4 research outputs found

    Geometric Optimization Problem Solving: Matching Sets of Line Segments and Multi-robot Path Planning

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringWe study two geometric optimization problems: Line segments pattern matching and multi-robot path planning. We give approximation algorithms for matching two sets of line segments in constant dimension. We consider several versions of the problem: Hausdorff distance, bottleneck distance and largest common subset. We study these similarity measures under several sets of transformations: translations in arbitrary dimension, rotations about a fixed point and rigid motions in two dimensions. As opposed to previous theoretical work on this problem, we match segments individually, in other words we regard our two input sets as sets of segments rather than unions of segments. Then we consider a multi-robot path planning problem. A collection of square robots need to move on the integer grid, from their given starting points to their target points, and without collision between robots, or between robots and a set of input obstacles. We designed and implemented three algorithms for this problem. First, we computed a feasible solution by placing middle-points outside of the minimum bounding box of the starting positions, the target positions and the obstacles, and moving each robot from its starting point to its target point through a middle-point. Second, we applied a simple local search approach where we repeatedly delete and insert again a random robot through an optimal path. It improves the quality of the solution, as the robots no longer need to go through the middle-points. Finally, we used simulated annealing to further improve this feasible solution.ope

    Geometric uncertainty models for correspondence problems in digital image processing

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    Many recent advances in technology rely heavily on the correct interpretation of an enormous amount of visual information. All available sources of visual data (e.g. cameras in surveillance networks, smartphones, game consoles) must be adequately processed to retrieve the most interesting user information. Therefore, computer vision and image processing techniques gain significant interest at the moment, and will do so in the near future. Most commonly applied image processing algorithms require a reliable solution for correspondence problems. The solution involves, first, the localization of corresponding points -visualizing the same 3D point in the observed scene- in the different images of distinct sources, and second, the computation of consistent geometric transformations relating correspondences on scene objects. This PhD presents a theoretical framework for solving correspondence problems with geometric features (such as points and straight lines) representing rigid objects in image sequences of complex scenes with static and dynamic cameras. The research focuses on localization uncertainty due to errors in feature detection and measurement, and its effect on each step in the solution of a correspondence problem. Whereas most other recent methods apply statistical-based models for spatial localization uncertainty, this work considers a novel geometric approach. Localization uncertainty is modeled as a convex polygonal region in the image space. This model can be efficiently propagated throughout the correspondence finding procedure. It allows for an easy extension toward transformation uncertainty models, and to infer confidence measures to verify the reliability of the outcome in the correspondence framework. Our procedure aims at finding reliable consistent transformations in sets of few and ill-localized features, possibly containing a large fraction of false candidate correspondences. The evaluation of the proposed procedure in practical correspondence problems shows that correct consistent correspondence sets are returned in over 95% of the experiments for small sets of 10-40 features contaminated with up to 400% of false positives and 40% of false negatives. The presented techniques prove to be beneficial in typical image processing applications, such as image registration and rigid object tracking

    Matching sets of line segments

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    We give approximation algorithms for matching two sets of line segments in constant dimension. We consider several versions of the problem: Hausdorff distance, bottleneck distance and largest common subset. We study these similarity measures under several sets of transformations: translations in arbitrary dimension, rotations about a fixed point and rigid motions in two dimensions. As opposed to previous theoretical work on this problem, we match segments individually, in other words we regard our two input sets as sets of segments rather than unions of segments. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Matching Sets of Line Segments

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    We give approximation algorithms for matching two sets of line segments in constant dimension. We consider several versions of the problem: Hausdorff distance, bottleneck distance and largest common point set. We study these similarity measures under several sets of transformations: translations, rotations about a fixed point and rigid motions. As opposed to previous theoretical work on this problem, we match segments individually, in other words we regard our two input sets as sets of segments rather than unions of segments