39 research outputs found

    Survey and Benchmark of Block Ciphers for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Cryptographic algorithms play an important role in the security architecture of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Choosing the most storage- and energy-efficient block cipher is essential, due to the facts that these networks are meant to operate without human intervention for a long period of time with little energy supply, and that available storage is scarce on these sensor nodes. However, to our knowledge, no systematic work has been done in this area so far.We construct an evaluation framework in which we first identify the candidates of block ciphers suitable for WSNs, based on existing literature and authoritative recommendations. For evaluating and assessing these candidates, we not only consider the security properties but also the storage- and energy-efficiency of the candidates. Finally, based on the evaluation results, we select the most suitable ciphers for WSNs, namely Skipjack, MISTY1, and Rijndael, depending on the combination of available memory and required security (energy efficiency being implicit). In terms of operation mode, we recommend Output Feedback Mode for pairwise links but Cipher Block Chaining for group communications

    Polytopic Cryptanalysis

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    Standard differential cryptanalysis uses statistical dependencies between the difference of two plaintexts and the difference of the respective two ciphertexts to attack a cipher. Here we introduce polytopic cryptanalysis which considers interdependencies between larger sets of texts as they traverse through the cipher. We prove that the methodology of standard differential cryptanalysis can unambiguously be extended and transferred to the polytopic case including impossible differentials. We show that impossible polytopic transitions have generic advantages over impossible differentials. To demonstrate the practical relevance of the generalization, we present new low-data attacks on round-reduced DES and AES using impossible polytopic transitions that are able to compete with existing attacks, partially outperforming these

    Links Between Truncated Differential and Multidimensional Linear Properties of Block Ciphers and Underlying Attack Complexities

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    The mere number of various apparently different statistical attacks on block ciphers has raised the question about their relationships which would allow to classify them and determine those that give essentially complementary information about the security of block ciphers. While mathematical links between some statistical attacks have been derived in the last couple of years, the important link between general truncated differential and multidimensional linear attacks has been missing. In this work we close this gap. The new link is then exploited to relate the complexities of chosen-plaintext and known-plaintext distinguishing attacks of differential and linear types, and further, to explore the relations between the key-recovery attacks. Our analysis shows that a statistical saturation attack is the same as a truncated differential attack, which allows us, for the first time, to provide a justifiable analysis of the complexity of the statistical saturation attack and discuss its validity on 24 rounds of the PRESENT block cipher. By studying the data, time and memory complexities of a multidimensional linear key-recovery attack and its relation with a truncated differential one, we also show that in most cases a known-plaintext attack can be transformed into a less costly chosen-plaintext attack. In particular, we show that there is a differential attack in the chosen-plaintext model on 26 rounds of PRESENT with less memory complexity than the best previous attack, which assumes known plaintext. The links between the statistical attacks discussed in this paper give further examples of attacks where the method used to sample the data required by the statistical test is more differentiating than the method used for finding the distinguishing propert

    Automated Truncation of Differential Trails and Trail Clustering in ARX

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    We propose a tool for automated truncation of differential trails in ciphers using modular addition, bitwise rotation, and XOR (ARX). The tool takes as input a differential trail and produces as output a set of truncated differential trails. The set represents all possible truncations of the input trail according to certain predefined rules. A linear-time algorithm for the exact computation of the differential probability of a truncated trail that follows the truncation rules is proposed. We further describe a method to merge the set of truncated trails into a compact set of non-overlapping truncated trails with associated probability and we demonstrate the application of the tool on block cipher Speck64. We have also investigated the effect of clustering of differential trails around a fixed input trail. The best cluster that we have found for 15 rounds has probability 2^−55.03 (consisting of 389 unique output differences) which allows us to build a distinguisher using 128 times less data than the one based on just the single best trail, which has probability 2^−62. Moreover, we show examples for Speck64 where a cluster of trails around a suboptimal (in terms of probability) input trail results in higher overall probability compared to a cluster obtained around the best differential trail

    On possibility of using convolutional neural networks for creating universal attacks on iterative block ciphers

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    Исследуется возможность применения свёрточных нейронных сетей к задаче анализа стойкости итеративных блочных шифров. Предлагается новый подход к построению атак-различителей на основе свёрточной нейронной сети, обученной различать графические эквиваленты шифртекстов, полученных в режиме шифрования CTR (счётчика) после разного числа раундов, в том числе после такого, которое обеспечивает удовлетворительные статистические свойства шифртекста. По аналогии со статистическими тестами, предложенный подход позволяет создавать различители без необходимости проведения аналитического исследования каждого шифра, что даёт возможность строить универсальные различители сразу для серии шифров. Предлагается несколько схем построения универсальных атак-различителей, которые, как демонстрируется экспериментально, в ряде случаев позволяют выявлять отклонения от случайности на меньших выборках и при большем числе раундов, чем ранее известные статистические тесты

    Cryptanalysis of symmetric key primitives

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    Block ciphers and stream ciphers are essential building blocks that are used to construct computing systems which have to satisfy several security objectives. Since the security of these systems depends on the security of its parts, the analysis of these symmetric key primitives has been a goal of critical importance. In this thesis we provide cryptanalytic results for some recently proposed block and stream ciphers. First, we consider two light-weight block ciphers, TREYFER and PIFEA-M. While TREYFER was designed to be very compact in order to fit into constrained environments such as smart cards and RFIDs, PIFEA-M was designed to be very fast in order to be used for the encryption of multimedia data. We provide a related-key attack on TREYFER which recovers the secret key given around 2 11 encryptions and negligible computational effort. As for PIFEA-M, we provide evidence that it does not fulfill its design goal, which was to defend from certain implementation dependant differential attacks possible on previous versions of the cipher. Next. we consider the NGG stream cipher, whose design is based on RC4 and aims to increase throughput by operating with 32-bit or 64-bit values instead of with 8-bit values. We provide a distinguishing attack on NGG which requires just one keystream word. We also show that the first few kilobytes of the keystream may leak information about the secret key which allows the cryptanalyst to recover the secret key in an efficient way. Finally, we consider GGHN, another RC4-like cipher that operates with 32-bit words. We assess different variants of GGHN-Iike algorithms with respect to weak states, in which all internal state words and output elements are even. Once GGHN is absorbed in such a weak state, the least significant bit of the plaintext words will be revealed only by looking at the ciphertext. By modelling the algorithm by a Markov chain and calculating the chain absorption time, we show that the average number of steps required by these algorithms to enter this weak state can be lower than expected at first glance and hence caution should be exercised when estimating this numbe

    Secure Block Ciphers - Cryptanalysis and Design

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    Links Between Theoretical and Effective Differential Probabilities: Experiments on PRESENT

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    Recent iterated ciphers have been designed to be resistant to differential cryptanalysis. This implies that cryptanalysts have to deal with differentials having so small probabilities that, for a fixed key, the whole codebook may not be sufficient to detect it. The question is then, do these theoretically computed small probabilities have any sense? We propose here a deep study of differential and differential trail probabilities supported by experimental results obtained on a reduced version of PRESENT

    On the Data Complexity of Statistical Attacks Against Block Ciphers (full version)

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    Many attacks on iterated block ciphers rely on statistical considerations using plaintext/ciphertext pairs to distinguish some part of the cipher from a random permutation. We provide here a simple formula for estimating the amount of plaintext/ciphertext pairs which is needed for such distinguishers and which applies to a lot of different scenarios (linear cryptanalysis, differential-linear cryptanalysis, differential/truncated differential/impossible differential cryptanalysis). The asymptotic data complexities of all these attacks are then derived. Moreover, we give an efficient algorithm for computing the data complexity accurately