15 research outputs found

    A Framework for E-Service Custorm Trust -An Integrated Research Model Based on multitheoritical View

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    As a new paradigm of internet-based transaction, e-service is thriving nowadays. However, it is distinctively different from the traditional e-commerce. Taking customer-centered philosophy as fundamental focus, e-service emphasizes customization and relationship marketing based on services selling, but not tangible goods selling, which makes transaction trust, especially customer trust become more complicated. In this paper, a framework of e-service customer trust is put forward based on multitheoretical view, which will provide theoretical support for the future research

    O impacto da capacidade de marketing na internacionalização de e-services : o caso da Porto Editora : Infopédia

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    Estudos recentes sugerem que as teorias tradicionais de internacionalização empresarial não se aplicam às empresas de e-services. Tais teorias tradicionais defendem que as empresas internacionalizam-se através de abordagens comportamentais ou abordagens económicas racionais, de forma gradual e incremental. No entanto, alguns especialistas discordam e não aplicam as teorias no caso do e-commerce. Estes especialistas referem-se a e-commerce mas achamos pertinente fazer uma analogia de e-commerce para e-service partindo do pressuposto que o e-service pode ser integrado no e-commerce. Dos factores salientados, entre outros, a internacionalização depende da capacidade de marketing. A capacidade de marketing representa a capacidade de uma empresa identificar mercados-alvo, desenvolver estratégias do marketing mix, e construir e manter o relacionamento com os clientes leais. Neste contexto é importante investigar algumas questões relevantes que tornam a capacidade de marketing importante na internacionalização de e-services.Recent research suggests that a traditional theory of corporate internationalization doesn’t apply to e-services companies. Such theories argue that firms internationalize through behavioral or rational economic approaches, gradually and incrementally. However, some experts disagree and don´t apply the theories in case of e-commerce. These experts refer to e-commerce but we think is necessary to make an analogy of e-commerce to e-service on the assumption that e-service can be integrated into e-commerce. From the highlighted factors, among others, the international depends on marketing capability. The marketing capability is the ability of a company to identify target markets, developing the marketing mix strategies, and build and maintain relationships with loyal customers. In this context it is important to investigate some relevant issues that make the ability marketing major to e-services internationalization

    Factors influencing Indonesian consumers to use e-services in Indonesian airline companies

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    This study develops a research model for investigating the factors that influence consumers to use Indonesian airlines’ e-Services. It employs a two-stage sequential mixed method design comprising both field study and quantitative approaches. The research model is validated from the responses of 819 Indonesian consumers who are users of Indonesian airlines’ e-Services. The results confirm that effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, trustworthiness and outcome expectancy drives e-Services usage trough motivation and intention to use