11 research outputs found

    Matroids and Integrality Gaps for Hypergraphic Steiner Tree Relaxations

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    Until recently, LP relaxations have played a limited role in the design of approximation algorithms for the Steiner tree problem. In 2010, Byrka et al. presented a ln(4)+epsilon approximation based on a hypergraphic LP relaxation, but surprisingly, their analysis does not provide a matching bound on the integrality gap. We take a fresh look at hypergraphic LP relaxations for the Steiner tree problem - one that heavily exploits methods and results from the theory of matroids and submodular functions - which leads to stronger integrality gaps, faster algorithms, and a variety of structural insights of independent interest. More precisely, we present a deterministic ln(4)+epsilon approximation that compares against the LP value and therefore proves a matching ln(4) upper bound on the integrality gap. Similarly to Byrka et al., we iteratively fix one component and update the LP solution. However, whereas they solve an LP at every iteration after contracting a component, we show how feasibility can be maintained by a greedy procedure on a well-chosen matroid. Apart from avoiding the expensive step of solving a hypergraphic LP at each iteration, our algorithm can be analyzed using a simple potential function. This gives an easy means to determine stronger approximation guarantees and integrality gaps when considering restricted graph topologies. In particular, this readily leads to a 73/60 bound on the integrality gap for quasi-bipartite graphs. For the case of quasi-bipartite graphs, we present a simple algorithm to transform an optimal solution to the bidirected cut relaxation to an optimal solution of the hypergraphic relaxation, leading to a fast 73/60 approximation for quasi-bipartite graphs. Furthermore, we show how the separation problem of the hypergraphic relaxation can be solved by computing maximum flows, providing a fast independence oracle for our matroids.Comment: Corrects an issue at the end of Section 3. Various other minor improvements to the expositio

    On rooted kk-connectivity problems in quasi-bipartite digraphs

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    We consider the directed Rooted Subset kk-Edge-Connectivity problem: given a set TVT \subseteq V of terminals in a digraph G=(V+r,E)G=(V+r,E) with edge costs and an integer kk, find a min-cost subgraph of GG that contains kk edge disjoint rtrt-paths for all tTt \in T. The case when every edge of positive cost has head in TT admits a polynomial time algorithm due to Frank, and the case when all positive cost edges are incident to rr is equivalent to the kk-Multicover problem. Recently, [Chan et al. APPROX20] obtained ratio O(lnklnT)O(\ln k \ln |T|) for quasi-bipartite instances, when every edge in GG has an end in T+rT+r. We give a simple proof for the same ratio for a more general problem of covering an arbitrary TT-intersecting supermodular set function by a minimum cost edge set, and for the case when only every positive cost edge has an end in T+rT+r

    Approximation Algorithms for Steiner Tree Problems Based on Universal Solution Frameworks

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    This paper summarizes the work on implementing few solutions for the Steiner Tree problem which we undertook in the PAAL project. The main focus of the project is the development of generic implementations of approximation algorithms together with universal solution frameworks. In particular, we have implemented Zelikovsky 11/6-approximation using local search framework, and 1.39-approximation by Byrka et al. using iterative rounding framework. These two algorithms are experimentally compared with greedy 2-approximation, with exact but exponential time Dreyfus-Wagner algorithm, as well as with results given by a state-of-the-art local search techniques by Uchoa and Werneck. The results of this paper are twofold. On one hand, we demonstrate that high level algorithmic concepts can be designed and efficiently used in C++. On the other hand, we show that the above algorithms with good theoretical guarantees, give decent results in practice, but are inferior to state-of-the-art heuristical approaches

    Covering problems in edge- and node-weighted graphs

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    This paper discusses the graph covering problem in which a set of edges in an edge- and node-weighted graph is chosen to satisfy some covering constraints while minimizing the sum of the weights. In this problem, because of the large integrality gap of a natural linear programming (LP) relaxation, LP rounding algorithms based on the relaxation yield poor performance. Here we propose a stronger LP relaxation for the graph covering problem. The proposed relaxation is applied to designing primal-dual algorithms for two fundamental graph covering problems: the prize-collecting edge dominating set problem and the multicut problem in trees. Our algorithms are an exact polynomial-time algorithm for the former problem, and a 2-approximation algorithm for the latter problem, respectively. These results match the currently known best results for purely edge-weighted graphs.Comment: To appear in SWAT 201

    Dual Growth with Variable Rates: An Improved Integrality Gap for Steiner Tree

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    A promising approach for obtaining improved approximation algorithms for Steiner tree is to use the bidirected cut relaxation (BCR). The integrality gap of this relaxation is at least 36/3136/31, and it has long been conjectured that its true value is very close to this lower bound. However, the best upper bound for general graphs is still 22. With the aim of circumventing the asymmetric nature of BCR, Chakrabarty, Devanur and Vazirani [Math. Program., 130 (2011), pp. 1--32] introduced the simplex-embedding LP, which is equivalent to it. Using this, they gave a 2\sqrt{2}-approximation algorithm for quasi-bipartite graphs and showed that the integrality gap of the relaxation is at most 4/34/3 for this class of graphs. In this paper, we extend the approach provided by these authors and show that the integrality gap of BCR is at most 7/67/6 on quasi-bipartite graphs via a fast combinatorial algorithm. In doing so, we introduce a general technique, in particular a potentially widely applicable extension of the primal-dual schema. Roughly speaking, we apply the schema twice with variable rates of growth for the duals in the second phase, where the rates depend on the degrees of the duals computed in the first phase. This technique breaks the disadvantage of increasing dual variables in a monotone manner and creates a larger total dual value, thus presumably attaining the true integrality gap.Comment: A completely rewritten version of a previously retracted manuscript, using the simplex-embedding LP. The idea of growing duals with variable rates is still there. 23 pages, 7 figure

    Linear-Delay Enumeration for Minimal Steiner Problems

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    Kimelfeld and Sagiv [Kimelfeld and Sagiv, PODS 2006], [Kimelfeld and Sagiv, Inf. Syst. 2008] pointed out the problem of enumerating KK-fragments is of great importance in a keyword search on data graphs. In a graph-theoretic term, the problem corresponds to enumerating minimal Steiner trees in (directed) graphs. In this paper, we propose a linear-delay and polynomial-space algorithm for enumerating all minimal Steiner trees, improving on a previous result in [Kimelfeld and Sagiv, Inf. Syst. 2008]. Our enumeration algorithm can be extended to other Steiner problems, such as minimal Steiner forests, minimal terminal Steiner trees, and minimal directed Steiner trees. As another variant of the minimal Steiner tree enumeration problem, we study the problem of enumerating minimal induced Steiner subgraphs. We propose a polynomial-delay and exponential-space enumeration algorithm of minimal induced Steiner subgraphs on claw-free graphs. Contrary to these tractable results, we show that the problem of enumerating minimal group Steiner trees is at least as hard as the minimal transversal enumeration problem on hypergraphs

    Bridging the Gap Between Tree and Connectivity Augmentation: Unified and Stronger Approaches

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    We consider the Connectivity Augmentation Problem (CAP), a classical problem in the area of Survivable Network Design. It is about increasing the edge-connectivity of a graph by one unit in the cheapest possible way. More precisely, given a kk-edge-connected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and a set of extra edges, the task is to find a minimum cardinality subset of extra edges whose addition to GG makes the graph (k+1)(k+1)-edge-connected. If kk is odd, the problem is known to reduce to the Tree Augmentation Problem (TAP) -- i.e., GG is a spanning tree -- for which significant progress has been achieved recently, leading to approximation factors below 1.51.5 (the currently best factor is 1.4581.458). However, advances on TAP did not carry over to CAP so far. Indeed, only very recently, Byrka, Grandoni, and Ameli (STOC 2020) managed to obtain the first approximation factor below 22 for CAP by presenting a 1.911.91-approximation algorithm based on a method that is disjoint from recent advances for TAP. We first bridge the gap between TAP and CAP, by presenting techniques that allow for leveraging insights and methods from TAP to approach CAP. We then introduce a new way to get approximation factors below 1.51.5, based on a new analysis technique. Through these ingredients, we obtain a 1.3931.393-approximation algorithm for CAP, and therefore also TAP. This leads to the currently best approximation result for both problems in a unified way, by significantly improving on the above-mentioned 1.911.91-approximation for CAP and also the previously best approximation factor of 1.4581.458 for TAP by Grandoni, Kalaitzis, and Zenklusen (STOC 2018). Additionally, a feature we inherit from recent TAP advances is that our approach can deal with the weighted setting when the ratio between the largest to smallest cost on extra links is bounded, in which case we obtain approximation factors below 1.51.5

    Timing-Constrained Global Routing with Buffered Steiner Trees

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    This dissertation deals with the combination of two key problems that arise in the physical design of computer chips: global routing and buffering. The task of buffering is the insertion of buffers and inverters into the chip's netlist to speed-up signal delays and to improve electrical properties of the chip. Insertion of buffers and inverters goes alongside with construction of Steiner trees that connect logical sources with possibly many logical sinks and have buffers and inverters as parts of these connections. Classical global routing focuses on packing Steiner trees within the limited routing space. Buffering and global routing have been solved separately in the past. In this thesis we overcome the limitations of the classical approaches by considering the buffering problem as a global, multi-objective problem. We study its theoretical aspects and propose algorithms which we implement in the tool BonnRouteBuffer for timing-constrained global routing with buffered Steiner trees. At its core, we propose a new theoretically founded framework to model timing constraints inherently within global routing. As most important sub-task we have to compute a buffered Steiner tree for a single net minimizing the sum of prices for delays, routing congestion, placement congestion, power consumption, and net length. For this sub-task we present a fully polynomial time approximation scheme to compute an almost-cheapest Steiner tree with a given routing topology and prove that an exact algorithm cannot exist unless P=NP. For topology computation we present a bicriteria approximation algorithm that bounds both the geometric length and the worst slack of the topology. To improve the practical results we present many heuristic modifications, speed-up- and post-optimization techniques for buffered Steiner trees. We conduct experiments on challenging real-world test cases provided by our cooperation partner IBM to demonstrate the quality of our tool. Our new algorithm could produce better solutions with respect to both timing and routability. After post-processing with gate sizing and Vt-assignment, we can even reduce the power consumption on most instances. Overall, our results show that our tool BonnRouteBuffer for timing-constrained global routing is superior to industrial state-of-the-art tools

    15th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory: SWAT 2016, June 22-24, 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland

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