains

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    Raziel combines secure multi-party computation and proof-carrying code to provide privacy, correctness and verifiability guarantees for smart contracts on blockchains. Effectively solving DAO and Gyges attacks, this paper describes an implementation and presents examples to demonstrate its practical viability (e.g., private and verifiable crowdfundings and investment funds). Additionally, we show how to use Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Proofs (i.e., Proof-Carrying Code certificates) to prove the validity of smart contracts to third parties before their execution without revealing anything else. Finally, we show how miners could get rewarded for generating pre-processing data for secure multi-party computation.Comment: Support: cothority/ByzCoin/OmniLedge

    Input Secrecy & Output Privacy: Efficient Secure Computation of Differential Privacy Mechanisms

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    Data is the driving force of modern businesses. For example, customer-generated data is collected by companies to improve their products, discover emerging trends, and provide insights to marketers. However, data might contain personal information which allows to identify a person and violate their privacy. Examples of privacy violations are abundant – such as revealing typical whereabout and habits, financial status, or health information, either directly or indirectly by linking the data to other available data sources. To protect personal data and regulate its collection and processing, the general data protection regulation (GDPR) was adopted by all members of the European Union. Anonymization addresses such regulations and alleviates privacy concerns by altering personal data to hinder identification. Differential privacy (DP), a rigorous privacy notion for anonymization mechanisms, is widely deployed in the industry, e.g., by Google, Apple, and Microsoft. Additionally, cryptographic tools, namely, secure multi-party computation (MPC), protect the data during processing. MPC allows distributed parties to jointly compute a function over their data such that only the function output is revealed but none of the input data. MPC and DP provide orthogonal protection guarantees. MPC provides input secrecy, i.e., MPC protects the inputs of a computation via encrypted processing. DP provides output privacy, i.e., DP anonymizes the output of a computation via randomization. In typical deployments of DP the data is randomized locally, i.e., by each client, and aggregated centrally by a server. MPC allows to apply the randomization centrally as well, i.e., only once, which is optimal for accuracy. Overall, MPC and DP augment each other nicely. However, universal MPC is inefficient – requiring large computation and communication overhead – which makes MPC of DP mechanisms challenging for general real-world deployments. In this thesis, we present efficient MPC protocols for distributed parties to collaboratively compute DP statistics with high accuracy. We support general rank-based statistics, e.g., min, max, median, as well as decomposable aggregate functions, where local evaluations can be efficiently combined to global ones, e.g., for convex optimizations. Furthermore, we detect heavy hitters, i.e., most frequently appearing values, over known as well as unknown data domains. We prove the semi-honest security and differential privacy of our protocols. Also, we theoretically analyse and empirically evaluate their accuracy as well as efficiency. Our protocols provide higher accuracy than comparable solutions based on DP alone. Our protocols are efficient, with running times of seconds to minutes evaluated in real-world WANs between Frankfurt and Ohio (100 ms delay, 100 Mbits/s bandwidth), and have modest hardware requirements compared to related work (mainly, 4 CPU cores at 3.3 GHz and 2 GB RAM per party). Additionally, our protocols can be outsourced, i.e., clients can send encrypted inputs to few servers which run the MPC protocol on their behalf

    Secure Multi-Party Computation In Practice

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    Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a cryptographic primitive for computing on private data. MPC provides strong privacy guarantees, but practical adoption requires high-quality application design, software development, and resource management. This dissertation aims to identify and reduce barriers to practical deployment of MPC applications. First, the dissertation evaluates the design, capabilities, and usability of eleven state-of-the-art MPC software frameworks. These frameworks are essential for prototyping MPC applications, but their qualities vary widely; the survey provides insight into their current abilities and limitations. A comprehensive online repository augments the survey, including complete build environments, sample programs, and additional documentation for each framework. Second, the dissertation applies these lessons in two practical applications of MPC. The first addresses algorithms for assessing stability in financial networks, traditionally designed in a full-information model with a central regulator or data aggregator. This case study describes principles to transform two such algorithms into data-oblivious versions and benchmark their execution under MPC using three frameworks. The second aims to enable unlinkability of payments made with blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. This study uses MPC in conjunction with other privacy techniques to achieve unlinkability in payment channels. Together, these studies illuminate the limitations of existing software, develop guidelines for transforming non-private algorithms into versions suitable for execution under MPC, and illustrate the current practical feasibility of MPC as a solution to a wide variety of applications