73,838 research outputs found

    Application of constrained optimization methods in health services research: Report 2 of the ISPOR Optimization Methods Emerging Good Practices Task Force

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    Background Constrained optimization methods are already widely used in health care to solve problems that represent traditional applications of operations research methods, such as choosing the optimal location for new facilities or making the most efficient use of operating room capacity. Objectives In this paper we illustrate the potential utility of these methods for finding optimal solutions to problems in health care delivery and policy. To do so, we selected three award-winning papers in health care delivery or policy development, reflecting a range of optimization algorithms. Two of the three papers are reviewed using the ISPOR Constrained Optimization Good Practice Checklist, adapted from the framework presented in the initial Optimization Task Force Report. The first case study illustrates application of linear programming to determine the optimal mix of screening and vaccination strategies for the prevention of cervical cancer. The second case illustrates application of the Markov Decision Process to find the optimal strategy for treating type 2 diabetes patients for hypercholesterolemia using statins. The third paper (described in Appendix 1) is used as an educational tool. The goal is to describe the characteristics of a radiation therapy optimization problem and then invite the reader to formulate the mathematical model for solving it. This example is particularly interesting because it lends itself to a range of possible models, including linear, nonlinear, and mixed-integer programming formulations. From the case studies presented, we hope the reader will develop an appreciation for the wide range of problem types that can be addressed with constrained optimization methods, as well as the variety of methods available. Conclusions Constrained optimization methods are informative in providing insights to decision makers about optimal target solutions and the magnitude of the loss of benefit or increased costs associated with the ultimate clinical decision or policy choice. Failing to identify a mathematically superior or optimal solution represents a missed opportunity to improve economic efficiency in the delivery of care and clinical outcomes for patients. The ISPOR Optimization Methods Emerging Good Practices Task Forceā€™s first report provided an introduction to constrained optimization methods to solve important clinical and health policy problems. This report also outlined the relationship of constrained optimization methods relative to traditional health economic modeling, graphically illustrated a simple formulation, and identified some of the major variants of constrained optimization models, such as linear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, and stochastic programming. The second report illustrates the application of constrained optimization methods in health care decision making using three case studies. The studies focus on determining optimal screening and vaccination strategies for cervical cancer, optimal statin start times for diabetes, and an educational case to invite the reader to formulate radiation therapy optimization problems. These illustrate a wide range of problem types that can be addressed with constrained optimization methods

    Taxonomic classification of planning decisions in health care: a review of the state of the art in OR/MS

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    We provide a structured overview of the typical decisions to be made in resource capacity planning and control in health care, and a review of relevant OR/MS articles for each planning decision. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, to position the planning decisions, a taxonomy is presented. This taxonomy provides health care managers and OR/MS researchers with a method to identify, break down and classify planning and control decisions. Second, following the taxonomy, for six health care services, we provide an exhaustive specification of planning and control decisions in resource capacity planning and control. For each planning and control decision, we structurally review the key OR/MS articles and the OR/MS methods and techniques that are applied in the literature to support decision making

    Essays On Stochastic Programming In Service Operations Management

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    Deterministic mathematical modeling is a branch of optimization that deals with decision making in real-world problems. While deterministic models assume that data and parameters are known, these numbers are often unknown in the real world applications.The presence of uncertainty in decision making can make the optimal solution of a deterministic model infeasible or sub-optimal. On the other hand, stochastic programming approach assumes that parameters and coefficients are unknown and only their probability distribution can be estimated. Although stochastic programming could include uncertainties in objective function and/or constraints, we only study problems that the goal of stochastic programming is to maximize (minimize) the expectation of the objective function of random variables. Stochastic programming has a wide range of application in manufacturing production planning, machine scheduling, dairy farm expansion planning, asset liability management, traffic management, and automobile dealership inventory management that involve uncertainty in decision making. One limitation of stochastic programming is that considering uncertainty in mathematical modeling often leads to a large-scale programming problem. The most widely used stochastic programming model is two-stage stochastic programming. In this model, first-stage decision variables are determined before observing the realization of uncertainties and second-stage decision variables are selected after exposing first-stage variables into the uncertainties. The goal is to determine the value of first-stage decisions in a way to maximize (minimize) the expected value of second-stage objective function. 1.1 Motivation for Designing Community-Aware Charging Network for Electric Vehicles Electric vehicles (EVs) are attracting more and more attentions these days due to increase concern about global warming and future shortage of fossil fuels. These vehicles have potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve public health condition by reducing air pollution and improving sustainability, and addressing diversication of transportation energy feedstock. Governments and policy makers have proposed two types of policy incentives in order to encourage consumers to buy an EV: direct incentives and indirect incentives. Direct incentives are those that have direct monetary value to consumers and include purchase subsidies, license tax/fee reductions, Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) financing, free electricity, free parking and emission test exemptions. On the other hand, indirect incentives are the ones that do not have direct monetary value and consist of high-occupancy vehicle access, emissions testing exemption time savings, and public charger availability. Lack of access to public charging network is considered to be a major barrier in adoption of EVs [38]. Access to public charging infrastructure will provide confidence for EV owners to drive longer distances without going out of charge and encourage EV ownership in the community. The current challenge for policy makers and city planners in installing public charging infrastructure is determining the location of these charging service stations, number of required stations and level of charging since the technology is still in its infancy and the installation cost is high. Since recharging of EV battery takes more time than refueling conventional vehicles, parking lots and garages are considered as potential locations for installing charging stations. The aim of this research is to develop a mathematical programming model to find the optimal locations with potentially high utilization rate for installing community-aware public EV charging infrastructure in order to improve accessibility to charging service and community livability metrics. In designing such charging network, uncertainties such as EV market share, state of battery charge at the time of arrival, driverā€™s willingness to charge EV away from home, arrival time to final destination, driverā€™s activity duration (parking duration), and driverā€™s walking distance preference play major role. Incorporating these uncertainties in the model, we propose a two-stage stochastic programming approach to determine the location and capacity of public EV charging network in a community. 1.2 Motivation for Managing Access to Care at Primary Care Clinics Patient access to care along with healthcare efficiency and quality of service are dimensions of health system performance measurement [1]. Improving access to primary care is a major step of having a high-performing health care system. However, many patients are struggling to get an in-time appointment with their own primary care provider (PCP). Even two years aer health insurance coverage was expanded, new patients have to wait 82% longer to get an internal-medicine appointment. A national survey shows that percentage of patients that need urgent care and could not get an appointment increased from 53% to 57% between 2006 and 2011 [30]. This delay may negatively impact health status of patients and may even lead to death. Patients that cannot get an appointment with their PCP may seek care with other providers or in emergency departments which will decrease continuity of care and increase total cost of health system. The main issue behind access problem is the imbalance between provider capacity and patient demand. While provider panel size is already large, the shortage in primary care providers and increasing number of patients mean that providers have to increase their panel size and serve more patients which will potentially lead to lower access to primary care. The ratio of adult primary care providers to population is expected to drop by 9% between 2005 and 2020 [12]. Moreover, patient flow analysis can increase efficiency of healthcare system and quality of health service by increasing patient and provider satisfaction through better resource allocation and utilization [39]. Effective resource allocation will smooth patient ow and reduce waste which will in turn results in better access to care. One way to control patient flow in clinic is managing appointment supply through appointment scheduling system. A well-designed appointment scheduling system can decrease appointment delay and waiting time in clinic for patients and idle time and/or overtime for physicians at the same time and increase their satisfaction. Appointment scheduling requires to make a balance between patient needs and facility resources [13]. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding for managing access to care in primary care outpatient clinics through operations management research. As a result of this under standing, we develop appointment scheduling models using two-stage stochastic programming to improve access while maintaining high levels of provider capacity utilization and improving patient flow in clinic by leveraging uncertainties in patient demand, patient no-show and provider service time variability

    A multilevel integrative approach to hospital case mix and capacity planning.

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    Hospital case mix and capacity planning involves the decision making both on patient volumes that can be taken care of at a hospital and on resource requirements and capacity management. In this research, to advance both the hospital resource efficiency and the health care service level, a multilevel integrative approach to the planning problem is proposed on the basis of mathematical programming modeling and simulation analysis. It consists of three stages, namely the case mix planning phase, the master surgery scheduling phase and the operational performance evaluation phase. At the case mix planning phase, a hospital is assumed to choose the optimal patient mix and volume that can bring the maximum overall financial contribution under the given resource capacity. Then, in order to improve the patient service level potentially, the total expected bed shortage due to the variable length of stay of patients is minimized through reallocating the bed capacity and building balanced master surgery schedules at the master surgery scheduling phase. After that, the performance evaluation is carried out at the operational stage through simulation analysis, and a few effective operational policies are suggested and analyzed to enhance the trade-offs between resource efficiency and service level. The three stages are interacting and are combined in an iterative way to make sound decisions both on the patient case mix and on the resource allocation.Health care; Case mix and capacity planning; Master surgery schedule; Multilevel; Resource efficiency; Service level;

    HIV treatment as prevention : models, data, and questions-towards evidence-based decision-making

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    Antiretroviral therapy (ART) for those infected with HIV can prevent onward transmission of infection, but biological efficacy alone is not enough to guide policy decisions about the role of ART in reducing HIV incidence. Epidemiology, economics, demography, statistics, biology, and mathematical modelling will be central in framing key decisions in the optimal use of ART. PLoS Medicine, with the HIV Modelling Consortium, has commissioned a set of articles that examine different aspects of HIV treatment as prevention with a forward-looking research agenda. Interlocking themes across these articles are discussed in this introduction. We hope that this article, and others in the collection, will provide a foundation upon which greater collaborations between disciplines will be formed, and will afford deeper insights into the key factors involved, to help strengthen the support for evidence-based decision-making in HIV prevention

    Simulation-Based Inference for Global Health Decisions

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of in-silico epidemiological modelling in predicting the dynamics of infectious diseases to inform health policy and decision makers about suitable prevention and containment strategies. Work in this setting involves solving challenging inference and control problems in individual-based models of ever increasing complexity. Here we discuss recent breakthroughs in machine learning, specifically in simulation-based inference, and explore its potential as a novel venue for model calibration to support the design and evaluation of public health interventions. To further stimulate research, we are developing software interfaces that turn two cornerstone COVID-19 and malaria epidemiology models COVID-sim, (https://github.com/mrc-ide/covid-sim/) and OpenMalaria (https://github.com/SwissTPH/openmalaria) into probabilistic programs, enabling efficient interpretable Bayesian inference within those simulators

    Economic evaluation using decision analytical modelling : design, conduct, analysis, and reporting

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    Economic evaluations are increasingly conducted alongside randomised controlled trials, providing researchers with individual patient data to estimate cost effectiveness. However, randomised trials do not always provide a sufficient basis for economic evaluations used to inform regulatory and reimbursement decisions. For example, a single trial might not compare all the available options, provide evidence on all relevant inputs, or be conducted over a long enough time to capture differences in economic outcomes (or even measure those outcomes). In addition, reliance on a single trial may mean ignoring evidence from other trials, meta-analyses, and observational studies. Under these circumstances, decision analytical modelling provides an alternative framework for economic evaluation. Decision analytical modelling compares the expected costs and consequences of decision options by synthesising information from multiple sources and applying mathematical techniques, usually with computer software. The aim is to provide decision makers with the best available evidence to reach a decisionā€”for example, should a new drug be adopted? Following on from our article on trial based economic evaluations, we outline issues relating to the design, conduct, analysis, and reporting of economic evaluations using decision analytical modelling
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