1,105 research outputs found

    Matching theory as enabler of efficient spectrum management in 5G networks

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Tsirakis, C, Lopez‐Aguilera, E, Agapiou, G, Varoutas, D. Matching theory as enabler of efficient spectrum management in 5G networks. Trans Emerging Tel Tech. 2020; 31:e3769., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.3769. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.This paper analyzes the spectrum trading problem in virtualized fifth generation (5G) networks in order to enhance the network performance with respect to the spectrum utilization. The problem is modeled as a Many-to-Many Matching (M2MM) game with utility-based preferences and determines the matching between mobile network operators and mobile virtual network operators. The two proposed versions of utility functions for each set aim at maximizing the satisfaction of both sets with conflicting interests and improving the overall spectrum efficiency. In the simulation evaluation, the proposed scheme is compared with three different schemes in terms of the system utility, individual and pair matching satisfaction. We also investigate the scalability aspects, the strategy plan impact on the matching performance of our proposed scheme, and, at the same time, we attempt to make appropriate assumptions closer to reality. Our proposed scheme shows much better performance than the other schemes achieving a quite high level of satisfaction for the matching result on both sets.Postprint (author's final draft

    Computationally Intelligent Techniques for Resource Management in MmWave Small Cell Networks

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    Ultra densification in HetNets and the advent of mmWave technology for 5G networks have led researchers to redesign the existing resource management techniques. A salient feature of this activity is to accentuate the importance of CI resource allocation schemes offering less complexity and overhead. This article overviews the existing literature on resource management in mmWave-based Het- Nets with a special emphasis on CI techniques and further proposes frameworks that ensure quality of service requirements for all network entities. More specifically, HetNets with mmWave-based small cells pose different challenges compared to an all-microwave- based system. Similarly, various modes of small cell access policies and operations of base stations in dual mode, that is, operating both mmWave and microwave links simultaneously, offer unique challenges to resource allocation. Furthermore, the use of multi-slope path loss models becomes inevitable for analysis due to irregular cell patterns and blocking characteristics of mmWave communications. This article amalgamates the unique challenges posed because of the aforementioned recent developments and proposes various CI-based techniques, including game theory and optimization routines, to perform efficient resource management