2,592 research outputs found

    Scenario Models of the World Economy

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    The purpose of this paper is threefold: First it discusses the case for building an IO-based model of the world economy, second, it discusses the type and the necessary characteristics of such a model and finally it highlights a road map for its construction. In the process it argues for the following set of propositions: a) the necessity of reviving the notion of world models b) the need to take on simultaneously the social-economic and environmental challenges and their interdependence c) the suitability of the IO framework as the basis of the next generation of world models d) the importance of bringing theory to bear on the development of the model and on policy analysis e) the importance of community for the development, support and diffusion of the model and its uses f) asserting the importance of the role of IIOA in building that community g) a focus on interdisciplinarity rather than on the export of economic logic alone to the social and environmental dimensions h) the importance of a scenario-based approach and i) the need to develop and integrate the financial side along with the real side of the economy.Forecast, World Economy;Input-Output Models

    From manufacturing to design : an essay on the work of Kim B. Clark. Harvard Business School Working Paper- 07-057

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    In this paper, we describe Clark's research and discuss his contributions to management scholarship and economics. We look at three distinct bodies of work. In the first, Clark (in conjunction with Robert Hayes and Steven Wheelwright) argued that the abandonment by U.S. managers of manufacturing as a strategic function exposed U.S. companies to Japanese competition in terms of the cost and quality of goods. In the second, conducted with Wheelwright, Bruce Chew, Takahiro Fujimoto, Kent Bowen and Marco Iansiti, Clark made the case that product development could be managed in new ways that would lead to significant competitive advantage for firms. Finally, in work conducted with Abernathy, Rebecca Henderson and Carliss Baldwin, Clark placed product and process designs at the center of his explanation of how innovation determines the structure and evolution of industries.

    From manufacturing to design : an essay on the work of Kim B. Clark. Harvard Business School Working Paper- 07-057

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    Working PaperIn this paper, we describe Clark's research and discuss his contributions to management scholarship and economics. We look at three distinct bodies of work. In the first, Clark (in conjunction with Robert Hayes and Steven Wheelwright) argued that the abandonment by U.S. managers of manufacturing as a strategic function exposed U.S. companies to Japanese competition in terms of the cost and quality of goods. In the second, conducted with Wheelwright, Bruce Chew, Takahiro Fujimoto, Kent Bowen and Marco Iansiti, Clark made the case that product development could be managed in new ways that would lead to significant competitive advantage for firms. Finally, in work conducted with Abernathy, Rebecca Henderson and Carliss Baldwin, Clark placed product and process designs at the center of his explanation of how innovation determines the structure and evolution of industries

    Modelling and macroeconomic analysis of a Solar PV/diesel hybrid power plant

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    This research thesis covers the latest research on renewable energy globally and focuses on the solar panel and biofuels market. A full macroeconomic analysis is done on the Chinese Taipei, and this results in some parameters which then become the basis of this research. The macroeconomic parameters are then put into a tabular form and applied to India, Turkey and Australia to see how much weight the analysis can hold and if there is enough data per country on the macroeconomic parameters chosen. This research thesis conducts a shorter, custom version of a macroeconomic analysis on a South African area, and considers the national Gross Domestic Product, pollution, length of transmission lines, weather factors such as sunlight and temperature and more. Following from this, a hybrid power system is developed under these circumstances and the information is compared with past research. A very informative discussion is then had as to what the model means on a macroeconomic scale and how it performs technically. The technical solution at this point has no economic barriers. Economics can be a tool and not a financial hurdle in the face of technological advancement

    Quantitative Framework to Assess Resilience and Risk at the Country Level

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    This paper presents a quantitative method to assess the resilience and the resilience-based risk at the country level. The approach is inspired by the classical risk analysis, in which risk is a function of vulnerability, hazard, and exposure. In the proposed analysis, resilience based risk is a function of resilience, hazard, and exposure. In the new formula, the resilience parameter is evaluated using the data provided by the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). HFA scores and ranks countries based on a number of equally weighted indicators. To use those indicators in the resilience assessment, the contribution of each indicator toward resilience must be determined. To do that, three methods to weight and combine the different HFA indicators are proposed. The first two methods are based on the dependence tree analysis (DTA), while the third method is based on a geometrical combination of the indicators using spider plots. The proposed methodology has been applied to a case study composed of 37 countries for which both the resilience (R) and the resilience-based risk (RBR) indexes have been determined

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    Characterization of new flexible players: Deliverable D3.2

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    Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: The subject matter of this report is the analysis of the electricity markets’ actors’ scene, through the identification of actor classes and the characterisation of actors from a behavioural and an operational perspective. The technoeconomic characterization of market participants aims to support the upcoming model enhancements by aligning the agent-based model improvements with the modern market design challenges and the contemporary characteristics of players. This work has been conducted in the context of task T3.2, which focuses on the factorization of the distinctive operational and behavioural characteristics of players in market structures. Traditional parties have been considered together with new and emerging roles, while special focus has been given on new actors related to flexible technologies and demand-side response. Among the main objectives have been the characterization of individual behaviours, objectives and requirements of different electricity market players, considering both the traditional entities and the new distributed ones, and the detailed representation of the new actors.N/

    Agriculture and Environment Handbook 2015

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