10 research outputs found

    An Improved Location Model for the Collection of Sorted Solid Waste in Densely Populated Urban Centres

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    This paper presents a facility location model for improving the collection of solid waste materials. The model is especially suitable for densely populated regions with several housing units as well as encourages initial sorting of wastes. Each individual house in the collection area is designated a customer, with randomly selected customers comprising the set of candidate hubs. The fundamental feature of the model is to group the customers into clusters by assigning each customer (house) to the nearest hub. Each cluster is then assigned to exactly one waste collection site drawn from the set of potential collection locations. The objective is to minimize the total number of activated waste collection sites such that all the customers’ requests are satisfied without violating the capacity limit of each site. A simple Lagrangian relaxation heuristic is developed for the problem and solved with the CPLEX solver on the AMPL platform to find a feasible solution. Results from the numerical implementation of model show the model is efficient and competitive with existing solid waste collection facility location model

    Optimizing Segregated Waste Collection Routes as a Decision-Making Problem in the Municipal Solid Waste Management System in Small Town

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    Routing vehicles is a generic decision-making problem of strategic management in any business serving customers in distributed locations with a limited fleet including municipal solid waste collection. This paper introduces an approach tailored for optimizing waste collection routes in small towns and rural areas where dead-end streets are typical in the road network. Leveraging the Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP), the approach employs optimal route determination taking advantage of the specific character of a road network with many dead-end streets. The service area for waste collection was aggregated, so the graph representing the map results in a relatively small data instance. This facilitated the application of the exact method, i.e. Mixed-Integer Programming using the OpenSolver tool in Excel. Conducted in collaboration with a municipal agency in southeastern Poland, this study outlines a comprehensive methodology, emphasizing the reduction of complex dead-end streets into singular nodes within the graph for effective route optimization. A comprehensive methodology is outlined alongside the solutions attained. Computational experiments focused on minimizing total travel distance during waste collection operations, demonstrating the methodology's success. Beyond efficiency gains, optimized routes hold potential for significant environmental impact reduction. The reduced travel distances result in decreased fuel consumption and emissions, aligning with sustainability goals. Developing an Excel-based decision support tool for municipal solid waste management is a significant contribution, particularly for decision-makers less familiar with Operations Research. The tool's compatibility within the spreadsheet environment streamlines waste management processes for municipal units, enhancing decision-making efficiency in optimizing waste collection routes


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    AbstractTwo-echelon location routing problem (2E-LRP) is a problem that considers distribution problem in a two-level / echelon transport system. The first echelon considers trips from a main depot to a set of selected satellite. The second echelon considers routes to serve customers from the selected satellite. This study proposes two metaheuristics algorithms to solve 2E-LRP: Simulated Annealing (SA) and Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) heuristics. The neighborhood / operator moves of both algorithms are modified specifically to solve 2E-LRP. The proposed SA uses swap, insert, and reverse operators. Meanwhile the proposed LNS uses four destructive operator (random route removal, worst removal, route removal, related node removal, not related node removal) and two constructive operator (greedy insertion and modived greedy insertion). Previously known dataset is used to test the performance of the both algorithms. Numerical experiment results show that SA performs better than LNS. The objective function value for SA and LNS are 176.125 and 181.478, respectively. Besides, the average computational time of SA and LNS are 119.02s and 352.17s, respectively.AbstrakPermasalahan penentuan lokasi fasilitas sekaligus rute kendaraan dengan mempertimbangkan sistem transportasi dua eselon juga dikenal dengan two-echelon location routing problem (2E-LRP) atau masalah lokasi dan rute kendaraan dua eselon (MLRKDE). Pada eselon pertama keputusan yang perlu diambil adalah penentuan lokasi fasilitas (diistilahkan satelit) dan rute kendaraan dari depo ke lokasi satelit terpilih. Pada eselon kedua dilakukan penentuan rute kendaraan dari satelit ke masing-masing pelanggan mempertimbangan jumlah permintaan dan kapasitas kendaraan. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan dua algoritma metaheuristik yaitu Simulated Annealing (SA) dan Large Neighborhood Search (LNS). Operator yang digunakan kedua algoritma tersebut didesain khusus untuk permasalahan MLRKDE. Algoritma SA menggunakan operator swap, insert, dan reverse. Algoritma LNS menggunakan operator perusakan (random route removal, worst removal, route removal, related node removal, dan not related node removal) dan perbaikan (greedy insertion dan modified greedy insertion). Benchmark data dari penelitian sebelumnya digunakan untuk menguji performa kedua algoritma tersebut. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa performa algoritma SA lebih baik daripada LNS. Rata-rata nilai fungsi objektif dari SA dan LNS adalah 176.125 dan 181.478. Waktu rata-rata komputasi algoritma SA and LNS pada permasalahan ini adalah 119.02 dan 352.17 detik

    Optimization of Location-Routing for the Waste Household Appliances Recycling Logistics under the Uncertain Condition

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    Waste household appliances and electronic products usually contain harmful substances which need scientific and reasonable collection, classification, processing, recovery and disposal to achieve sustainable and effective recycling and utilization. In recent years, due to the poor management of waste household appliances recycling logistics system, safety accidents occur frequently, which seriously harm the health and life safety of the society. This paper studies the risk management of recycling waste household appliances under uncertain conditions and establishes a risk measurement model under fuzzy population density. Considering the multi-stage and classification diversity of waste household appliances recycling logistics, the multi-objective location routing model and location - routing model are established respectively. Based on the model complexity analysis, the solution method of multi-objective model is designed. Finally, the validity of the model and algorithm is verified by examples and tests

    Revisión sistemática: Técnicas de solución para el problema de enrutamiento vehicular en la gestión de residuos sólidos

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    Esta investigación aborda las técnicas de solución del problema del enrutamiento vehicular en la Gestión de Residuos Sólidos Municipales, por medio de la revisión sistemática de diversas técnicas y sus respectivos casos de aplicación, se analizó las diferentes características, particularidades y resultados de cada uno de ellos. Para la revisión sistemática se efectuó una exploración de referencias bibliográficas en diferentes bancos de datos que en su mayoría fueron halladas en Science Direct (https://www.sciencedirect.com/) y Springerlink (https://link.springer.com/). Para seleccionar los estudios que se han incluido en la presente investigación se hizo una búsqueda principalmente entre los años 2018 y 2022 predominando artículos científicos en lengua inglesa. Los estudios incluidos abarcan las técnicas de programación lineal en su mayoría, así como la técnica del algoritmo genético (SGA) y problema del vendedor ambulante (TSP), sin adentrarnos en la modelación matemática de cada uno de las técnicas estudiadas, lo que nos permitió efectuar un cotejo informativo de los resultados alcanzados en cada uno de los estudios en los que fueron aplicados, priorizando los resultados de los tiempos de recorrido, costo operativo e impactos ambientales generados. Dicha revisión sistemática concluye en que la aplicación de las técnicas de soluciones al problema de enrutamiento vehicular optimiza las circunstancias actuales en los diversos casos de estudio en relación a distancias, tiempos, costos operativos e impactos generados, considerando restricciones particulares, tipo de vehículos, distancias entre los nodos y lugares de disposición final y el tipo de residuos que se vayan a trasladar

    Multi-objective sustainable location-districting for the collection of municipal solid waste : two case studies

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    This paper presents a multi-objective location-districting optimization model for sustainable collection of municipal solid waste, motivated by strategic waste management decisions in Iran. The model aims to design an efficient system for providing municipal services by integrating the decisions regarding urban area districting and the location of waste collection centers. Three objectives are minimized, given as 1) the cost of establishing collection centers and collecting waste, 2) a measure of destructive environmental consequences, and 3) a measure of social dissatisfaction. Constraints are formulated to enforce an exclusive assignment of urban areas to districts and that the created districts are contiguous. In addition, constraints make sure that districts are compact and that they are balanced in terms of the amount of waste collected. A multi-objective local search heuristic using the farthest-candidate method is implemented to solve medium and large-scale numerical instances, while small instances can be solved directly by commercial software. A set of randomly generated test instances is used to test the effectiveness of the heuristic. The model and the heuristic are then applied to two case studies from Iran. The obtained results indicate that waste collection costs can be reduced by an estimated 20-30 %, while significantly improving the performance with respect to environmental and social criteria. Thus, the provided approach can provide important decision support for making strategic choices in municipal solid waste management. Keywords: multi-objective optimization, local search, best-worst methodpublishedVersio

    Mathematical modelling and heuristic approaches to the location-routing problem of a cost-effective integrated solid waste management

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    Integrated solid waste management (ISWM) comprises activities and processes to collect, transport, treat, recycle and dispose municipal solid wastes. This paper addresses the ISWM location-routing problem in which different types of municipal solid wastes are factored concurrently into an integrated system with all interrelated facilities. To support a cost-effective ISWM system, the number of locations of the system's components (i.e. transfer stations; recycling, treatment and disposal centres) and truck routing within the system's components need to be optimized. A mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is presented to minimise the total cost of the ISWM system including transportation costs and facility establishment costs. To tackle the non-deterministic polynomial-time hardness of the problem, a stepwise heuristic method is proposed within the frames of two meta-heuristic approaches: (i) variable neighbourhood search (VNS) and (ii) a hybrid VNS and simulated annealing algorithm (VNS + SA). A real-life case study from an existing ISWM system in Tehran, Iran is utilized to apply the proposed model and algorithms. Then the presented MILP model is implemented in CPLEX environment to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms for multiple test problems in different scales. The results show that, while both proposed algorithms can effectively solve the problem within practical computing time, the proposed hybrid method efficiently has produced near-optimal solutions with gaps of < 4%, compared to the exact results. In comparison with the current cost of the existing ISWM system in the study area, the presented MILP model and proposed heuristic methods effectively reduce the total costs by 20-22%

    Optimizing Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management System under Multiple Uncertainties

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    To define a holistic and systematic approach to municipal waste management, an integrated municipal solid waste management (IMSWM) system is proposed. This system includes functional elements of waste generation, source handling, and processing, waste collection, waste processing at facilities, transfer, and disposal. Multi-objective optimization algorithms are used to develop an optimum IMSWM that can satisfy all main pillars of sustainable development, aiming to minimize the total cost of the system (economic), and minimize the total greenhouse gas emissions (environmental), while maximizing the total social suitability of the system (social). For the social objective, the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method is used to identify the main parameters that affect the social suitability of the system. This research focuses on developing an optimized holistic model that considers all four main components of a modern IMSWM namely transfer, recycling, treatment, and disposal. The model is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem and solved using the epsilon constraint handling method. A metaheuristic method is developed using non dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA) to deal with larger problems. A solution repair function is developed to handle several equality constraints included in the proposed IMSWM model. Sensitivity analyses are conducted to identify the effect of changes in parameters on the objective functions. Based on the results, the proposed metaheuristic algorithm based on NSGA-II performed better than other algorithms. The interval-parameter programming (IPP) methods are used to consider various uncertainties that exist in the system. The model is applied to the case study of the Australian capital territory (ACT). The data is gathered from several resources including Australian national waste reports, and ACT government transport Canberra and city services (TCCS). Based on the waste characteristic and city map several feasible scenarios are recommended. Several non-dominated solutions are identified for the model that the decision-maker can choose the most desirable solution based on the preferences. Based on the importance of any objective function at any time the decision-maker can choose a solution to suit the needs