41,399 research outputs found

    Market valuation and employee stock options;

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    This paper investigates a market-valuation-based hypothesis for employee stock options (ESOs). It examines how market valuation has affected the decision to grant ESOs, the amount of options granted, and the distribution of options among executives and rankand- file employees. I find strong empirical evidence that firms with high market valuation and high probability of future overvaluation are more likely to adopt ESOs and grant more options to their employees. Furthermore, when top executives perceive that the current market valuation is high, they grant a smaller portion of options to themselves relative to rank-and-file employees. All these results are consistent with the market-valuation rationale for ESOs, which argues that firms use ESOs as a method to sell overvalued equity

    Heterogeneous beliefs and employee stock options;

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    This paper uses a market valuation model to explore why firms grant employee stock options. When insider managers and outside investors have different opinions about the future prospects of the firm, employee stock options can be used to capture future investor overvaluation and to save employee compensation costs. Options can enhance the stock value for existing shareholders if the difference in opinion is highly volatile. The equilibrium option grant is positively correlated with both the perception error of investors, and the volatility of this error, as well as the correlation between investors 19 error and firm fundamental value. The model provides implications on the cross-sectional differences in option grants, and these implications can be examined empirically

    An Alternative Method Of Accounting For Stock Options

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    Currently, the grant date fair value of employee stock options is expensed over the vesting period. Our study introduces a new valuation approach for stock options and examines the impact of this change on earning per share (EPS) for a sample of firms over the period 2002-2011. The new valuation approach provides data useful to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) as it determines whether to revise the current option accounting rules. Under the proposed approach, options are valued at their intrinsic value on the grant date (i.e., the opportunity cost or the economic promise associated with the difference between the exercise price of the option and the market price of the stock at each measurement date) and further revalued each reporting date until the options are exercised

    Kvalificerade personaloptioner - UtmÀrkta för de unga företagen?

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    In 2017, the Parliament of Sweden enacted a new set of rules in the Income Tax Act (sw: Inkomstskattelagen (1999:1229)) regarding the taxation of certain employee stock options (sw: personaloptioner), which came into force on January 1, 2018. These rules created a new category of employee stock options called qualified employee stock options. These new options are not taxable benefits when the market value of the instrument exceeds the remuneration the employee/option holder has paid to obtain it, in contrast to other securities (sw. vĂ€rdepapper) and employee stock options. However, the options are not completely exempt from tax, instead they are subject to capital gains tax when the underlying asset is sold. In order to be exempt from labour taxation when the option is acquired or exercised, an option has to fulfil legal requirements in order to be a qualified employee stock option. The purpose of this essay is to examine what constitutes a qualified employee stock option, by examining the delimitation between securities and employee stock options as well as examining the legal requirements an employee stock option must fulfil in order to be qualified, focusing on the rules of valuation and the rule on maximum ownership in the issuing company. The essay also analyses whether or not the new rules are compatible with the principles of equality and neutrality, two key principles in Swedish tax law in light of the purpose of the new rules. The delimitation between securities and employee stock option differs depending on whether the option is a warrant (sw. teckningsoption) or a call option (sw. köpoption). Warrants keep their status as securities if the holder is able to realize a value equal to or exceeding the cost of the warrant, whereas call options lose their status as securities if the holder is not able to receive at least the market value of the option. The new set of rules do not change how the delimitation is made, but they have brought the term “employee stock options” into the letter of the law. The rules of valuation of qualified employee stock options in Chapter 11 a, Section 13 of the Income Tax Act facilitate the valuation of these options in comparison to the valuation of other securities and employee stock options, as there are exact rules on how to value such options, thus avoiding the problems facing valuation of assets that are not publicly-traded. The rules focus on the circumstances when the qualified employee stock option is acquired, thus enabling the employee/option holder to predict the future taxation of exercising the option. The same conclusion can be made about the rules regarding maximum ownership in the company that has issued the employee stock option. Lastly, the new rules are not in accordance with the principles of equality and neutrality as they treat both different people and different types of income differently. However, as the new rules serve their purpose, I conclude that they are a reasonable deviation from the aforementioned principles, although different valuation of different qualified employee stock options is not motivated. In addition to this, I also find that the distinction between securities and employee stock options should clarified, in order for the new rules to fully fulfil their purpose.1 januari 2018 trĂ€dde nya regler om beskattning av vissa personaloptioner ikraft. Dessa regler innebĂ€r att den förmĂ„nsbeskattning som sker vid förvĂ€rv av personaloptioner pĂ„ förmĂ„nliga grunder pĂ„ grund av anstĂ€llning inte ska ske, om en rad villkor Ă€r uppfyllda. Dessa kvalificerade personaloptioner Ă€r dock inte helt skattebefriade, dĂ„ eventuell kapitalvinst pĂ„ de underliggande andelar som optionsinnehavaren har förvĂ€rvat vid utnyttjande av optionen kommer att kapitalvinstbeskattas enligt allmĂ€nna regler och eventuellt enligt fĂ„mansföretagarreglerna. De nya reglerna stĂ„r i centrum för detta arbete och arbetet syftar till att faststĂ€lla vad som konstituerar en kvalificerad personaloption genom att dels utreda grĂ€nsdragningen mellan vĂ€rdepapper och personaloptioner, dels genom att studera de krav som uppstĂ€lls för att en personaloption ska vara kvalificerad. I arbetet lĂ€ggs sĂ€rskilt fokus pĂ„ villkor om vĂ€rdering av kvalificerade personaloptioner och krav pĂ„ maximal Ă€garandel i utgivande bolag. Dessutom analyseras de nya reglernas överensstĂ€mmelse med likformighets- och neutralitetsprinciperna och i vad mĂ„n reglerna Ă€r en Ă€ndamĂ„lsenlig avvikelse frĂ„n dessa principer. Var grĂ€nsen gĂ„r mellan vĂ€rdepapper och personaloptioner skiljer sig Ă„t baserat pĂ„ vilken slags option grĂ€nsdragningen avser. Teckningsoptioner kan behĂ€ftas med mer omfattande förfoganderĂ€ttsinskrĂ€nkningar Ă€n köpoptioner. Teckningsoptioner behöver endast innebĂ€ra att optionsinnehavaren trots förfoganderĂ€ttsinskrĂ€nkningarna har möjlighet att tillgodogöra sig ett vĂ€rde motsvarande anskaffningsvĂ€rdet pĂ„ teckningsoptionen för utgöra vĂ€rdepapper, samtidigt som köpoptioner förlorar sin vĂ€rdepappersstatus om förfoganderĂ€ttsinskrĂ€nkningar hindrar innehavaren frĂ„n att tillgodogöra sig marknadsvĂ€rdet. De nya reglerna förĂ€ndrar inte rĂ€ttslĂ€get i denna del, men sedan Ă„rsskiftet ingĂ„r begreppet ”personaloption” i lagtext till skillnad frĂ„n tidigare. Reglerna om vĂ€rdering i 11 a kap. 13 § IL innebĂ€r att vĂ€rdering av kvalificerade personaloptioner förĂ€ndras i jĂ€mförelse med vĂ€rdering av optioner i allmĂ€nhet, dĂ„ det finns lagstadgade hjĂ€lpregler i lagrummets andra stycke om hur marknadsvĂ€rdet pĂ„ en kvalificerad personaloption ska rĂ€knas ut. De lagkrav som anknyter till vĂ€rdering av optionerna utgĂ„r dessutom frĂ„n omstĂ€ndigheterna vid förvĂ€rvet snarare Ă€n vid utnyttjande av optionen eller avyttring av de förvĂ€rvade andelarna, vilket medför förutsebarhet för optionsinnehavaren. Samma bedömning fĂ„r anses gĂ€lla avseende kravet pĂ„ maximal Ă€garandel i utgivande företag. De nya reglerna Ă€r inte förenliga med likformighets- och neutralitetsprinciperna, dĂ„ reglerna leder till olikformig behandling av sĂ„vĂ€l olika skattskyldiga som olika slags inkomster. Reglerna fĂ„r dock sĂ€gas uppfylla sitt syfte: att skapa förmĂ„nliga beskattningsregler för smĂ„, unga och innovativa företag och fĂ„r sĂ„ledes ses som en Ă€ndamĂ„lsenlig avvikelse frĂ„n de bĂ„da principerna. Detta motiverar emellertid inte att kvalificerade personaloptioner frĂ„n olika slags företag olikbehandlas. Regler kring vad som Ă€r ett vĂ€rdepapper respektive en personaloption bör dĂ€rtill förtydligas, dĂ„ skatteregler som Ă€mnar styra de skattskyldigas beteende bör vara mer förutsebara Ă€n de gĂ€llande reglerna för grĂ€nsdragning


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    New Data for Answering Old Questions Regarding Employee Stock Options

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    This paper is a description and summary of existing questions and sources of data on stock options with an emphasis on two issues; what are the issues surrounding stock options in the national accounts and what value do employees place on stock options? We survey many existing data sources and outline some of the ways these data can be used to answer questions about the use and impact of employee stock options. The data sources include administrative records from individual firms, survey data of employee perceptions, disclosure filings with the SEC and other government, nonprofit, and international sources. We explore ways to investigate the value of options to employees and their cost to the firms using data on employee exercise decisions. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for public policy, the reporting of stock options, and how options are considered in the national accounts

    Share-Option Based Compensation Expense, Shareholder Returns and Financial Crisis

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    This paper contributes to the literature that analyses the relationship between Share-Option Based Compensation (SOBC) expense and shareholder returns. It utilises a sample of financial firms listed in the European Economic Area and Switzerland between 2005 and 2016 to make inferences about the impact of the financial crisis on the above-mentioned relationship. The paper also assesses the extent to which the relationship between SOBC expense and shareholder returns during the financial crisis varies with ownership concentration. We find evidence that the positive relationship between SOBC expense and shareholder returns is significantly more apparent during the financial crisis. This suggests that investors place more emphasis on the unrecognised intangible features of SOBC contracts during the crisis, even though their associated expenses are subject to managerial discretion and measurement errors. We also find that the positive relationship between SOBC expense and shareholder returns over the financial crisis is more pronounced when ownership is more concentrated. The results of our study are robust after controlling for firm size, potential investment growth opportunities, traditional banking activities and firm self-selection bias

    Accounting for stock-based compensation: an extended clean surplus relation

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    Residual income valuation is based on the assumption that the clean surplus relation holds. As pointed out by Ohlson (2000), among others, the standard clean surplus relation is frequently violated. Moreover, standard residual income valuation models rest on the implicit assumption that future stated earnings belong to current shareholders only. This is clearly invalid for companies granting employee options. In order to overcome these deficiencies, this paper establishes an extension of the clean surplus relation and derives simple analytical solutions for the value of outstanding stocks in terms of already known accounting information. --Residual income valuation,clean surplus accounting,US-GAAP,employee stock option programs
